The Jew Question?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I was reading and thinking... Im not sure where I stand on it, I cannot believe all jews are bad, even the average Joe, who owns a store or something. There are Jews who are poor, there are jews who distribute food the poor and homeless and do good deeds I saw all of that. I cannot condemn jews, as a people or as one collective. But I think that many satanists are jews, that is obvious, many elite satanists and globalists are jews, like George Soros, . I believe that the evil guys are what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" who say they are jews but are not, also nothing of that stuff is really in the Torah, like all the progressive stuff etc. Any fair and realistic opinion?
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When you go ranting about elite satanists and globalists, you won't get much fair or realistic discussion, but the batshit crazy conspiracy theory nuts here will probably be happy to join in.
I was reading and thinking... Im not sure where I stand on it, I cannot believe all jews are bad, even the average Joe, who owns a store or something. There are Jews who are poor, there are jews who distribute food the poor and homeless and do good deeds I saw all of that. I cannot condemn jews, as a people or as one collective. But I think that many satanists are jews, that is obvious, many elite satanists and globalists are jews, like George Soros, even the founder of the church of satan was a half jew. I believe that the evil guys are what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" who say they are jews but are not, also nothing of that stuff is really in the Torah, like all the progressive stuff etc. Any fair and realistic opinion?
The Ashkenazi Jews today are descendants of the Khazars, a Turkic people from central Asia who converted en masse to Judaism in the 7th century--even getting their genitals mutilated--with lots of European admixture. So Jesus couldn't have been talking about them. He was addressing the Pharisees.
I was reading and thinking... Im not sure where I stand on it, I cannot believe all jews are bad, even the average Joe, who owns a store or something. There are Jews who are poor, there are jews who distribute food the poor and homeless and do good deeds I saw all of that. I cannot condemn jews, as a people or as one collective. But I think that many satanists are jews, that is obvious, many elite satanists and globalists are jews, like George Soros, even the founder of the church of satan was a half jew. I believe that the evil guys are what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" who say they are jews but are not, also nothing of that stuff is really in the Torah, like all the progressive stuff etc. Any fair and realistic opinion?
Are you allergic to research???? Here is the founder of Satanism and he was not a Jew:

There is no such thing as a half Jew.
Your English grammar is atrocious. I know hundreds of Jews and none are Satanists.

Attention, moderators! You guys really blew it when you approved this clown's post.
Are you allergic to research???? Here is the founder of Satanism and he was not a Jew:

There is no such thing as a half Jew.
Your English grammar is atrocious. I know hundreds of Jews and none are Satanists.

Attention, moderators! You guys really blew it when you approved this clown's post.
Anton La Vey was Gypsy and Jew I think. Or Jew and English or English JEw and Gypsy.
I was reading and thinking... Im not sure where I stand on it, I cannot believe all jews are bad, even the average Joe, who owns a store or something. There are Jews who are poor, there are jews who distribute food the poor and homeless and do good deeds I saw all of that. I cannot condemn jews, as a people or as one collective. But I think that many satanists are jews, that is obvious, many elite satanists and globalists are jews, like George Soros, even the founder of the church of satan was a half jew. I believe that the evil guys are what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" who say they are jews but are not, also nothing of that stuff is really in the Torah, like all the progressive stuff etc. Any fair and realistic opinion?
A recent poll of Jews sponsored by some Jewish organization showed that nine out of ten Jews believe antisemitism is a problem or serious problem in the United States. That shows us a few things:
  1. Jewish assessment of gentile society is unrelated to reality.
  2. Jews can never be satisfied with any form of gentile governance; it's ALWAYS a threat and must be destroyed or controlled by Jews
  3. Any people who believes en masse that there is a vast conspiracy by the whole world handed down from generation to generation that seeks to destroy them is a dangerous people. If you really believe that, then, of course, you should genocide the world before it genocides you. For this reason Jews are inherently dangerous.
  4. Antisemitism is a myth, the word was introduced by the Eastern rabbinate in 1880 primarily as a means to terrify Jews and keep them from joining humanity.
Are you allergic to research???? Here is the founder of Satanism and he was not a Jew:

There is no such thing as a half Jew.
Your English grammar is atrocious. I know hundreds of Jews and none are Satanists.

