wants Obama to change the name of the "white house"

I thought about this a while back, and wondered when this would start up. So, here we go. I will never call it anything but the White House.
How friggin stupid!
I thought about this a while back, and wondered when this would start up. So, here we go. I will never call it anything but the White House.
How friggin stupid!
It's the white hut. When we get an American in there it can go back to being the White House.
I thought it was pretty festive when they put the rainbow colored lights on it.That had the added bonus of making all those homophobes crap their pants.
I doubt it. But, it was stupid.
The push to change the name of the "White House" is nothing more then some PC bullshit from the progressives. :cuckoo:

There is nothing nor has there ever been anything racist about the name.

Regardless of what happens, I will still refer to it as the White House.
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Have the Libs run out of issues with abortions,birth control,lesbians/transgenders,gays?
Isn't that the important issues of our times.
Fine with me. Should sell the naming rights and name it after the largest sponsor/donor/briber, same as they've done with sports stadiums.
The goal of the leftists is to change this entire country by ripping it down to the roots.

Change the name of the White House and even paint it non-white. Goof balls who claim they are really women can go to our daughters bathroom and showers. If you don't like gay marriage, too bad, you are just going to have to accept it whether you like it or not. Get rid of the "man" in military titles, that way it's not offensive, and Obama would never mispronounce Corpsman ever again.

Leftists won't be happy until the entire country looks like a politically correct circus freak show.
leave it to rightwingnut loons not to know the definition of "regressive".

that said, i think most people would agree it's silly. but of course rightwingnuts found it necessary to focus on.

Yeah, the whole country of right-wingers are focusing on this issue. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
leave it to rightwingnut loons not to know the definition of "regressive".
Actually, the term comes from honest liberals.



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