The Intentional Destruction of our Civilization: Have you noticed? Do you care?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
A few short generations ago, it was common knowledge that the ideal family life centered around a (a) working father who provided the financial support, and (b) a nurturing mother who kept the household together and, most importantly, managed the nurturing of the children - which were plentiful. The uncomfortable fact remains that households that maintain that structure still produce the most well-rounded, happiest, and most successful children. No other family structure is its equal, AND there is no other family objective that is more important than this. "We" pay lip service to this fact by mouthing platitudes like, "Our children are the future," and "Children are our most important asset," but in every meaningful way we relegate child nurturing to a task of secondary importance in our culture. Indeed, our female children are indoctrinated (I will not say "taught") to believe that being a "housewife" is equivalent to "being a failure." Kids are taught the same thing in school, with subtle putdowns like, "What does your mommy DO?" As though raising children and running a household were DOING NOTHING. But this is a LIE.

It is also said that, "It is no longer possible to live on a single income." This is something between a lie and a self-fulfilling, self-destructive prophecy. While it's true that we experienced a recession and a rude introduction to the World Economy in the 70's that killed hundreds of thousands of good-paying middle class jobs - mainly manufacturing jobs - and forcing many women into the workplace, the introduction of tens of millions of working moms into the workforce did more to depress wages overall than any other economic development. Maybe that's why there are fewer good, middle-class jobs around for our Dads.

While no one was looking, these second incomes converted scores of nice-to-haves into must-haves, did they not? Do we all need big houses in the suburbs? Does every child need its own bedroom? Do we need several televisions in the house, and all of the electronic bullshit that mesmerizes our children ALL DAY LONG(!)? Do we need to take an opulent vacation every year? Do we really need two or three thirty-thousand-dollar cars in every household (which would not be necessary if Mom did not work)? Do we really need the closets and closets full of clothing and shoes that we eventually donate to charity because the house is simply not big enough to contain them?

What is the expected result of essentially turning over the nurturing of our children to The State? We complain that they are being indoctrinated into a Leftist dream world of bullshit, but isn't that entirely predictable?

Our culture teaches as a matter of faith that "alternative" lifestyles are just as good, if not superior to, the traditional family structure described above, and statistical evidence that denies that propaganda is suppressed. When assessing these alternative households to others, they always compare it to the household where the father is a convict or a drug addict - never to the norm. "Heather has two mommies," sounds almost tolerable, but what if it's Johnnie? Is it OK for him to have two Mommies? What a fucked up existence that would be.

While it is off the radar screen to many Americans (and you will never see this in scripted television), we still have tens of millions of families that continue the traditional paradigm. The dads go to work every day, year after year, and the moms are always there to send the kids off to school every day and be there when they get home, help with their homework, volunteer with the PTA (and the Church), and so on. Some of these families are even working class. Somehow they survive in modest homes, with one car, multiple kids in a single bedroom, and moms who are doing what we all pretend to value as the most import function in our society: nurturing the next generation.

And our culture treats such people - especially the wives/mothers - with disgust. Why is that?
A few short generations ago, it was common knowledge that the ideal family life centered around a (a) working father who provided the financial support, and (b) a nurturing mother who kept the household together and, most importantly, managed the nurturing of the children - which were plentiful. The uncomfortable fact remains that households that maintain that structure still produce the most well-rounded, happiest, and most successful children. No other family structure is its equal, AND there is no other family objective that is more important than this. "We" pay lip service to this fact by mouthing platitudes like, "Our children are the future," and "Children are our most important asset," but in every meaningful way we relegate child nurturing to a task of secondary importance in our culture. Indeed, our female children are indoctrinated (I will not say "taught") to believe that being a "housewife" is equivalent to "being a failure." Kids are taught the same thing in school, with subtle putdowns like, "What does your mommy DO?" As though raising children and running a household were DOING NOTHING. But this is a LIE.

