Not many- but the richest's wealth has skyrocketed while the middle class is mainly ruined.
redistribution via federal government- does not work, and is immoral.... fact
Sure as hell has been the last 35 years under Reaganism...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
The federal government has no moral or ethical standing to dictate such things… career politicians on both sides and fuck everything up… Fucked
The GOP feqs up everywhere but Fox etc. The Dems are pretty good everywhere BUT Fox etc, but totally obstructed since LBJ except ACA. And no it's not librul lies. Trump seems to actually BELIEVE Fox etc BS ("He's being investigated" "Witch huntunt!" Bad people! etc. BS!)
There is no difference between career politicians no matter what side of the isle they choose... fact
If you believe GOP propaganda. Without any evidence in the real world. How are the Hillary/Obama/Lerner/Soros prosecutors coming along? Hint: Never. All investigated multiple times and nothing.
you could describe the Great Depression the same way, moron.
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!

What does Reaganism have to do with either Depression/Recession?
Not much. That's GOP corruption/capitalist mania.

Government is corrupt, not capitalism.
GOP gov't, dupe. The last 50 years. And in the Twenties. And the 19th century after Lincoln. lol. And Nixon. lol. So, perhaps not under Ford and Ike. And TR.
Lincoln was the first and only president to suspend habeas corpus... it don't get any more corrupt than that.
Last edited:
redistribution via federal government- does not work, and is immoral.... fact
Sure as hell has been the last 35 years under Reaganism...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
The federal government has no moral or ethical standing to dictate such things… career politicians on both sides and fuck everything up… Fucked
The GOP feqs up everywhere but Fox etc. The Dems are pretty good everywhere BUT Fox etc, but totally obstructed since LBJ except ACA. And no it's not librul lies. Trump seems to actually BELIEVE Fox etc BS ("He's being investigated" "Witch huntunt!" Bad people! etc. BS!)
There is no difference between career politicians no matter what side of the isle they choose... fact
If you believe GOP propaganda. Without any evidence in the real world. How are the Hillary/Obama/Lerner/Soros prosecutors coming along? Hint: Never. All investigated multiple times and nothing.
They are all above the law… Fact
Reaganism rolls on, ruining the middle class and the country. The Fed stops the roller coaster ride, except when the corrupt GOP has time to feg things up- 1929, 89, and 2008. Great job!

What does Reaganism have to do with either Depression/Recession?
Not much. That's GOP corruption/capitalist mania.

Government is corrupt, not capitalism.
GOP gov't, dupe. The last 50 years. And in the Twenties. And the 19th century after Lincoln. lol. And Nixon. lol. So, perhaps not under Ford and Ike. And TR.
Lincoln was the first and only president to suspend habeas corpus... don't get any more corrupt than that.

Well, yeah it does get worse, but it was all done by Lincoln. He setup concentration camps and had people thrown into them simply for criticizing his policies. He arrested the entire state legislature of Maryland. He shut down 300 newspapers for publishing news or opinions that were unfavorable of him. The list of his atrocities goes on and on.
Since when does Julius Caesar wear a navy suit with a red tie and go by the name of "Donald"? You're an idiot. This was nothing more than the left wanting to depict Donald Trump getting stabbed.

First of all, the beauty of Shakespeare is that his stories are universal and don't have to be set in Elizabethan England (or ancient Rome, in this specific case). Also, Shakespeare-in-the-Park didn't change the dialogue from Caesar to Trump (While re-imagining Shakespeare is common, re-writing it is a big no-no). For one, "Caesar" keeps the iambic pentameter whereas replacing it with "Trump" does not.
redistribution via federal government- does not work, and is immoral.... fact
Sure as hell has been the last 35 years under Reaganism...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
The federal government has no moral or ethical standing to dictate such things… career politicians on both sides and fuck everything up… Fucked
The GOP feqs up everywhere but Fox etc. The Dems are pretty good everywhere BUT Fox etc, but totally obstructed since LBJ except ACA. And no it's not librul lies. Trump seems to actually BELIEVE Fox etc BS ("He's being investigated" "Witch huntunt!" Bad people! etc. BS!)
There is no difference between career politicians no matter what side of the isle they choose... fact
If you believe GOP propaganda. Without any evidence in the real world. How are the Hillary/Obama/Lerner/Soros prosecutors coming along? Hint: Never. All investigated multiple times and nothing.
Are you stupid in the head? career politicians are all made of the same incestuous stuff no matter if they call themselves a "d" Or an "r"...
The GOP is the same thing as the DNC... they all live double lives.
Since when does Julius Caesar wear a navy suit with a red tie and go by the name of "Donald"? You're an idiot. This was nothing more than the left wanting to depict Donald Trump getting stabbed.

