The Holy Bible contains not any contradictions!

There's nothing random about any of this. We live in a logical universe governed by rules, laws and information. There has never been an uncaused event. The definition of reason is a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event. The definition of purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. The consequence of a logical universe is that every cause has an effect. Which means that everything happens for a reason and serves a purpose. The very nature of our physical laws point to reason and purpose.
Yes there is. If there is a creator, he made randomness and uncertainty part of the universe. Don't be telling God what he can't do.
You aren't the first person to misapply or misunderstand the implications of the uncertainty principle. First of all there are constantly forces forcing particles to choose. Secondly, quantum mechanics never violates conservation laws. It is always predictable in that regard. Predictable is not random.
Does God know the location, mass, and momentum of every wave and particle in the universe? If not...
What does that have to do with anything? That's as weak as the fair weather argument.

The laws of nature existed before space and time itself. Everything which has unfolded since the beginning of time has done so according to the laws of nature.
It is the Absolutely Truth of God.
Lying hippi-dippie-atheists-commies-faggots-satanists misuse trust of folks who do not read this Holy Book and lie to them
Better read the Holy Bible by yourself and go to a born-again Priest from independent church asking for clarification.

Talking snakes?

What does that have to do with anything? That's as weak as the fair weather argument.

The laws of nature existed before space and time itself. Everything which has unfolded since the beginning of time has done so according to the laws of nature.
Not familiar with the fair weather argument but unless God knows the position of every particle in the universe, the universe to him is random.
I just find it pretty typical that when facts and evidence are presented to ID'iot creationists, their reaction is exactly like yours; you are reduced to emotional outbursts in an attempt to deflect from your inability to present a coherent argument.

I think the facts are you presented a talkorigins argument without understanding it and I countered with a trueorigins argument with understanding it. It's no wonder you're upset.

That said, let's see how you do at final judgement to see who is the emo, emo, emo one.
Don't like to speak for him but I believe he saw the Bible was the flawed work or man but it may have been mostly the presence of evil in the world.

God's word is not flawed. The presence of evil in this world does not mean that God's word or the Bible is flawed. If it was, then we'd all know about it by now. However, the atheists and the atheist scientists keep trying to come up with bull puckey to contradict it. Satan doesn't rest either. He's quite powerful and you admitted it.

Only one side can be right. There is only one truth.
What does that have to do with anything? That's as weak as the fair weather argument.

The laws of nature existed before space and time itself. Everything which has unfolded since the beginning of time has done so according to the laws of nature.
Not familiar with the fair weather argument but unless God knows the position of every particle in the universe, the universe to him is random.
Is the universe random to you?

The universe is not random to anyone because it follows rules.
I just find it pretty typical that when facts and evidence are presented to ID'iot creationists, their reaction is exactly like yours; you are reduced to emotional outbursts in an attempt to deflect from your inability to present a coherent argument.

I think the facts are you presented a talkorigins argument without understanding it and I countered with a trueorigins argument with understanding it. It's no wonder you're upset.

That said, let's see how you do at final judgement to see who is the emo, emo, emo one.

Actually, I presented to you the argument from supported science because I do understand it.

Personally, I do not accept your version of myth and mysticism because they are unprovable. I don't accept your fears and superstition because ultimately they are harmful. You countered nothing with your usual "..... because I say so", nonsense.

Every discovery in the history of science has been based on processes that are natural. No discovery has ever supported a supernatural explanation of anything. Why should the scientific study of the origin of life prove any different? You seem to think that, that which is unknown is forever unknowable. It think, based on the history of science and the rapid development of technology, that what is unknown today will be known tomorrow. For some strange reason, you and other ID'iot creationists insist on calling that faith. Well, if that makes you happy...

If one has faith, why search any further for the answers which one supposedly has? To quote Benjamin Franklin: "In the affairs of the world, men are saved, not by faith, but by the lack of it."