It is also said that, "It is no longer possible to live on a single income." This is something between a lie and a self-fulfilling, self-destructive prophecy. While it's true that we experienced a recession and a rude introduction to the World Economy in the 70's that killed hundreds of thousands of good-paying middle class jobs - mainly manufacturing jobs - and forcing many women into the workplace, the introduction of tens of millions of working moms into the workforce did more to depress wages overall than any other economic development. Maybe that's why there are fewer good, middle-class jobs around for our Dads.

While no one was looking, these second incomes converted scores of nice-to-haves into must-haves, did they not? Do we all need big houses in the suburbs? Does every child need its own bedroom? Do we need several televisions in the house, and all of the electronic bullshit that mesmerizes our children ALL DAY LONG(!)? Do we need to take an opulent vacation every year? Do we really need two or three thirty-thousand-dollar cars in every household (which would not be necessary if Mom did not work)? Do we really need the closets and closets full of clothing and shoes that we eventually donate to charity because the house is simply not big enough to contain them?

What is the expected result of essentially turning over the nurturing of our children to The State? We complain that they are being indoctrinated into a Leftist dream world of bullshit, but isn't that entirely predictable?

Our culture teaches as a matter of faith that "alternative" lifestyles are just as good, if not superior to, the traditional family structure described above, and statistical evidence that denies that propaganda is suppressed. When assessing these alternative households to others, they always compare it to the household where the father is a convict or a drug addict - never to the norm. "Heather has two mommies," sounds almost tolerable, but what if it's Johnnie? Is it OK for him to have two Mommies? What a fucked up existence that would be.

While it is off the radar screen to many Americans (and you will never see this in scripted television), we still have tens of millions of families that continue the traditional paradigm. The dads go to work every day, year after year, and the moms are always there to send the kids off to school every day and be there when they get home, help with their homework, volunteer with the PTA (and the Church), and so on. Some of these families are even working class. Somehow they survive in modest homes, with one car, multiple kids in a single bedroom, and moms who are doing what we all pretend to value as the most import function in our society: nurturing the next generation.

And our culture treats such people - especially the wives/mothers - with disgust. Why is that?
I have been preparing for the worst since the brown turd Obammy had said "We are going to fundamentally transform America" and i asked a progressive "transform into what"? The slaves had no clue but intelligent people knew that it was going to be a 3rd world nation. Today, the resumption of allowing all those diseased criminals cross our southern border, who will pollute the land and cause tons more CO2 by driving the old clunkers no US citizen would want, but hey this is what progressive slaves want, right?
The good old days were never as good as you remember them. The boomers especially are prone to think that the time of their childhood was perfect. This is because they were the most pampered and sheltered generation of children in human history.
The good old days were never as good as you remember them.

Like hell they weren't. The good ole days were far better than they are now. You must have had a shitty childhood.


For the greater part of my childhood, my mother did stay home and raise us kids. I couldn't have asked for a better childhood. I pity kids that are carted off to a day care center each morning to be raised by someone other than a parent. What a rotten thing to do to little kids. If you can't afford to have one stay at home parent to raise kids, then you shouldn't have any.
The thing about this is, if a woman today decided to do the "housewife' role, she would actually be in a much better position to improve upon herself in terms of education, hobby, self-improvement in terms of working on herself and family, not to mention the fact that she could make some serious additional coin to help supplement the family income.
It is not the destruction of the world. It is the destruction of the limitations that were placed on people.

Having the freedom to pursue what you want is a key part of what America truly. I would not return to the days when my daughter had such limited career options, and was expected to be someone's wife.

