The ignorance of the left is profound and problematic


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I have yet to see someone on the left who actually understood the U.S. Constitution or how our government functions. That was illustrated once again this week when Rachel Maddow proclaimed that a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade would “make abortion illegal in the United States”.
“And every single Republican senator including the pro-choice ones, will have to decide if they want to go down in history as the deciding vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade and and make abortion illegal in the United States.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. Overturning Roe v. Wade would merely send the issue back to the states - where it belongs. The progressive hellhole of California would never outlaw abortion. Same with New York, Illinois, Hawaii, etc. Simultaneously, states such as Texas, South Carolina, and Florida could outlaw abortion. Conservatives would get what they want, progressives would get what they want, and everybody would be happy. But progressives cannot accept that. They are not satisfied unless they can force their views on all of the U.S. And as long as progressives like Rachel have a platform to spread misinformation, we will continue to struggle as a nation.

Rachel Maddow says there’s a simple way to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nomination
Overturning Roe v. Wade would merely send the issue back to the states - where it belongs.

A woman’s right to choose should not be left up to states. Women have a right, no matter which state they’re in, to decide what’s best for their body and health.

Conservatives would get what they want, progressives would get what they want, and everybody would be happy

Except for the women in anti-abortion states who can’t get a legal abortion. More women will die because they won’t have access to safe, legal abortion facilities.

Anyway, go for it. That’ll be the end for the Republican party
The worst part about them is the fact they're not just deliberately ignorant, they're dedicated to it. They make an effort to spread their ignorance and interfere with efforts to enlighten other people so that informed voters do not out number them so much.

Overturning Roe v. Wade would merely send the issue back to the states - where it belongs.
A woman’s right to choose should not be left up to states. Women have a right, no matter which state they’re in, to decide what’s best for their body and health.
Spoken like a true fascist. Jed here doesn’t believe that the American people should decide for themselves what type of nation they want to live in.
Conservatives would get what they want, progressives would get what they want, and everybody would be happy
Except for the women in anti-abortion states who can’t get a legal abortion.
Women who want the right to commit murder can move to abortion states, you dimwit. This is not rocket science. Not sure why you can’t figure this out.

Oh wait - that’s right. You’re a fascist. You don’t want people to have the right to choose. You want to force all of society to accept what you want.
I love when people say stupid crap like “they don’t understand the constitution “ like everything is crystal clear and all contingencies have been addressed. Why do we even need courts?
A woman’s right to choose should not be left up to states.

Giving states more power to govern themselves is a huge part of pulling ourselves out of the quagmire we are in. Most states would not interfere with abortion. If you have a problem with the state you live in there are 49 others. The United States is huge, and there's too much difference in culture from one end to the other to try to control it with one set of rules.
Oh wait - that’s right. You’re a fascist. You don’t want people to have the right to choose. You want to force all of society to accept what you want.

I agree with what you want but your arguments are stupid and do a disservice to what you're fighting for. I know the left calls everybody on the other side fascist, but that doesn't make it less ridiculous when you do it. Also, Jed doesn't want people to have the right to choose what exactly? The right to choose whether or not somebody else chooses to get an abortion? Just stop.
I have yet to see someone on the left who actually understood the U.S. Constitution or how our government functions. That was illustrated once again this week when Rachel Maddow proclaimed that a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade would “make abortion illegal in the United States”.
“And every single Republican senator including the pro-choice ones, will have to decide if they want to go down in history as the deciding vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade and and make abortion illegal in the United States.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. Overturning Roe v. Wade would merely send the issue back to the states - where it belongs. The progressive hellhole of California would never outlaw abortion. Same with New York, Illinois, Hawaii, etc. Simultaneously, states such as Texas, South Carolina, and Florida could outlaw abortion. Conservatives would get what they want, progressives would get what they want, and everybody would be happy. But progressives cannot accept that. They are not satisfied unless they can force their views on all of the U.S. And as long as progressives like Rachel have a platform to spread misinformation, we will continue to struggle as a nation.

