The Jew Question?

Yep. That's deeply into tinfoil hat territory.
You're saying the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Meetings, UN, NATO, EU, etc. do not exist? Or that those institutions are not politically powerful and interested in suppressing gun rights and freedom of speech?
You're saying the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Meetings, UN, NATO, EU, etc. do not exist? Or that those institutions are not politically powerful and interested in suppressing gun rights and freedom of speech?
I'm saying that if you think any or all of them are a secret cabal who has shadow control of the world, you're nuts.
You're saying the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Meetings, UN, NATO, EU, etc. do not exist? Or that those institutions are not politically powerful and interested in suppressing gun rights and freedom of speech?
Sorry to quote myself here, but people are playing the antisemitism card and dodging the real issues here.
I'm saying that if you think any or all of them are a secret cabal who has shadow control of the world, you're nuts.
Those particular organizations which I mentioned happen to be extremely powerful political groups with a worldwide reach. Do you not think so? Or how can you deny this?
I am a big fan of Israel if that means anything, the Jews there can kick some butt.
Israel per se doesn't really have much if any official representation at any of those groups, perhaps Israelis themselves have a more conservative or "Zionist" reputation, but all the same, the New World Order political power structure tends to dominated by wealthy liberal European Jews.

We're seeing a problem throughout Judaism where the just have not separated themselves from the unjust, and this separation that needs to take place is the true meaning of the circumcision under the Law of Moses, NOT a physical cutting or mutilation of the flesh for which Moses offered a circumcision of the heart.
I was reading and thinking... Im not sure where I stand on it, I cannot believe all jews are bad, even the average Joe, who owns a store or something. There are Jews who are poor, there are jews who distribute food the poor and homeless and do good deeds I saw all of that. I cannot condemn jews, as a people or as one collective. But I think that many satanists are jews, that is obvious, many elite satanists and globalists are jews, like George Soros, . I believe that the evil guys are what Jesus called the "synagogue of satan" who say they are jews but are not, also nothing of that stuff is really in the Torah, like all the progressive stuff etc. Any fair and realistic opinion?
Time to go back on your medications.
The European pharmaceutical industry needs to be put out of business. That is nothing but a murderous organized criminal drug cártel with an unearned reputation of legitimacy.
And how would you obtain antibiotics, anti-fungals, pain medications, et cetera?
Sorry to quote myself here, but people are playing the antisemitism card and dodging the real issues here.

Those particular organizations which I mentioned happen to be extremely powerful political groups with a worldwide reach. Do you not think so? Or how can you deny this?

Israel per se doesn't really have much if any official representation at any of those groups, perhaps Israelis themselves have a more conservative or "Zionist" reputation, but all the same, the New World Order political power structure tends to dominated by wealthy liberal European Jews.

We're seeing a problem throughout Judaism where the just have not separated themselves from the unjust, and this separation that needs to take place is the true meaning of the circumcision under the Law of Moses, NOT a physical cutting or mutilation of the flesh for which Moses offered a circumcision of the heart.
Yes, organizations do exist.
No They aren't the secret evil organzations that you claim.
The Ashkenazi Jews today are descendants of the Khazars, a Turkic people from central Asia who converted en masse to Judaism in the 7th century--even getting their genitals mutilated--with lots of European admixture. So Jesus couldn't have been talking about them. He was addressing the Pharisees.

So much for being " Christian"
I am a big fan of Israel if that means anything, the Jews there can kick some butt.
How about the Nazis? They could kick some butt. You a fan of them, too? Or the Bolsheviks? They made the Nazis look like Sunday School teachers, started their genocide of Russian Christians 20 years before Hitler came to power, and dwarfed the Nazis in every category of atrocity. If that isn't kicking butt, I don't know what is. Plus, they were Jews, so you should be a super-duper fan. The Bolsheviks razed thousands of churches and hunted down the clergy like animals, murdering them with their wives and children (the rabbinate was untouched and the synagogues even began receiving funding from the state once the Bolsheviks took power). They routinely tortured their victims to death if they were "Junckers," i.e., ethnically German members of the Russian upper class. They did things like execute people by sliding them slowly feet first into furnaces--shit like that. They'd execute the children in front of the parents before executing the parents just to ensure their last minutes on earth were as agonizing as possible. Gratuitous cruelty so vile it defies human comprehension. But those Bolsheviks could kick some ass. The genocide they kicked off in 1917 ended up killing 66 million Christians before all was said and done.

It took a monster to out-monster the Bolsheviks and Stalin was the monster for the job. Eventually he wrested back control of Russia from the Bolshevik Jews. It was the Bolsheviks and their descendants who provided the initial immigrant population fleeing Stalin's persecution / the murderous invading alien force escaping justice (choose one) to establish Israel.