There's no need to threaten me with your gods. Do you think the gods need an ID'iot creationist making threats on their behalf?
Truth is only one side of the coin, the other side is faith.

The right faith leads to the truth. Your friend got lost on the way like the majority of the population.

It's comical when ID'iot creationists use their gods to try and intimidate others.

As we know, religion is rarely a choice. People rarely apply very hard standards to their religious beliefs. They tend to be cultural (i.e., you grew up in a social environment that preferred one belief over another.

One's religion is, with near exclusivity, a matter of parentage and place of birth. Raise a child in an islamic nation of islamic parents and the child will be Moslem. The same thing for a Hindu child in a Hindu home or a child from the bible belt in a christian home.
Don't like to speak for him but I believe he saw the Bible was the flawed work or man but it may have been mostly the presence of evil in the world.

God's word is not flawed. The presence of evil in this world does not mean that God's word or the Bible is flawed. If it was, then we'd all know about it by now. However, the atheists and the atheist scientists keep trying to come up with bull puckey to contradict it. Satan doesn't rest either. He's quite powerful and you admitted it.

Only one side can be right. There is only one truth.

None of the men who wrote any of the bibles ever had any direct communications with the gods.

Define the false label " the words of the gods" when there has been no such thing.
Logically there are not multiple deities that exist. There is only one. Whose nature is beyond our comprehension.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have heard your spiel before and in case you forgot I think its lunacy.

You also seem to have forgotten that you openly worship a coequal trinity that became a man who you eat in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life.

Jesus said that knowing God is eternal life.

If thats true, not knowing God is death....

The only reason the nature of God is incomprehensible to you is because you have never seen him and do not know him.

You only love and practice deceit.
Sounds to me like you are still obsessing over the form of religion. Thanks for proving my point.

No, ding. I am not obsessing over the form of religion. That NPC phrase has no meaning here.

You mentioned that there is only one God. I reminded you that you worship a trinity which by definition is three coequal beings in one which is not the same thing as one unequalled God.

You said that the nature of God is incomprehensible, but I showed you that Jesus said the exact opposite, that knowing God is in itself eternal life.

Then I did you the favor of alerting you to the cause of your separation from God, the idolatrous worship of an edible trinity that does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

God is incomprehensible to you because you have never seen him and do not know him.

The silly things you say about God experiencing the material world through "us" or God is present in the eucharist simply because 'we" believe, confirms this.

You have been deluded by your own unrestrained imagination which is not an experience of God but the exact opposite.

And in case you have forgotten, I don't give a crap about what you do in church.

Something is going on here right above your head and the watchers are watching.
I just find it pretty typical that when facts and evidence are presented to ID'iot creationists, their reaction is exactly like yours; you are reduced to emotional outbursts in an attempt to deflect from your inability to present a coherent argument.

I think the facts are you presented a talkorigins argument without understanding it and I countered with a trueorigins argument with understanding it. It's no wonder you're upset.

That said, let's see how you do at final judgement to see who is the emo, emo, emo one.

Actually, I presented to you the argument from supported science because I do understand it.

Personally, I do not accept your version of myth and mysticism because they are unprovable. I don't accept your fears and superstition because ultimately they are harmful. You countered nothing with your usual "..... because I say so", nonsense.

Every discovery in the history of science has been based on processes that are natural. No discovery has ever supported a supernatural explanation of anything. Why should the scientific study of the origin of life prove any different? You seem to think that, that which is unknown is forever unknowable. It think, based on the history of science and the rapid development of technology, that what is unknown today will be known tomorrow. For some strange reason, you and other ID'iot creationists insist on calling that faith. Well, if that makes you happy...

If one has faith, why search any further for the answers which one supposedly has? To quote Benjamin Franklin: "In the affairs of the world, men are saved, not by faith, but by the lack of it."

