The Latest Conservative Hot Take; Greta Thunberg Is Like Hitler

Yes, imagine if this little girl had enough power—the horrible things she would do to people. Like give them good-paying green-energy jobs, reduce the amount of deadly particulate matter in the air they breathe, invest heavily in a renewable energy economy, take on the worst excesses of the fossil fuel industry, and—worst of all—sharply reduce greenhouse-gas emissions in order to secure a sustainable future for her generation and generations to come. Horrors!

Where are the adults, indeed? Because they sure as shit aren’t on BlazeTV, now are they?

She's more like a combination of a puppet and a shield.
Time is now a thoroughly woke publication.

Its founder would be mortified if he knew what it has become.

Nevertheless, I subscribed to it a few months ago because they offered it for a year at $15.

I, of course, skim it and then toss it into the wastebasket, but occasionally there may be an article that interests me.

The cover showing that silly little girl is an indication of the depths to which American journalism has sunk.

Nothing wrong with solid opposition research.

I used to go to Daily Kos all the time, but now CNN is good enough to get the pulse of the woke morons and see what "ideas" are currently being pushed.
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Unlike Trump, she did not have to make up Time Magazine covers
I'll bet you don't even know who this kid is.

He is far more deserving of a Time Cover than the angry spoiled brat.

5th post
Wow. So a victim saying "stop shooting up our schools " is "spewing politics" ? What a unique world you oddballs live in .

It's not what he is saying, it's that his solution is to restrict or ban the ownership of guns by people who are not and will never shoot up said schools.
You just have to read these posts by these Cons to see how they live their lives in absolute fear. It is beyond sad, it is tragic. It is tragic just how far the so-called “conservative“ has fallen down the rabbit hole of fear. Fear of a teenager. Fear of the future.

Greta is right to focus on climate change and the environment. I don‘t know why so many fear it.
conservatives live their lives in fear? do a hell of a lot of liberals.....
So you claim.

But Greta is a marxist. That is the way she was raised and indoctrinated by her leftard parents.

And she si the topic so way do you want to change the topic from her, and her marxism to an attack on rich people?

Do you see how this looks to any reasonable observer?
She is an environmental activist that is a threat to the fossil fuel industry therefore you hate her. No need to invent excuses. Simpletons often shoot the messenger.

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