Greetings from Israel! The Source of Deception, Destruction, and Death for All Our Neighbors Plus Lower Manhattan Since 1948

Here's something your amazing bible magic book won't tell you. Those Bolshevik Jews are descendants of a Turkic people originally from the central Asian plains where Ghenghis Khan rampaged and raped who converted en masse to Judaism in the 7th century AD, adopting the Talmudic principles of Satanic world domination as the Judean tribal god, Jehovah, commanded in Deuteronomy.
How about the Nazis? They could kick some butt. You a fan of them, too? Or the Bolsheviks? They made the Nazis look like Sunday School teachers, started their genocide of Russian Christians 20 years before Hitler came to power, and dwarfed the Nazis in every category of atrocity. If that isn't kicking butt, I don't know what is. Plus, they were Jews, so you should be a super-duper fan. The Bolsheviks razed thousands of churches and hunted down the clergy like animals, murdering them with their wives and children (the rabbinate was untouched and the synagogues even began receiving funding from the state once the Bolsheviks took power). They routinely tortured their victims to death if they were "Junckers," i.e., ethnically German members of the Russian upper class. They did things like execute people by sliding them slowly feet first into furnaces--shit like that. They'd execute the children in front of the parents before executing the parents just to ensure their last minutes on earth were as agonizing as possible. Gratuitous cruelty so vile it defies human comprehension. But those Bolsheviks could kick some ass. The genocide they kicked off in 1917 ended up killing 66 million Christians before all was said and done.

It took a monster to out-monster the Bolsheviks and Stalin was the monster for the job. Eventually he wrested back control of Russia from the Bolshevik Jews. It was the Bolsheviks and their descendants who provided the initial immigrant population fleeing Stalin's persecution / the murderous invading alien force escaping justice (choose one) to establish Israel.

Greetings from Israel! The Source of Deception, Destruction, and Death for All Our Neighbors Plus Lower Manhattan Since 1948

Here's something your amazing bible magic book won't tell you. Those Bolshevik Jews are descendants of a Turkic people originally from the central Asian plains where Ghenghis Khan rampaged and raped who converted en masse to Judaism in the 7th century AD, adopting the Talmudic principles of Satanic world domination as the Judean tribal god, Jehovah, commanded in Deuteronomy.
? What ?

First of all Stalin was a Bolshevik, and I am not sure how many people died under his reign, but 66 million sound too high. But it might have been 20 million, that sounds about right.

After his blundering deal with Hitler, his Unkraine genocide, et al, a whole lot of people died. And let us not forget the Gulag, who knows how many people vanished inside of the camps.

And I don’t see how Hitler could have started WWII without Stalin. The Ribbentrop- Molotov Non Aggression Pact set a lot of things in motion.
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? What ?

First of all Stalin was a Bolshevik, and I am not sure how many people died under his reign, but 66 million sound too high. But it might have been 20 million, that sounds about right.

After his blundering deal with Hitler, his Unkraine genocide, et al, a whole lot of people died. And let us not forget the Gulag, who knows how many people vanished inside of the camps.

And I don’t see how Hitler could have started WWII without Stalin. The Ribbentrop- Molotov Non Aggression Pact set a lot of things in motion.
The leader of the Bolsheviks was Lenin. The number two guy was Trotsky. Stalin, in 1917, was just one of many high officials when the Bolsheviks seized power. When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin took over, but he did not consolidate his power until 1928. There was a titanic struggle betweeen him and Trotsky. Trotsky lost, fled the country, and Stalin later had him murdered in Mexico.

The genocide of Russian Christians began in 1918 and increased steadily up through Stalin's era. By the time WWII broke out, between 20-30 million people had been mass executed, tortured and executed in the CheKa basements, worked to death in the labor camps, starved to death in intentional famines. Stalin's purges eliminated the "Old Bolsheviks". Stalin was preparing an invasion of all Europe when Hitler struck. During WWII, the Bolshevik genocide back in Russia actually intensified. (we allied with those monsters, to give you an idea of what Jewish control of the media does) The Bolshevik genocide of Chrisrtians continued long after Hitler was defeated up into the 1980s. the 66 million figure is Solzhenitsyn's number. I trust him more than Wikipedia, that's for sure.

Notice that the Nazi's genocided more Europeans than Jews in the chart below



  • 140_million_70_years.jpg
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The leader of the Bolsheviks was Lenin. The number two guy was Trotsky. Stalin, in 1917, was just one of many high officials when the Bolsheviks seized power. When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin took over, but he did not consolidate his power until 1928. There was a titanic struggle betweeen him and Trotsky. Trotsky lost, fled the country, and Stalin later had him murdered in Mexico.

The genocide of Russian Christians began in 1918 and increased steadily up through Stalin's era. By the time WWII broke out, between 20-30 million people had been mass executed, tortured and executed in the CheKa basements, worked to death in the labor camps, starved to death in intentional famines. Stalin's purges eliminated the "Old Bolsheviks". Stalin was preparing an invasion of all Europe when Hitler struck. During WWII, the Bolshevik genocide back in Russia actually intensified. (we allied with those monsters, to give you an idea of what Jewish control of the media does) The Bolshevik genocide of Chrisrtians continued long after Hitler was defeated up into the 1980s. the 66 million figure is Solzhenitsyn's number. I trust him more than Wikipedia, that's for sure.

Notice that the Nazi's genocided more Europeans than Jews in the chart below

View attachment 544004
I don’t see what the argument is, Stalin and Hitler were garbage, and I’m still a big fan of Israel.

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