If intolerance is 'exclusively' from the left,

why were rightwingers physically assaulting the performance of the Shakespeare play 'Julius Caesar'??????

Ah, stunned silence. The classic RW response to being made monkeys.

Because the violence sewn by the Left is being reaped as the whirlwind you deserve.

Some on the Right have reached the point where appeasement of LW violence is no longer acceptable. You are being treated with the methods you promoted.

Kinda SUX, don't it?
If intolerance is 'exclusively' from the left,

why were rightwingers physically assaulting the performance of the Shakespeare play 'Julius Caesar'??????

Ah, stunned silence. The classic RW response to being made monkeys.

Because the violence sewn by the Left is being reaped as the whirlwind you deserve.

Some on the Right have reached the point where appeasement of LW violence is no longer acceptable. You are being treated with the methods you promoted.

Kinda SUX, don't it?

When have I ever promoted violence?
If intolerance is 'exclusively' from the left,

why were rightwingers physically assaulting the performance of the Shakespeare play 'Julius Caesar'??????

Ah, stunned silence. The classic RW response to being made monkeys.

Because the violence sewn by the Left is being reaped as the whirlwind you deserve.

Some on the Right have reached the point where appeasement of LW violence is no longer acceptable. You are being treated with the methods you promoted.

Kinda SUX, don't it?

So you're admitting that the Right is more intolerant than the Left.

If intolerance is 'exclusively' from the left,

why were rightwingers physically assaulting the performance of the Shakespeare play 'Julius Caesar'??????

Ah, stunned silence. The classic RW response to being made monkeys.

Because the violence sewn by the Left is being reaped as the whirlwind you deserve.

Some on the Right have reached the point where appeasement of LW violence is no longer acceptable. You are being treated with the methods you promoted.

Kinda SUX, don't it?

So you're admitting that the Right is more intolerant than the Left.


Absolutely not. Clearly, logic and rational thought are not your strong suits.

Here is the telling difference: leaders and prominent figures on the right are not promoting and encouraging violence. Whereas on the Left, the advocacy for violence against "non-believers" is non-stop 24/7:

We don’t have to look too hard to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page.

At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”

Liberals frequently complain that conservatives disseminate propaganda to their secretly racist supporters via “dog whistle” tactics, which send the desired message in coded language or gestures. The same liberals have dispensed with high-frequency whistles in favor of a simpler message: “Treason!” Following the now-debunked February 14 New York Times report that Trump’s campaign had been in direct contact with Russian agents before the election, a late-night host commented, “It’s funny because it’s treason.” Comedian Rosie O’Donnell led an anti-Trump rally outside the White House, declaring, “He is going down and so will all of his administration. The charge is treason.”

Joy Behar, host of The View, has claimed that the president’s allegiance to the Kremlin is treasonous, but she is also concerned about his work on behalf of Islamic State caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. “Do you think,” mused Behar, “that because he is the recruiter-in-chief, and by his words he’s getting more people to go on the side of ISIS, that he could be considered treasonous? I mean, that is against the Constitution, that is against America. That’s a treasonous act in my opinion.” Treason, of course, is a capital crime; the constant reiteration of the charge that Trump is a traitor has supplied the groundwork of justification for political violence.

Reputable figures in the media have normalized radical, violent discourse. Popular television writer/producer David Simon tweeted this week, “If Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller and is allowed to do so, pick up a goddamn brick. That's all that’s left to you.” Writing in The Nation, Natasha Lennard praised street violence as “kinetic beauty,” and Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters, exhorted, “Don’t play footsie with proto-fascism. Fucking smash it.” A protestor at a rally in New York City’s Tompkins Square Park held a sign reading, “Hug a refugee (with permission); Punch a Nazi (with precision.)”

Every policy difference, no matter how trivial, has been cast as a matter of life and death. Proposed changes in federal Medicaid reimbursement practices will consign “tens of thousands of people” to early death, according to Senator Bernie Sanders, while rolling back federal guidelines on transgender bathroom signage will cause more teenagers to kill themselves, according to ThinkProgress. Abandonment of the non-enforceable and voluntary Paris Accord on Climate Change will doom the world to “catastrophe” and imminent mass extinction, according to Jill Stein.

In the last few weeks, the violent rhetoric crossed a fever line. CNN personality Kathy Griffin posed deadpan holding a severed and bloody head resembling Donald Trump; on television the next day, she tearfully denounced the many “old white men” who have supposedly bullied her. New York’s venerable Shakespeare in the Park is currently performing a modern-dress version of Julius Caesar, in which a Trump-qua-Caesar character is murdered every night in a particularly bloody and graphic staging.

Following the shooting, liberal Twitter erupted in cynical snark. Op-ed writer Malcolm Harris wondered if the shooter could plead self-defense, in the event he had a pre-existing condition. Sonia Gupta, a Louisiana former prosecutor, counseled her followers not to be too sad about the wounding of Representative Steve Scalise, because “he’s a racist piece of shit and hateful bigot.” David Frum, though not a liberal, reminded us that “the president is the country's noisiest inciter of political violence,” though the violence he has supposedly incited appears to be mostly from the other side....

Incitement to Violence
If intolerance is 'exclusively' from the left,

why were rightwingers physically assaulting the performance of the Shakespeare play 'Julius Caesar'??????

Ah, stunned silence. The classic RW response to being made monkeys.

Because the violence sewn by the Left is being reaped as the whirlwind you deserve.

Some on the Right have reached the point where appeasement of LW violence is no longer acceptable. You are being treated with the methods you promoted.

Kinda SUX, don't it?

When have I ever promoted violence?

Your Dear Leaders do, bub.
So you are admitting the far and alt right is cowardly.