Rachel Maddow says there’s a simple way to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nomination
Lol, there is zero chance the RWNJs would not immediately start angling for a supreme Court ruling outlawing abortion in all 50 states.
I have yet to see someone on the left who actually understood the U.S. Constitution or how our government functions. That was illustrated once again this week when Rachel Maddow proclaimed that a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade would “make abortion illegal in the United States”.
“And every single Republican senator including the pro-choice ones, will have to decide if they want to go down in history as the deciding vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade and and make abortion illegal in the United States.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. Overturning Roe v. Wade would merely send the issue back to the states - where it belongs. The progressive hellhole of California would never outlaw abortion. Same with New York, Illinois, Hawaii, etc. Simultaneously, states such as Texas, South Carolina, and Florida could outlaw abortion. Conservatives would get what they want, progressives would get what they want, and everybody would be happy. But progressives cannot accept that. They are not satisfied unless they can force their views on all of the U.S. And as long as progressives like Rachel have a platform to spread misinformation, we will continue to struggle as a nation.

Rachel Maddow says there’s a simple way to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nomination
Lol, there is zero chance the RWNJs would not immediately start angling for a supreme Court ruling outlawing abortion in all 50 states.

That's probably true. Both sides are a bunch of hypocrites hell bent on forcing everybody else to live under whatever standards they deem acceptable.
Lol, there is zero chance the RWNJs would not immediately start angling for a supreme Court ruling outlawing abortion in all 50 states.

There is zero chance it would be heard...

You could get rid of all the SCOTUS judges, have whatever religious republicrat you hate the most, or whomever you're told to hate the most, appoint 9 of the most conservative Christian zealots on the planet appointed and you will not in your lifetime see the case reach them.

Do you know why?

Most people accept that a nation wide arbitrary anti-abortion law is not something that will do any good.

No one wants illegal abortions to take place again, and many people like myself strongly advise and encourage libturds like you to have your uterus vacuumed out on a regular basis just in case.

Libturds going queer is immensely beneficial to the gene pool as well. Sorry if you have to shop around for a cake.

I love when people say stupid crap like “they don’t understand the constitution “ like everything is crystal clear and all contingencies have been addressed. Why do we even need courts?

The Left

They look but they don't see.
They listen but they don't hear.
They speak but they don't communicate.

That's why they're Dummycrats.
Anyway, go for it. That’ll be the end for the Republican party imbeciles have said that for over 100 years now. And at the moment, we own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. :laugh:

So, yeah, we will “go for it”. We will go for restoring constitutional government while you fascists kick and scream like toddlers having a tantrum.
I have yet to see someone on the left who actually understood the U.S. Constitution or how our government functions. That was illustrated once again this week when Rachel Maddow proclaimed that a Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade would “make abortion illegal in the United States”.
“And every single Republican senator including the pro-choice ones, will have to decide if they want to go down in history as the deciding vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade and and make abortion illegal in the United States.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. Overturning Roe v. Wade would merely send the issue back to the states - where it belongs. The progressive hellhole of California would never outlaw abortion. Same with New York, Illinois, Hawaii, etc. Simultaneously, states such as Texas, South Carolina, and Florida could outlaw abortion. Conservatives would get what they want, progressives would get what they want, and everybody would be happy. But progressives cannot accept that. They are not satisfied unless they can force their views on all of the U.S. And as long as progressives like Rachel have a platform to spread misinformation, we will continue to struggle as a nation.

Rachel Maddow says there’s a simple way to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nomination
Lol, there is zero chance the RWNJs would not immediately start angling for a supreme Court ruling outlawing abortion in all 50 states.
The irony. Decrepitus here just proved the premise of this thread. Ignorance by the left.
That's probably true. Both sides are a bunch of hypocrites hell bent on forcing everybody else to live under whatever standards they deem acceptable.
Bullshit. True conservatives want only constitutional government. Nothing less. Nothing more.

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