Attention, moderators! You guys really blew it when you approved this clown's post.
Don't listen to him Mortimer. Of course there are half Jews. If a Jew and an African have a child, the child is half Jew and half African. That's because other peoples of Palestine, and most especially the Galileans, would not submit to Rome and after many risings and campaigns the Romans entered and razed Jerusalem. Judea was declared conquered territory and the name vanished from the map. For long periods during the next nineteen hundred years no Jews at all lived in Jerusalem (the Samaritans, a tiny remnant of whom have survived all the persecutions, are the only people who have lived continuously in Palestine since Old Testamentary times).
I was reading and thinking... Im not sure where I stand on it, I cannot believe all jews are bad, even the average Joe, who owns a store or something. There are Jews who are poor, there are jews who distribute food the poor and homeless and do good deeds I saw all of that. I cannot condemn jews, as a people or as one collective. But I think that many satanists are jews, that is obvious, many elite satanists and globalists are jews, like George Soros, . I believe that the evil guys are what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" who say they are jews but are not, also nothing of that stuff is really in the Torah, like all the progressive stuff etc. Any fair and realistic opinion?

People are evil all over. But people love to blame others.
I cannot believe all jews are bad,
Well... that's a start, anyway. I think Jews are the same as any other ethnic group or individual human beings. For those who buy into Jew-hate, I think they risk picking the wrong enemies.
The people, whom their holy book calls the chosen ones, under capitalism, which puts forward, that the the main goal is achieving profit by any means, can be dangerous. A bad combination - belief in your divine exclusivity and a lot of money at your disposal...
The people, whom their holy book calls the chosen ones, under capitalism, which puts forward, that the the main goal is achieving profit by any means, can be dangerous. A bad combination - belief in your divine exclusivity and a lot of money at your disposal...
You are a liar
When you go ranting about elite satanists and globalists, you won't get much fair or realistic discussion, but the batshit crazy conspiracy theory nuts here will probably be happy to join in.
You're catering to "certain lewd men of the baser sort" with whom we conservatives do not care to associate. And you've got Something To Hide from the rest of us with that New World Order agenda of One World Government.
You're catering to "certain lewd men of the baser sort" with whom we conservatives do not care to associate. And you've got Something To Hide from the rest of us with that New World Order agenda of One World Government.
New World Order? Did they supply a tinfoil hat with that New World Order flyer?

The Jew Question?​

Oh! I know this one.

"If you had six Jews who were shopping for clothes and five Jews who were shopping for home furnishings, how much of a discount would they receive?".

Don't forget to show your math.
A bad combination - belief in your divine exclusivity and a lot of money at your disposal...

I was reading and thinking... Im not sure where I stand on it, I cannot believe all jews are bad, even the average Joe, who owns a store or something. There are Jews who are poor, there are jews who distribute food the poor and homeless and do good deeds I saw all of that. I cannot condemn jews, as a people or as one collective. But I think that many satanists are jews, that is obvious, many elite satanists and globalists are jews, like George Soros, . I believe that the evil guys are what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" who say they are jews but are not, also nothing of that stuff is really in the Torah, like all the progressive stuff etc. Any fair and realistic opinion?

That's ridiculous. No one is a satanist. Its a religious propaganda and nothing else.
How coincidental you think democrats are Satanists.

You should be asking yourself was the OP fair and realistic. You godbotherers are FITH. For people who are religious, you hate like there's no end.
Does God give you dispensation to hate democrats? Where's your hideous 10 commandments and those kind gentle words from your silly God?
Have you been coveting your neighbor's ox again?!

Burn in Hell, Sinner!

Oooooooh. Not a happy camper.
Burn in hell. That's very Christian of you to wish that on your critics.
What makes you think you are going elsewhere?

You have no evidence of anywhere but death. How arrogant are you?

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