The Homeless people of California

There are poor homeless people in every city and state in the US.

Don't be fooled Dalia, the derps here just hate California because it is the gold economic standard of America, has the best looking women, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, we produce most of the food for the country, and 40 million people. (Montana has 1 million people, just by numbers where do you think more homeless people will be) Every person thats posts this crap lives in a state and a city where you can go take all these same pictures of homeless people, they're just dishonest and want to portray California as 'bad'.

These are orange turd's people and they can't stand that California has told Trump to go fuck himself.
All this poverty in your home to start with the mandate of Obama and September 11, 2001 Depleted your economy the fault of the crappy terrorists who attacked you by surprise

Obama and September 2001? You reading from the Sean Hannity book of batshit?
No, that the way i talk you don't know me by now ? you know what i mean i am saying that i think of the reason why some place in the US are so poor but you have the load of the cost of the wars too.
You see i know a little about what happening in your country ;)
The problem in California is a very successful economy with a subculture of crappy GOP jobs that can't afford expensive housing. They are allowed to pitch tents. Many other places the homeless are hiding...

Crappy GOP jobs in California? Have you been in a freaking coma for the last half century?
Who stops us from having a living wage? D u h.
California and people should be help, helping Americans before helping foreigners during the primary Hillary wanted to bring in strangers, I say we need to help those who are there before bringing in other people.
The inequality and crap jobs will continue to grow until Democrats get control and reform the giveaway to the rich tax rates and cheapskate policy of the GOP the last 35 years. The $12 Hillary minimum wage or berny's$15 one would be a great start... Also a cheap training program 4 many technical Manufacturing jobs going begging that the GOP has blocked 4 years.

Trickle up poor, it's just a tax on the poor ..
And the Dems were in charge of the books........laughed about it in committee.........Later with egg on their faces going .......oh caught us lying de da...............
The GOP is always trying to to destroy Fannie and Freddie, who had little to do with the real estate bubble and got in on it late. It was mainly caused by private scam Financial institutions like Countrywide that GOP corrupt oversight made possible. Blaming Fannie and Freddie is is another bad GOP propaganda joke.
Your side cooked the books..............end of story...........except for your lies................which is all you are good for anymore.

Your side demands better family facilities for illegals caught at the border as your own residents live on the streets.

Says a lot about your side.................Face it.................You suck..........
Ever heard of the democratic 2010 comprehensive immigration bill with an SS ID card that would end illegal workers and immigrants? I didn't think so. All you here is b*******about open borders. When Hillary was talking only about trade sometime in the future, super duper.
Ever here of ICE laws........or do you just ignore them..........derp
What is your point? Besides irrelevancy....
Your side has demanded family living quarters here on this board for illegals detained by ICE.........yet in California the people are living in tent cities........

Do you notice the's you.....of course you don't.
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).

California is at war against the middle class. The Oligarchs have dictated that the middle class be utterly destroyed. Bezos and Zuckerberg want illegals to mow the lawns and wash the dishes, but they don't want these middle class usurpers on the roads or building houses.

The California Communist party under Kim Jong "Jerry" Brown has prosecuted this war on behalf of the Oligarchs to the point that 90% of the wealth in the state is in the hands of a couple hundred people. The result is a vast population who once had manufacturing and other middle class jobs who are left without employment or opportunity. They end up homeless and hopeless. Tim Cook and Sergei Brin would love to have Brown and his thugs round these people up and put them in concentration camps, but they have yet to gain sufficient power to pull it off.
well this sucks

may i ask , what would be the fix?


Perhaps North Korea could be encouraged to nuke California :smoke:
Or Austria...
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).
California Democrats deserve their share of the blame for rising homelessness, largely their support for finance capitalism and its looting of the global economy.

The Housing Crisis Extends Far Beyond 'Superstar' Cities - CityLab

"The global housing crisis reflects a fundamental paradox of contemporary capitalism. Cities around the world are more economically powerful and essential than ever.

"This creates tremendous demand for their land, leading to escalating housing costs and competition.

"Meanwhile, housing has been financialized and turned into an investment vehicle, which has caused an oversupply of luxury housing and a lack of affordable housing in many cities across the world.

"The global housing crisis is defined by a chronic shortage of housing for the least advantaged, and in many cases, for the working and middle classes as well."

Homelessness has increased noticeably over the 23 years I've lived in my LA neighborhood. In 1995 rents for a 500 square foot apartment were $375 monthly; today they are $1150 and rising rapidly in spite of the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression in 2007-08.

Private equity speculators are buying rental properties and keeping a large percentage of units off the market in order to inflate short-term profits.

