The Joys of State Run Healthcare

There are and they aren't, depends on what needs done. Also, depends if the hospital staff stole the surgical equipment that was needed for your operation, that has now had to be cancelled.
Now, if I said, "Just pay privately", someone could say, "Folk can't afford to do that". But we pay half in tax on healthcare compared to the US system. So that just means, those folk who can't afford half healthcare obviously can not afford America's healthcare.

Neither system is perfect, but I tell you what, give me the UK's health system anyday of the week rather than America's.
If I had been in the UK, I would have died.

I'm alive because I was here in the US.

So I will happily disagree with yiu.
I can’t comment on the NHS, not having lived there for a long time.

My doctor in Germany, who’s an American, and also a surgeon at one of the local hospitals, and l have were having a discussion about the different systems, he having worked in the British, the American, and the German. I asked him which one he preferred, and he said: the German, because it was fair to everyone.
The thing is, you never hear the good times, you always hear the bad times. From the late 60's (being born), till now, I've never had a problem with doctors and hospitals.

The Left in the UK hate the NHS because every second sentence, they blurt out their disgust with the NHS.

On a thread tonks back, I covered how many million interactions there are between the NHS services and the public. You are talking millions a day, and the number of problems was a lower percentage than those who died of COVID compared to population. But UK Lefties just go on and on and on and on on how shit it all is.

Blair (Labour) was in for 12+ years. What happened? No increase in doctors, investment went up (private and not government money, hence the decades of cost and harm), and he put a wedge between the NHS and doctors. But do you hear the Left mention this? Well no because they always claim when their party leader changes, all past Labour parties are null and void. But to the likes of Tommy Tit Tommy Tainant and Deadbeat Deadstick always claim Tories are Thatcherites. If the world wants to examine retards, then there's two prime candidates.
You haven't been out of the US, have you :laughing0301:

Where does the US rank in the world for healthcare?​

The US ranks 69th in the world for healthcare according to the Legatum Prosperity Index.

Many times. New Zealand had the nicest doctors, but the worst equipment I have ever seen in a 1st world country.
State healthcare in the UK pays 83% into the healthcare system. It costs half the UK taxpayer in healthcare cost than the US. You can give birth in the UK and cost £0, in the us, $1million.

The advantage in the UK is, just pay for some or all of your healthcare procedures when needed at a millionth of the cost Americans pay. For example, 20 years ago, I paid £500 for an MRI scan on my back with consultants opinion. I went from 3 months waiting list to next day. Then everything else from then on, I just used the NHS and it cost £0.

I broke my knee, x-rayed same day, hospital bed overnight, cast the next morning and then home, cost £0. Now in the US the cost would be $1million.

Healthcare in the US is below third world level, and if you don't believe me, Google it!! That's why your life expectancy is piss poor with added diarrhoea.

Go on YouTube and listen to Americans that moved to Europe. They will tell you how shit you healthcare system is. If only enough of you goons got passports and experienced the world, you wouldn't spew out the same ole rhetoric. When it comes to things outside of your border, THICK AS FUCK.
/—-/ $1 million to have a baby in the US? What are you smoking?
I can’t comment on the NHS, not having lived there for a long time.

My doctor in Germany, who’s an American, and also a surgeon at one of the local hospitals, and l have were having a discussion about the different systems, he having worked in the British, the American, and the German. I asked him which one he preferred, and he said: the German, because it was fair to everyone.
"BECAUSE IT WAS FAIR TO EVERYONE". Not because it was the best, or the most modern, or the most progressive or researched the most modern and best procedures, but because it was fair. He is a socialist third rater who is happy to muddle along in the middle of his profession.
The thing that struck me during my sojourn in the American hospital, was the number of people employed to perform sundry tasks the nurse would do in Europe.
Because in the USA nurses are MD's lite, highly paid professionals who are wasted mopping floors and changing bedpans.
/—-/ $1 million to have a baby in the US? What are you smoking?
You're an idiot. A broken knee here would be an immediate x-ray using a digital machine that gave an immediate print, an on-call orthopedic surgeon to set it if necessary and you'd likely be out of the hospital in hours to overnight. Total cost a couple of grand. Broken bones are e-rayed and set in doctor's offices with no hospital visit needed. OPut of pocket costs after insurance or Medicare one hundred dollars, Medicaid (medical welfare) cost ZERO dollars.
Because in the USA nurses are MD's lite, highly paid professionals who are wasted mopping floors and changing bedpans.

I didn’t say the European nurses mopped floors. African workers usually do that job.

A case in point, if you are remotely interested, and it’s only an observation, not a criticism or reason for arguing.

During my US ICU stay, they took blood for testing every morning. A guy was tasked with the job of finding a vein, but he could not insert the needle to withdraw the blood. A nurse had to do that. I don’t know what his title was.
You're an idiot. A broken knee here would be an immediate x-ray using a digital machine that gave an immediate print, an on-call orthopedic surgeon to set it if necessary and you'd likely be out of the hospital in hours to overnight. Total cost a couple of grand. Broken bones are e-rayed and set in doctor's offices with no hospital visit needed. OPut of pocket costs after insurance or Medicare one hundred dollars, Medicaid (medical welfare) cost ZERO dollars.
/——/ From post #123. Try and keep up: “You can give birth in the UK and cost £0, in the us, $1million.”
^ And speaking of floor moppers, the best ones l saw were in Cyprus, where l was hospitalised earlier this year. ( Ever since the first two Covid vaccines, l've had health issues) l wish l could mop the floor like that.
I didn’t say the European nurses mopped floors. African workers usually do that job.

A case in point, if you are remotely interested, and it’s only an observation, not a criticism or reason for arguing.

During my US ICU stay, they took blood for testing every morning. A guy was tasked with the job of finding a vein, but he could not insert the needle to withdraw the blood. A nurse had to do that. I don’t know what his title was.
He must have been a trainee, phlebotomists draw blood, not RNs.
You haven't been out of the US, have you :laughing0301:

The US ranks 69th in the world for healthcare according to the Legatum Prosperity Index.

“World Population Review” :laughing0301:

U.S. healthcare is #1 in the world and it’s not even close.

Billionaire oil sheiks and kings don’t fly around the world for “the 69th healthcare system”, you high school dropout 🤣🤣🤣

The thing that struck me during my sojourn in the American hospital, was the number of people employed to perform sundry tasks the nurse would do in Europe.
Which is why those systems are far inferior to the U.S. I don’t want a nurse doing anything on me other than taking vitals. I want a doctor.
That is garbage and dishonest .

It is a matter of the total number in percentage terms and degree of dissatisfaction .

You punish individual mistakes but you do not generalise from individual cases
An average poll of patients may indeed favor national healthcare. That's because most people seldom need a doctor while young and even middle aged. The problem is when a patient starts not being able to control their bladder, bowels, has trouble just standing up, etc. That requires a lot of money to pay for nursing care which, because healthcare is with the State, is subject to political whims.
Which is why those systems are far inferior to the U.S. I don’t want a nurse doing anything on me other than taking vitals. I want a doctor.

So what are you complaining about? You’re in the US, aren’t you, and not some gulag?

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