The Irony of Whites Talking About Fatherless Black Families...

Obviously I do not need to for us to enact changes. We are doing so all without me joining.

Besides, I wouldn't last long. I couldn't pull people over for things like not wearing a seat belt or work a sobriety check point. Have some pot on you? Meh, whatever.
/——-/ So public safety ain’t your bag. We get it.
The descendants of the same people who would break up black families by selling them are today the loudest talking people trying to diss the black community about single parent families.

When people start talking about race, there are just some simple realities that cannot be denied. If you are white and don't like how you are portrayed, start thinking about how unpleasant it really is for us who are not white to be portrayed as weak inferior people who got conquered by a supposedly superior race and culture. It is not a pleasant subject. For this to end we all must face the unpleasantness.

The doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem comes from European civil law. It means; “That which is brought forth follows the belly.” This principle determined the legal status of children born by slave women in the America as well as other English or European colonies In colonial law, the partus doctrine justified enslavement, the indigenous people of the Americas and of the Africans imported to various European colonies personal property of those who imported them.

During the time American was a colony, this doctrine established de facto and de jure slavery for all children born to female slaves. Partus sequitur ventrem exempted the father from his obligations to children he fathered by slaves thereby creating the ability for slaveowners to have their way with enslaved women. Under this doctrine the biological father had no paternal responsibility to any child born to a slave woman. Because of this the slaver was provided the right to profit from exploiting the labor of children born to slaves. It gave the slaver the ability to sell children by taking them away from their biological parents. Partus sequitur ventrem was the doctrine that created the first family separation policy in what is now America.

Despite the claims of Africans selling each other, the doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem does not appear to be a part of the system of African slavery.

Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape

This was the legal doctrine that made any child of an American female slave a slave as well. It meant any white fathers had no financial responsibility for their progeny. They were free to rape their slaves at will as there were no laws against that either. With no concern for any children that might come from the forced union. In fact, there was a market for mulatto and octaroon children who would be purchased to work as domestics. Some owners (Thomas Jefferson) used their half-white slaves as their concubines, finding them more attractive the closer they were to white. Sally Hemings was Jefferson’s wife’s half-sister, the product of her father raping a slave. Then again the master might sell their offspring to keep the peace with their wives who might be annoyed at little slave children running around who favor their husbands.

Not talked about in proper society were the children of free white women and black slaves. White women who weren’t sure what color the child might be could get a legal abortion those days. “Cottonwood” was a remedy known to slaves who sometimes refused to have children after being raped or as often as the masters would like. Some women would be forced to have over a dozen children if they survived as death during childbirth was relatively common. The rare slave would be offered their freedom if they produced enough children. Sometimes the dark child of a white woman was abandoned or given away. Usually just sold off although technically they were legally free.

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Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape | by William Spivey | Dialogue & Discourse | Medium

Partus sequitur ventrem legal definition of Partus sequitur ventrem (
This guy thinks broken families are a good thing

need we say more?

I doubt if even libs like Mac1958 agree with him on that
Cops dealing with "white trash" (he may be white trash, but at least he's working)
I'm not siding with anyone.

I am being completely objective and looking at the problem from a sociological point of view.

What better way to marginalize a group of people than to criminalize everything they do?

Like I said The white kid from the suburb won't end up with a record for possession when the black kid from the hood will.

The white guy who cusses out a cop won't end up on the ground in cuffs but the Black guy who does will

In reality Blacks don't commit more crimes they just get arrested more for so called crimes than whites do.
You must not know many cops. Anyone cussing out a cop is likely to wind up cuffed and charged with anything the cop can come up with even if the charge won't hold up in court. If anything blacks get a longer leash than other races because anything done to them gets publicized.
Obviously I do not need to for us to enact changes. We are doing so all without me joining.

Besides, I wouldn't last long. I couldn't pull people over for things like not wearing a seat belt or work a sobriety check point. Have some pot on you? Meh, whatever.
So you want to pick and choose which laws YOU want enforced. I think cops should enforce all laws. That would give government at various levels an incentive to take the bad laws off the books.
So you want to pick and choose which laws YOU want enforced. I think cops should enforce all laws. That would give government at various levels an incentive to take the bad laws off the books.

It happens now. I doubt very seriously that you do exactly the speed limit all the time.
Calling it your job doesn't make it right, boss.
/——-/ It is their job, plain and simple. Police won’t arrest you in states that legalized pot.
It happens now. I doubt very seriously that you do exactly the speed limit all the time.
I regularly exceed the speed limit ON THE FREEWAY. I expect the cops to enforce it and pay my fines when caught. I use it as a sort of civil disobedience. Most freeways were designed for ninety mph way back in the sixties'; with modern cars they are safe for even higher speeds. Now on surface streets I tend to follow speed limits closely because there are safety reasons for those speeds.
Wrong. We are making changes. Police are going to learn or lose their jobs. But thanks for enforcing my point.
No, police are leaving their jobs in droves. They are doing a great job, now if the public would LEARN to be as knowledgeable with their "job" the number of incidents would be slashed to near zero.

Whose fault is it when a driver is pulled over and the driver behaves like a smart ass? How many shootings, other than from the driver at the officer, have happened when the driver simply pulls over, places their hands on the top of the steering wheel, and complied with the requests of the officer?

How many training courses are going on in problem areas for the DRIVERS. How about public service announcements?
No, police are leaving their jobs in droves. They are doing a great job, now if the public would LEARN to be as knowledgeable with their "job" the number of incidents would be slashed to near zero.

Whose fault is it when a driver is pulled over and the driver behaves like a smart ass? How many shootings, other than from the driver at the officer, have happened when the driver simply pulls over, places their hands on the top of the steering wheel, and complied with the requests of the officer?

How many training courses are going on in problem areas for the DRIVERS. How about public service announcements?

Philandro Castile was not being a smart ass. Andre Hill was doing exactly what he was told. Breonna Taylor was home minding her own business. Elijah McClain was minding his own business. Antonio Smith was doing exactly as he was told. etc etc etc.

Now here is where you make up lies about them.
There was plenty of unofficial and official racism in CA and New England too.
The point that sailed right over your head is that the white kid from the burbs wouldn't be arrested for possessing the same amount of weed.
As you know, and conveniently "forget" is that no one gets taken to jail for possession of a small amount of marijuana. They get a ticket, the same as if you roll a stop sign.

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