Democrats are no more likely to end rental speculation than Republicans are.
The GOP has proven they will do nothing for any problem except the rich having to pay taxes... As a dupe I suppose you don't know the corrupt GOP blew up the housing market worldwide in 2008 LOL...
check this out. TSA will no longer except their Drivers Licenses to fly anymore. They hand out these id's like candy to illegals.

Real Id Card
They hand out licences to anyone regardless of their immigration status or ability to drive, like a cracker jacks prize. (Little wonder we have such road rage issue). But to add insult to injury, sanctuary cities also created the "motor voter" law deliberately constructed to further aid illegal aliens. I contend that these measures are unconstitutional in the extreme. We need Congressional investigations into this matter. Clearly something is wrong here.
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).

California is at war against the middle class. The Oligarchs have dictated that the middle class be utterly destroyed. Bezos and Zuckerberg want illegals to mow the lawns and wash the dishes, but they don't want these middle class usurpers on the roads or building houses.

The California Communist party under Kim Jong "Jerry" Brown has prosecuted this war on behalf of the Oligarchs to the point that 90% of the wealth in the state is in the hands of a couple hundred people. The result is a vast population who once had manufacturing and other middle class jobs who are left without employment or opportunity. They end up homeless and hopeless. Tim Cook and Sergei Brin would love to have Brown and his thugs round these people up and put them in concentration camps, but they have yet to gain sufficient power to pull it off.
The oligarchs are the greedy idiot GOP rich, super dupe. Who have been in charge of tax policy for 35 years now duh.
check this out. TSA will no longer except their Drivers Licenses to fly anymore. They hand out these id's like candy to illegals.

Real Id Card
They hand out licences to anyone regardless of their immigration status or ability to drive, like a cracker jacks prize. (Little wonder we have such road rage issue). But to add insult to injury, sanctuary cities also created the "motor voter" law deliberately constructed to further aid illegal aliens. I contend that these measures are unconstitutional in the extreme. We need Congressional investigations into this matter. Clearly something is wrong here.
I know, a stupid useless wall lol. Pass Amnesty on the Worthy and a SSID card that can't be faked to stop any more from coming in d u h. The only solution.
2nd prioity....


Hard to argue with Gracie...

I'm living it. And I'm in California. And I have been bumped back numerous times. Still waiting. Maybe we will finally get a roof of our own before both of us dies of older ages than we already are.
My daughter lives there now.........on their power bill they pay $50 a month for other people's power bill..........Yet I'm sending money there so they can eat.

That's the way it is everywhere... Why do you think millennials are all still at home? Crappy jobs that don't pay enough to live on. Call berny and $15 living wage.
2nd prioity....


Hard to argue with Gracie...

I'm living it. And I'm in California. And I have been bumped back numerous times. Still waiting. Maybe we will finally get a roof of our own before both of us dies of older ages than we already are.
My daughter lives there now.........on their power bill they pay $50 a month for other people's power bill..........Yet I'm sending money there so they can eat.

That's the way it is everywhere... Why do you think millennials are all still at home? Crappy jobs that don't pay enough to live on. Call berny and $15 living wage.
They make that much already...............given the costs there it's not enough............when housing is through the roof.............

Brought to you by the Dems who control the region..............not to mention the extra's they pay for everything there.............want for the bag...............and so on.......paying for others power bill when they hardly have enough to eat.................I wish she'd come home...........and get out of that dang state....................better cost of living here.........better life than being dead broke and a week away from being homeless there........except I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN.................
Wanna get rich real fast? Buy a clunker house in SF or Central Coast or least a 4 bedroom shithole...then rent out the rooms to students. 900 bucks per head..or more, then stuff 2 sets of bunk beds in each bedroom for each person paying that 900 bucks. Turn a toolshed into a that out for 1500 per month. Students in college WILL pay it. Old people or small families needing a place? Tough shit. Pay up or sleep on the street.
Slumlords doing this shit is what is causing the raise hikes in rent. RENT CONTROL!!!!!!! Stop this shit. And get someone in there as governor that will repeal all the damage Brown has done. No more sanctuary state. No more illegal cvnts with bucketloads of kids with no fathers getting placed in front of old people who have paid taxes all their lives and now needs a roof.

I can't tell if you are for or against rent control.

Rent control is another disastrous liberal economic policy that is meant to help the poor but always winds up hurting them.

Rather than rent control, there should be more development. But it's hard to develop in California. There are too many regulations that restrict development. We own property in California, and it can take years to get anything approved.
I am FOR rent control. Someone has to put a cap on this bullshit. As long as college students mommies and daddies pay the outrageous fees per their darling students heads..the rent will continue to rise. And as long as cvnts continue to spread their legs, are illegal, and are pushed to the top of all the fucking lists for housing..there will continue to be homeless people. And is not easy to even build here. Water. That is the problem. Restrictions.
35 years of the GOP give away to the rich and cuts for rest. Incredible inequality and suffering. Great job.
well this sucks

may i ask , what would be the fix?