And that's fine. I could give a shit. But you're the same little snowflakes who riot and lose your shit if a conservative wants to speak on a college campus. You people would have started the second Civil War if Barack Insane Obama had ever been depicted getting stabbed and were told "it's JULIUS CAESAR"! It's the repulsive hypocrisy of you spineless, fragile snowflakes that we can't stomach.
The play was Julius Caesar written 400+ years ago about an incident over two thousand years ago. Shakespeare is frequently performed in a modern setting, and Trump is our leader, so that makes sense in the context of the play. I'm not going to argue with your whining about how people would have reacted if it were Obama. It didn't happen and you're using your imagination to once again turn the left into boogies they aren't.
What does Reaganism have to do with either Depression/Recession?
Not much. That's GOP corruption/capitalist mania.

Government is corrupt, not capitalism.
GOP gov't, dupe. The last 50 years. And in the Twenties. And the 19th century after Lincoln. lol. And Nixon. lol. So, perhaps not under Ford and Ike. And TR.
Lincoln was the first and only president to suspend habeas corpus... don't get any more corrupt than that.

Well, yeah it does get worse, but it was all done by Lincoln. He setup concentration camps and had people thrown into them simply for criticizing his policies. He arrested the entire state legislature of Maryland. He shut down 300 newspapers for publishing news or opinions that were unfavorable of him. The list of his atrocities goes on and on.
That is my point, he was not a good leader just a corrupt one....
Leftists are irony impaired.

True story.
Lefists are smarter. It's just an objective fact.
Only in their safe spaces… LOL
The only people who talk about "safe spaces" is conservatives. You just pretend we do.

I would agree with you, but you're wrong.

Campuses are breaking apart into ‘safe spaces’

Only the rightwing chooses to give attention to what some dumb college kids have to say. No one else cares. You are being snowflakes by whining about it.
Are you stupid in the head? career politicians are all made of the same incestuous stuff no matter if they call themselves a "d" Or an "r"...The GOP is the same thing as the DNC... they all live double lives.

This is just gaslighting. Career politicians aren't a bad thing, outside of the realm of our campaign finance system. Remove money from politics and you'll still have career politicians; they are just career politicians for the right reasons, not because Wall Street wants them there.

The fixes to our system are really simple; it's just a matter of the will necessary to make them.
So you are admitting the far and alt right is cowardly.

Everyone knows that.

Yeah, it's really brave to wear masks and destroy other people's property.......
Not as smart as believing Sandy Hook was fake because some performer tells you it was.
You mean "performers" like these?


Sure as hell has been the last 35 years under Reaganism...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
The federal government has no moral or ethical standing to dictate such things… career politicians on both sides and fuck everything up… Fucked
The GOP feqs up everywhere but Fox etc. The Dems are pretty good everywhere BUT Fox etc, but totally obstructed since LBJ except ACA. And no it's not librul lies. Trump seems to actually BELIEVE Fox etc BS ("He's being investigated" "Witch huntunt!" Bad people! etc. BS!)
There is no difference between career politicians no matter what side of the isle they choose... fact
If you believe GOP propaganda. Without any evidence in the real world. How are the Hillary/Obama/Lerner/Soros prosecutors coming along? Hint: Never. All investigated multiple times and nothing.
They are all above the law… Fact
None of the crap about the Foundation or anything else was true- could have been proven in court. GOP POLICY and bs propaganda is what's "criminal", stealing for the rich and screwing the rest- but nothing illegal about it.
What does Reaganism have to do with either Depression/Recession?
Not much. That's GOP corruption/capitalist mania.