Also, my first wife stayed home with our 3 children. I do not recall a single person questioning her or looking down on her. In fact, several remarked on how fortunate we were to be able to do that.
The good old days were never as good as you remember them. The boomers especially are prone to think that the time of their childhood was perfect. This is because they were the most pampered and sheltered generation of children in human history.
Well God bless the boomers. Through self actualization they did a bit of running while being parents. They kinda left my generation to their own devices. My childhood was awesome. Hunting, fishing, rock climbing, dirt biking, skate boarding. You name it we did it. Thrill seeking was the name of the game and thrill seek we did. My group had a motto if ya don't come home muddy and bloody you were not trying hard enough.
A few short generations ago, it was common knowledge that the ideal family life centered around a (a) working father who provided the financial support, and (b) a nurturing mother who kept the household together and, most importantly, managed the nurturing of the children - which were plentiful. The uncomfortable fact remains that households that maintain that structure still produce the most well-rounded, happiest, and most successful children

There is no guarantee how kids will turn out so your observations are moot, let us take the case of Adolph Hitler and Joe Stalin, they had that magical family structure you mentioned yet look how happy they turned out..
It is not the destruction of the world. It is the destruction of the limitations that were placed on people.

Having the freedom to pursue what you want is a key part of what America truly. I would not return to the days when my daughter had such limited career options, and was expected to be someone's wife.

Also, my first wife stayed home with our 3 children. I do not recall a single person questioning her or looking down on her. In fact, several remarked on how fortunate we were to be able to do that.
My wives stayed at home also yet could have a job if they like we just preferred to raise our own kids.

The sad truth is, this is the goal of so many. To work yourself to death.

But when you die, your employer will have your job filled before your obituary shows up in the paper. On their death beds, I am sure many people have expressed regrets. But I doubt any expressed a regret that they didn't work more or harder.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against hard work. And I believe in working to support yourself. But I also remember too many 80 hour weeks when my kids were small. The money was good, but what I missed can never be regained.
The good old days were never as good as you remember them. The boomers especially are prone to think that the time of their childhood was perfect. This is because they were the most pampered and sheltered generation of children in human history.
Well God bless the boomers. Through self actualization they did a bit of running while being parents. They kinda left my generation to their own devices. My childhood was awesome. Hunting, fishing, rock climbing, dirt biking, skate boarding. You name it we did it. Thrill seeking was the name of the game and thrill seek we did. My group had a motto if ya don't come home muddy and bloody you were not trying hard enough.
Fuck the boomers, they built the world we have now. If they think it sucks they have only themselves to blame. It's like the twentieth century was a wild party and they are blaming the janitorial staff for the broken furniture and puddles of puke.

The sad truth is, this is the goal of so many. To work yourself to death.

But when you die, your employer will have your job filled before your obituary shows up in the paper. On their death beds, I am sure many people have expressed regrets. But I doubt any expressed a regret that they didn't work more or harder.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against hard work. And I believe in working to support yourself. But I also remember too many 80 hour weeks when my kids were small. The money was good, but what I missed can never be regained.

The truth is, rampant capitalism + rampant consumerism + rampant price gouging + wage increases limited to those already wealthy = overworked Americans barely scraping by.

Folks want their capitalism in this country to come without any checks or balances, and they got it. The wealthiest in this country continue to hoard all the wealth, while the rest of us work ourselves to premature deaths in order to stay above water.

I'm not against capitalism at all, but this perverse version as practiced in this country has gotten us to this point, and when you factor in rapacious greed and systemic corruption, it aint gonna get any better, it's likely to get worse. I don't see the system we're in as being sustainable, the whole thing is a giant Ponzi scheme and eventually we're gonna have another 2008, only this time it won't be fixed as easy, and alot more people will get hurt by it. And get more angry. And start shooting. And then, all bets are off.
A few short generations ago, it was common knowledge that the ideal family life centered around a (a) working father who provided the financial support, and (b) a nurturing mother who kept the household together and, most importantly, managed the nurturing of the children - which were plentiful. The uncomfortable fact remains that households that maintain that structure still produce the most well-rounded, happiest, and most successful children. No other family structure is its equal, AND there is no other family objective that is more important than this. "We" pay lip service to this fact by mouthing platitudes like, "Our children are the future," and "Children are our most important asset," but in every meaningful way we relegate child nurturing to a task of secondary importance in our culture. Indeed, our female children are indoctrinated (I will not say "taught") to believe that being a "housewife" is equivalent to "being a failure." Kids are taught the same thing in school, with subtle putdowns like, "What does your mommy DO?" As though raising children and running a household were DOING NOTHING. But this is a LIE.