Perhaps North Korea could be encouraged to nuke California :smoke:
Or Austria...
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).
California Democrats deserve their share of the blame for rising homelessness, largely their support for finance capitalism and its looting of the global economy.

The Housing Crisis Extends Far Beyond 'Superstar' Cities - CityLab

"The global housing crisis reflects a fundamental paradox of contemporary capitalism. Cities around the world are more economically powerful and essential than ever.

"This creates tremendous demand for their land, leading to escalating housing costs and competition.

"Meanwhile, housing has been financialized and turned into an investment vehicle, which has caused an oversupply of luxury housing and a lack of affordable housing in many cities across the world.

"The global housing crisis is defined by a chronic shortage of housing for the least advantaged, and in many cases, for the working and middle classes as well."

Homelessness has increased noticeably over the 23 years I've lived in my LA neighborhood. In 1995 rents for a 500 square foot apartment were $375 monthly; today they are $1150 and rising rapidly in spite of the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression in 2007-08.

Private equity speculators are buying rental properties and keeping a large percentage of units off the market in order to inflate short-term profits.

Democrats are no more likely to end rental speculation than Republicans are.
The GOP has proven they will do nothing for any problem except the rich having to pay taxes... As a dupe I suppose you don't know the corrupt GOP blew up the housing market worldwide in 2008 LOL...

No we are not a Shit Hole and we take care of our own, California is now a Shit Hole and has politicians who do not care about their own population, any situation where they allow their own to rot on the street they deserve to be punished, how can it morally be justified to allow your own to rot on the street, it cannot.
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).

California is at war against the middle class. The Oligarchs have dictated that the middle class be utterly destroyed. Bezos and Zuckerberg want illegals to mow the lawns and wash the dishes, but they don't want these middle class usurpers on the roads or building houses.

The California Communist party under Kim Jong "Jerry" Brown has prosecuted this war on behalf of the Oligarchs to the point that 90% of the wealth in the state is in the hands of a couple hundred people. The result is a vast population who once had manufacturing and other middle class jobs who are left without employment or opportunity. They end up homeless and hopeless. Tim Cook and Sergei Brin would love to have Brown and his thugs round these people up and put them in concentration camps, but they have yet to gain sufficient power to pull it off.


That's an extremely leftist view.

Take out the immigrant part, and you sound exactly like the communist trade unionists in the UK in the 60s and 70s.
The oligarchs are the greedy idiot GOP rich, super dupe. Who have been in charge of tax policy for 35 years now duh.

You think Tim Cook, Andy Grove, Mark Zuckerberk, Sergei Brin, Jeff Bezos, et al are GOP?


My god but you're fucking dumb.
They are all for higher taxes on themselves and cuts for the non rich, super dupe. And reform of this mess the GOP has caused the last 35 years. All they have is ridiculous propaganda that has taken over your
ignorant brain.
well this sucks

may i ask , what would be the fix?


Perhaps North Korea could be encouraged to nuke California :smoke:
Or Austria...
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).
California Democrats deserve their share of the blame for rising homelessness, largely their support for finance capitalism and its looting of the global economy.

The Housing Crisis Extends Far Beyond 'Superstar' Cities - CityLab

"The global housing crisis reflects a fundamental paradox of contemporary capitalism. Cities around the world are more economically powerful and essential than ever.

"This creates tremendous demand for their land, leading to escalating housing costs and competition.

"Meanwhile, housing has been financialized and turned into an investment vehicle, which has caused an oversupply of luxury housing and a lack of affordable housing in many cities across the world.

"The global housing crisis is defined by a chronic shortage of housing for the least advantaged, and in many cases, for the working and middle classes as well."

Homelessness has increased noticeably over the 23 years I've lived in my LA neighborhood. In 1995 rents for a 500 square foot apartment were $375 monthly; today they are $1150 and rising rapidly in spite of the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression in 2007-08.

Private equity speculators are buying rental properties and keeping a large percentage of units off the market in order to inflate short-term profits.

Democrats are no more likely to end rental speculation than Republicans are.
The GOP has proven they will do nothing for any problem except the rich having to pay taxes... As a dupe I suppose you don't know the corrupt GOP blew up the housing market worldwide in 2008 LOL...

No we are not a Shit Hole and we take care of our own, California is now a Shit Hole and has politicians who do not care about their own population, any situation where they allow their own to rot on the street they deserve to be punished, how can it morally be justified to allow your own to rot on the street, it cannot.

California is a shithole? Have you ever been there?

There are shitty areas of California, there are problems, and the politics are whacky. But the state is beautiful, and it's probably the most important, innovative economy on earth.

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