The House (Republicans) pass The Protection of Women and Girls Sports Act

We don't need federal government dictating sports rules. The US has gone full-retard.

It's a national problem that needs a national solution.

All it does is say Woman play in Women's sports, and the only punishment for not following the rule is lack of federal funds.

But absolutists are gonna absolute, so I get you.
Men competing against women in SPORTS is simply ridiculous.

There have been MEN and WOMEN in different competitions since the beginning of sports.

This is all about tearing down societal institutional norms.
Coed sports is fine UNTIL PUBERTY.

Starting at about 13 it BEGINS to get ridiculous.

To have 20 year old men wrestle 20 year old women is fucking retarded.
It's a national problem that needs a national solution.
No. It's not. It's a ridiculous culture war pissing match. The federal government has no business intervening.
All it does is say Woman play in Women's sports, and the only punishment for not following the rule is lack of federal funds.
Yes. That's how the federal government throws it's weight around. It's wrong
No. It's not. It's a ridiculous culture war pissing match. The federal government has no business intervening.

Yes. That's how the federal government throws it's weight around. It's wrong

So let schools let men play in women sports.

Give me a solution to the problem instead of just bitching about FUH FUH FUH GOVERNMENT FUH FUH FUH
99% of adults have never met a trans person. 99% of adults have bought eggs. What’s more important to the daily life of the average American? Why does MAGA spend so much time on issues that effect so few?
First of all, that 99% must not get around much. I see trans people all the time and I live in the burbs.

Where did you get that 99% figure? Is your answer anything beside you pulled it out of your ass?

Yes, the price of groceries is a problem for many Americans after four years of Joe Biden. For some, Joe Biden skyrocketing prices have forced them to use credit cards to make ins meet. With Trump taking over inflation will be sharply reduced if his first administration is a guide (which it is).

Still, it was largely the working class who were affected by the Biden hyper inflation. Since they do not have lucrative government jobs, or high paid management positions, their raises did not keep track up with Bidinflation. So they now carry the debt Biden forced on them like an albatross.

Not telling you that because I think you will care, but in case you were wondering why the Democrats have lost the working class voters.

I have never personally met a girl or a woman athlete who is forced - on pain of being kicked off the team - to Undress in front of a male pretending to believe he is a female in order to be on the woman or a girl sports team. Nor have I met. a girl or woman who was forced to be in the locker room with a nude male.

But, unlike Democrats, I am capable of empathy for people I have never met. I don’t doubt that it happens because I don’t know anyone it has happened to.

It is a horrible situation we put these girls into. Honestly, I blame non-Democrats as much as Democrats. We should be far more outraged and far more demanding instead of being cowed by name-calling and the potential for being on some FBI terrorist list.
So let schools let men play in women sports.
If that's what they want. Seems stupid to me.
Give me a solution to the problem instead of just bitching about FUH FUH FUH GOVERNMENT FUH FUH FUH
Well, if you don't like the rules the sports league uses, don't participate. Or join the league and lobby for the changes you'd like to see. We don't need to reach for the club of the coercive state every time we disagree.
If that's what they want. Seems stupid to me.

Well, if you don't like the rules the sports league uses, don't participate. Or join the league and lobby for the changes you'd like to see. We don't need to reach for the club of the coercive state every time we disagree.

So no actual solution, just "GUBBMINT ALL BADD GRRR"

I don't know who I dislike more, over-government idiots or the we don't need government idiots.
Fascinating. So, if government doesn't dictate sports rules, it's "anarchy". Odd definition you have there.

It's dictating the terms of federal funding for Universities, and fixing a problem. Which is Men in Women's sports.

You are like one of those perpetual motion machine idiots, thinking your theoretical no government scenarios would actually work.
It's dictating the terms of federal funding for Universities, and fixing a problem. Which is Men in Women's sports.
It's using federal "funding" to expand federal power beyond Constitutional limits. Conservatives used to understand why that was wrong. Now they're all-in with the liberals dictating social norms with government.
You are like one of those perpetual motion machine idiots, thinking your theoretical no government scenarios would actually work.
And you're constantly making excuse for expanding the power of the state.
It's using federal "funding" to expand federal power beyond Constitutional limits. Conservatives used to understand why that was wrong. Now there all-in on the liberals social engineering.

And you're constantly making excuse for expanding the power of the government.

The Federal Government already had this power via legislation, they are just adding conditions.
I would be against it, I wouldn't be saying take down the entire system because of it.
Take down the entire system??? Exaggerate much?

Republicans have given up on limited government, and have joined liberals in the quest to mold society in their own image via government. It's sad to see.

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