It is also said that, "It is no longer possible to live on a single income." This is something between a lie and a self-fulfilling, self-destructive prophecy. While it's true that we experienced a recession and a rude introduction to the World Economy in the 70's that killed hundreds of thousands of good-paying middle class jobs - mainly manufacturing jobs - and forcing many women into the workplace, the introduction of tens of millions of working moms into the workforce did more to depress wages overall than any other economic development. Maybe that's why there are fewer good, middle-class jobs around for our Dads.

While no one was looking, these second incomes converted scores of nice-to-haves into must-haves, did they not? Do we all need big houses in the suburbs? Does every child need its own bedroom? Do we need several televisions in the house, and all of the electronic bullshit that mesmerizes our children ALL DAY LONG(!)? Do we need to take an opulent vacation every year? Do we really need two or three thirty-thousand-dollar cars in every household (which would not be necessary if Mom did not work)? Do we really need the closets and closets full of clothing and shoes that we eventually donate to charity because the house is simply not big enough to contain them?

What is the expected result of essentially turning over the nurturing of our children to The State? We complain that they are being indoctrinated into a Leftist dream world of bullshit, but isn't that entirely predictable?

Our culture teaches as a matter of faith that "alternative" lifestyles are just as good, if not superior to, the traditional family structure described above, and statistical evidence that denies that propaganda is suppressed. When assessing these alternative households to others, they always compare it to the household where the father is a convict or a drug addict - never to the norm. "Heather has two mommies," sounds almost tolerable, but what if it's Johnnie? Is it OK for him to have two Mommies? What a fucked up existence that would be.

While it is off the radar screen to many Americans (and you will never see this in scripted television), we still have tens of millions of families that continue the traditional paradigm. The dads go to work every day, year after year, and the moms are always there to send the kids off to school every day and be there when they get home, help with their homework, volunteer with the PTA (and the Church), and so on. Some of these families are even working class. Somehow they survive in modest homes, with one car, multiple kids in a single bedroom, and moms who are doing what we all pretend to value as the most import function in our society: nurturing the next generation.

And our culture treats such people - especially the wives/mothers - with disgust. Why is that?
Sexiest rant notwithstanding it actually is a fact that many if not most households cannot survive on a single income.
The boys gets to enjoy all of life's possibilities just because he can beat up the girl? ... this tradition gives the boy ownership rights over his girl ... the wife belongs to the man, he can do whatever he wants to with her ... it shouldn't be a crime to beat her to death ...

Any civilization based on this needs to be destroyed ... with all due malice ...

(Yes, Jerry very occasionally spoke a word or two directly to the audience)
The good old days were never as good as you remember them. The boomers especially are prone to think that the time of their childhood was perfect. This is because they were the most pampered and sheltered generation of children in human history.
Well God bless the boomers. Through self actualization they did a bit of running while being parents. They kinda left my generation to their own devices. My childhood was awesome. Hunting, fishing, rock climbing, dirt biking, skate boarding. You name it we did it. Thrill seeking was the name of the game and thrill seek we did. My group had a motto if ya don't come home muddy and bloody you were not trying hard enough.
Fuck the boomers, they built the world we have now. If they think it sucks they have only themselves to blame. It's like the twentieth century was a wild party and they are blaming the janitorial staff for the broken furniture and puddles of puke.
Meh, worked out fine for me. Sorry not so much for you. I have had a good fucking time in this life. The good times keep rolling. My shit is paid for, I have toys and fish for a living. Would not trade my childhood for anyone's. Had a freeking blast.

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