Government is corrupt, not capitalism.
GOP gov't, dupe. The last 50 years. And in the Twenties. And the 19th century after Lincoln. lol. And Nixon. lol. So, perhaps not under Ford and Ike. And TR.
Lincoln was the first and only president to suspend habeas corpus... don't get any more corrupt than that.

Well, yeah it does get worse, but it was all done by Lincoln. He setup concentration camps and had people thrown into them simply for criticizing his policies. He arrested the entire state legislature of Maryland. He shut down 300 newspapers for publishing news or opinions that were unfavorable of him. The list of his atrocities goes on and on.
A lot of that might have been needed- a civil war is something else. He also got the GOP all mixed up in the military industrial corporate powers- The GOP got all corrupt with Grant...
This video is priceless. We see the left rioting, assaulting, and acting like thugs all over America. When asked for a single instance of conservatives acting like that - nobody can come up with one.

LOL. Okay, whatever you say, princess.

Queue, Anita Bryant hating on faggots.

Why should people with abnormal sexual proclivities be recognized?????

Because - it's none of your fucking (literally) business, little slave.

Exactly, so the fags need to keep what they do in their bedroom, bath-houses or "where-ever" to

As soon as "straights" keep it there too.

I don't flaunt my you??
Conservatives absolutely are not welcome to enroll at major universities in this country... second to Muslims progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet right now…
Snowflakes are the disease and they need their safe spaces they are called universities…
And TPers have their BS/Hate Fox Noise Rush etc etc dupeworld- and unlike college people they're totally FOS and fake news...Nobody is asked their politics to enter college- you're duped and ignorant to the point of insanity. Why should history classes listen and nod at pure misinformation you call news...
Enrollment in the major universities in this country have one requirement… You must be a progressive snowflake in search of a safe space… Fact
Is that the excuse you use because they rejected you from college? , yep trump loves the poorly educated

Guno, I am extremely educated and I support Trump until he gives me a reason to not support him. So, let's have a debate or discussion about the current state of affairs. You are good with insults but what do you have in the way of meaningful debate?
"extremely educated".....uh huh.

I know more than you, buttecea....but that isn't saying much because that bar is so low that one could trip over it.
And TPers have their BS/Hate Fox Noise Rush etc etc dupeworld- and unlike college people they're totally FOS and fake news...Nobody is asked their politics to enter college- you're duped and ignorant to the point of insanity. Why should history classes listen and nod at pure misinformation you call news...
Enrollment in the major universities in this country have one requirement… You must be a progressive snowflake in search of a safe space… Fact
Is that the excuse you use because they rejected you from college? , yep trump loves the poorly educated

Guno, I am extremely educated and I support Trump until he gives me a reason to not support him. So, let's have a debate or discussion about the current state of affairs. You are good with insults but what do you have in the way of meaningful debate?
Educated? You are damn fool who believes in total nonsense that almost no one else does because it never proves to be true, not in the slightest. You are a paranoid idiot who thinks he was born a slave because of the Great Depression.

Nope, you are the programmed idiot while I have thrown off the programming and have dedicated myself to learning things your masters don't want you to know. Like this, perhaps???

Senate Document # 43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933. "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership"is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State."

So, to sum it all up? You own are an indentured debt slave using Federal Reserve notes that have no intrinsic value with interest attached to each and every "dollar" the way, the "dollar" was an actual unit of many grains of gold mixed with a 1 to 15 ratio of silver.

Ownership, according to the bureaucrats, is only enforced by color of law. If you do not pay taxes upon your parcel, it is "repossessed."

If we were patently honest, we would call the banking cartel that charges interest on the dollar "the KING," and the property tax on the land folks "own" their peasants rent.

