The Irrational Atheist

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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
The Irrational Atheist

Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens

By Vox Day


Benbella Books, Dallas

I am confident that I will convince you that this trio of New Atheists, this Unholy Trinity, are a collection of faux-intellectual frauds utilizing pseudo-scientific slight of hand in order to falsely claim that religious faith is inherently dangerous and has no place in the modern world.

The idea that he is a devotee of reason seeing through the outdated superstitions believed by less intelligent beings is the foremost conceit of the atheist.
– page 7

… 72.9 percent of professors polled described the Bible as “an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts,” compared to 17.5 percent of the general population. – page 15

… the High Church atheist’s undeveloped social skills are often so dramatic as to be reasonably described as a form of social autism. – page 16

Democrats are more than twice as likely to be someone who has dropped out of high school than to be an individual with a master’s degree. – page 19

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children. – page 20

Several hundred years ago at the triumph of the Enlightenment, which you (E.O. Wilson) and I are trying to restore, many wise well-informed people were very sure that now that we had science and enlightenment upon us, religion would soon die out.” - Daniel C. Dennett another High Priest of atheism – page 39

It is worth noting that it was neither Christians nor Muslims but revolutionary atheists inspired by Enlightenment ideals who beheaded the man known today as the father of modern chemistry, Antoine- Laurent de Lavoisier, in 1794, declaring “La Repubique n’a pas besoin de savants ne de chimistes.” (The Republic has no need of scientists or chemists.) – page 42

[La Terreur was of course the direct result of the Enlightenment, where atheist intellectuals denounced Christianity and religious leadership, in the name of “science and reason.”]
The Irrational Atheist

Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens

By Vox Day


Benbella Books, Dallas

I am confident that I will convince you that this trio of New Atheists, this Unholy Trinity, are a collection of faux-intellectual frauds utilizing pseudo-scientific slight of hand in order to falsely claim that religious faith is inherently dangerous and has no place in the modern world.

The idea that he is a devotee of reason seeing through the outdated superstitions believed by less intelligent beings is the foremost conceit of the atheist.
– page 7

… 72.9 percent of professors polled described the Bible as “an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts,” compared to 17.5 percent of the general population. – page 15

… the High Church atheist’s undeveloped social skills are often so dramatic as to be reasonably described as a form of social autism. – page 16

Democrats are more than twice as likely to be someone who has dropped out of high school than to be an individual with a master’s degree. – page 19

Studies have shown that those without religion have life expectancies seven years shorter than the average churchgoer, are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and be depressed or obese, and they are much less likely to marry or have children. – page 20

Several hundred years ago at the triumph of the Enlightenment, which you (E.O. Wilson) and I are trying to restore, many wise well-informed people were very sure that now that we had science and enlightenment upon us, religion would soon die out.” - Daniel C. Dennett another High Priest of atheism – page 39

It is worth noting that it was neither Christians nor Muslims but revolutionary atheists inspired by Enlightenment ideals who beheaded the man known today as the father of modern chemistry, Antoine- Laurent de Lavoisier, in 1794, declaring “La Repubique n’a pas besoin de savants ne de chimistes.” (The Republic has no need of scientists or chemists.) – page 42

[La Terreur was of course the direct result of the Enlightenment, where atheist intellectuals denounced Christianity and religious leadership, in the name of “science and reason.”]

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