Everyone knows that.
Conservatives absolutely are not welcome to enroll at major universities in this country... second to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet right now…
Snowflakes are the disease and they need their safe spaces they are called universities…
And TPers have their BS/Hate Fox Noise Rush etc etc dupeworld- and unlike college people they're totally FOS and fake news...Nobody is asked their politics to enter college- you're duped and ignorant to the point of insanity. Why should history classes listen and nod at pure misinformation you call news...
Enrollment in the major universities in this country have one requirement… You must be a progressive snowflake in search of a safe space… Fact
Is that the excuse you use because they rejected you from college? , yep trump loves the poorly educated

Guno, I am extremely educated and I support Trump until he gives me a reason to not support him. So, let's have a debate or discussion about the current state of affairs. You are good with insults but what do you have in the way of meaningful debate?
"extremely educated".....uh huh.
This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.

LOL. Okay, whatever you say, princess.

Queue, Anita Bryant hating on faggots.

Why should people with abnormal sexual proclivities be recognized?????

Because - it's none of your fucking (literally) business, little slave.

Exactly, so the fags need to keep what they do in their bedroom, bath-houses or "where-ever" to themselves....no?

As soon as "straights" keep it there too.
Wow, I always wondered how people could support completely crazy things if it conforms to there world view. now some one has interviewed every right wing person in the USA and found not a single one has ever been intolerant, please let me see that poll, I no you would not make a statement that insults half the people in our country with out some FACTS to support the statement quote" INTOLERANCE IS EXCLUSIVELY LEFT WING."
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!
A bunch of the middle class moved up. Why do you refuse to acknowledge facts?
Not many- but the richest's wealth has skyrocketed while the middle class is mainly ruined.
redistribution via federal government- does not work, and is immoral.... fact
Sure as hell has been the last 35 years under Reaganism...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
The federal government has no moral or ethical standing to dictate such things… career politicians on both sides and fuck everything up… Fucked
The GOP feqs up everywhere but Fox etc. The Dems are pretty good everywhere BUT Fox etc, but totally obstructed since LBJ except ACA. And no it's not librul lies. Trump seems to actually BELIEVE Fox etc BS ("He's being investigated" "Witch huntunt!" Bad people! etc. BS!)
you could describe the Great Depression the same way, moron.
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!
A bunch of the middle class moved up. Why do you refuse to acknowledge facts?
Not many- but the richest's wealth has skyrocketed while the middle class is mainly ruined.
redistribution via federal government- does not work, and is immoral.... fact
It works if you're trying to get the votes of the people receiving the money.
For the last 35 years, the rich. Great job, New BS GOP and silly dupes.
Wow, I always wondered how people could support completely crazy things if it conforms to there world view. now some one has interviewed every right wing person in the USA and found not a single one has ever been intolerant, please let me see that poll, I no you would not make a statement that insults half the people in our country with out some FACTS to support the statement quote" INTOLERANCE IS EXCLUSIVELY LEFT WING."
Only in Fox/Rush etc Dupeworld...Propaganda is amazing and terrifying...Poor America.
This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.
How about the right wing crazy who rushed the stage during the performance of Julius Caesar, interfering with the actors' freedom of speech? They didn't seem to have a problem with the show when it had an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited Hillary clone.
Freedom of speech vs. freedom of speech, right?
I am sure you approve of Leftist Jihadists Violently shutting down Free Speech venues on Liberal Campuses. Talk about that, because the protester at 'The Play" did not engage in violence.

A bunch of the middle class moved up. Why do you refuse to acknowledge facts?
Not many- but the richest's wealth has skyrocketed while the middle class is mainly ruined.
redistribution via federal government- does not work, and is immoral.... fact
Sure as hell has been the last 35 years under Reaganism...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
The federal government has no moral or ethical standing to dictate such things… career politicians on both sides and fuck everything up… Fucked
The GOP feqs up everywhere but Fox etc. The Dems are pretty good everywhere BUT Fox etc, but totally obstructed since LBJ except ACA. And no it's not librul lies. Trump seems to actually BELIEVE Fox etc BS ("He's being investigated" "Witch huntunt!" Bad people! etc. BS!)
There is no difference between career politicians no matter what side of the isle they choose... fact
This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.
How about the right wing crazy who rushed the stage during the performance of Julius Caesar, interfering with the actors' freedom of speech? They didn't seem to have a problem with the show when it had an Obama look-alike or a pant-suited Hillary clone.
Freedom of speech vs. freedom of speech, right?
I am sure you approve of Leftist Jihadists Violently shutting down Free Speech venues on Liberal Campuses. Talk about that, because the protester at 'The Play" did not engage in violence.

7 1/2 years straight of growth, despite nonstop GOP obstruction and fear mongering, dupe. But low taxes on the rich means infrastructure keeps getting worse- ditto the nonrich.

you could describe the Great Depression the same way, moron.
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!

What does Reaganism have to do with either Depression/Recession?
Not much. That's GOP corruption/capitalist mania.

Government is corrupt, not capitalism.
GOP gov't, dupe. The last 50 years. And in the Twenties. And the 19th century after Lincoln. lol. And Nixon. lol. So, perhaps not under Ford and Ike. And TR.
Since when does Julius Caesar wear a navy suit with a red tie and go by the name of "Donald"? You're an idiot. This was nothing more than the left wanting to depict Donald Trump getting stabbed.

And that's fine. I could give a shit. But you're the same little snowflakes who riot and lose your shit if a conservative wants to speak on a college campus. You people would have started the second Civil War if Barack Insane Obama had ever been depicted getting stabbed and were told "it's JULIUS CAESAR"! It's the repulsive hypocrisy of you spineless, fragile snowflakes that we can't stomach.

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