IOW, it doesn't matter if you are a Republican or Democrat, the elites don't care, everyone is just another peasant in this neo-feudal system. Things will stay the same so long as folks can continue to argue, just as long as they don't all wake up and unite.

If that happens, or if they start a civil war, then we have martial law. The rulers ("owners?" lol) have been quietly preparing for that. . . . .
Enrollment in the major universities in this country have one requirement… You must be a progressive snowflake in search of a safe space… Fact
Is that the excuse you use because they rejected you from college? , yep trump loves the poorly educated

Guno, I am extremely educated and I support Trump until he gives me a reason to not support him. So, let's have a debate or discussion about the current state of affairs. You are good with insults but what do you have in the way of meaningful debate?
Educated? You are damn fool who believes in total nonsense that almost no one else does because it never proves to be true, not in the slightest. You are a paranoid idiot who thinks he was born a slave because of the Great Depression.

Nope, you are the programmed idiot while I have thrown off the programming and have dedicated myself to learning things your masters don't want you to know. Like this, perhaps???

Senate Document # 43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933. "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership"is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State."

So, to sum it all up? You own are an indentured debt slave using Federal Reserve notes that have no intrinsic value with interest attached to each and every "dollar" the way, the "dollar" was an actual unit of many grains of gold mixed with a 1 to 15 ratio of silver.

Ownership, according to the bureaucrats, is only enforced by color of law. If you do not pay taxes upon your parcel, it is "repossessed."

If we were patently honest, we would call the banking cartel that charges interest on the dollar "the KING," and the property tax on the land folks "own" their peasants rent.

IOW, it doesn't matter if you are a Republican or Democrat, the elites don't care, everyone is just another peasant in this neo-feudal system. Things will stay the same so long as folks can continue to argue, just as long as they don't all wake up and unite.

If that happens, or if they start a civil war, then we have martial law. The rulers have been quietly preparing for that. . . . .

Exactly! They are pushing a fight for just that reason...once that happens, the C.O.G takes over and there is no "constitution" or what remains of it.
So you are admitting the far and alt right is cowardly.

Everyone knows that.

Yeah, it's really brave to wear masks and destroy other people's property.......
Not as smart as believing Sandy Hook was fake because some performer tells you it was.
You mean "performers" like these?


Those are what is known as journalists, dupe, even tho Brian screwed up on personal story. Your bought off HS grad ex cokehead heroes are just FOS.
Is that the excuse you use because they rejected you from college? , yep trump loves the poorly educated

Guno, I am extremely educated and I support Trump until he gives me a reason to not support him. So, let's have a debate or discussion about the current state of affairs. You are good with insults but what do you have in the way of meaningful debate?
Educated? You are damn fool who believes in total nonsense that almost no one else does because it never proves to be true, not in the slightest. You are a paranoid idiot who thinks he was born a slave because of the Great Depression.

Nope, you are the programmed idiot while I have thrown off the programming and have dedicated myself to learning things your masters don't want you to know. Like this, perhaps???

Senate Document # 43; SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 62 (Pg 9, Para 2) April 17, 1933. "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership"is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State."

So, to sum it all up? You own are an indentured debt slave using Federal Reserve notes that have no intrinsic value with interest attached to each and every "dollar" the way, the "dollar" was an actual unit of many grains of gold mixed with a 1 to 15 ratio of silver.

Ownership, according to the bureaucrats, is only enforced by color of law. If you do not pay taxes upon your parcel, it is "repossessed."

If we were patently honest, we would call the banking cartel that charges interest on the dollar "the KING," and the property tax on the land folks "own" their peasants rent.

IOW, it doesn't matter if you are a Republican or Democrat, the elites don't care, everyone is just another peasant in this neo-feudal system. Things will stay the same so long as folks can continue to argue, just as long as they don't all wake up and unite.

If that happens, or if they start a civil war, then we have martial law. The rulers have been quietly preparing for that. . . . .

Exactly! They are pushing a fight for just that reason...once that happens, the C.O.G takes over and there is no "constitution" or what remains of it.
Yup, sure- believe the GOP lies, give up, and vote GOP...

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