There's no need to threaten me with your gods. Do you think the gods need an ID'iot creationist making threats on their behalf?
To quote Benjamin Franklin: "In the affairs of the world, men are saved, not by faith, but by the lack of it."

or faith without resolution is thought without reason ...

the ID'iot creationist seem more than content to forever move their goalposts after their maleficence no longer works for them.

- having faith and reaching the desired goal is the true spoken (word) religion of antiquity.
Actually, I presented to you the argument from supported science because I do understand it.

What did you present? All you did was post an argument from talkorigins which you could not explain. I posted a rebuttal from trueorigins which I could explain.

Personally, I do not accept your version of myth and mysticism because they are unprovable. I don't accept your fears and superstition because ultimately they are harmful. You countered nothing with your usual "..... because I say so", nonsense.

Every discovery in the history of science has been based on processes that are natural. No discovery has ever supported a supernatural explanation of anything. Why should the scientific study of the origin of life prove any different? You seem to think that, that which is unknown is forever unknowable. It think, based on the history of science and the rapid development of technology, that what is unknown today will be known tomorrow. For some strange reason, you and other ID'iot creationists insist on calling that faith. Well, if that makes you happy...

You have been told this is wrong so many times. The universe, Earth and everything in it is here due to God's creation. Creation was the dominant theory until the 1850s. Since then, the atheist scientists eliminated their competition and main competitive theory because it continued to kick their stupid arses and would not let evolution take root. This is not how science is suppose to work. It should be best theory and that is creation.

BTW I effectively eliminated one of the ID theories that the universe is a hologram in another thread. It goes to show people believe fringe science such as evolution based on pop science articles and msm articles.

None of the men who wrote any of the bibles ever had any direct communications with the gods.

Wrong again. We have Peter, Paul, John and more.
Actually, I presented to you the argument from supported science because I do understand it.

What did you present? All you did was post an argument from talkorigins which you could not explain. I posted a rebuttal from trueorigins which I could explain.

Personally, I do not accept your version of myth and mysticism because they are unprovable. I don't accept your fears and superstition because ultimately they are harmful. You countered nothing with your usual "..... because I say so", nonsense.

Every discovery in the history of science has been based on processes that are natural. No discovery has ever supported a supernatural explanation of anything. Why should the scientific study of the origin of life prove any different? You seem to think that, that which is unknown is forever unknowable. It think, based on the history of science and the rapid development of technology, that what is unknown today will be known tomorrow. For some strange reason, you and other ID'iot creationists insist on calling that faith. Well, if that makes you happy...

You have been told this is wrong so many times. The universe, Earth and everything in it is here due to God's creation. Creation was the dominant theory until the 1850s. Since then, the atheist scientists eliminated their competition and main competitive theory because it continued to kick their stupid arses and would not let evolution take root. This is not how science is suppose to work. It should be best theory and that is creation.

BTW I effectively eliminated one of the ID theories that the universe is a hologram in another thread. It goes to show people believe fringe science such as evolution based on pop science articles and msm articles.

None of the men who wrote any of the bibles ever had any direct communications with the gods.

Wrong again. We have Peter, Paul, John and more.

I presented you peer reviewed data which you didn't address or respond to. That's not surprising as ID'iot creation ministries do no research and perform no testing.

As to your "... because I say so" arguments as to the existence of life and the natural world we live in, there is nothing to indicate your various gods had any hand in that. Your only argument seems to be that you cannot accept evolution because you cannot believe that it could have occurred. That's not much of an argument. Yet you opt for another solution which offers no evidence whatsoever to support it. You hold on fast to the idea that what is unknown now will be forever unknown.

Your appeals to magic and supernaturalism are indefensible.

For all your bible thumping about "gods word", not a single one of the writers of the bibles (you dont even know who they are), ever had any communications with any of the gods.
I presented you peer reviewed data which you didn't address or respond to.

I've see peer-reviewed data. It's not in talkorigins hahahaha.

I think your data belongs here:

To quote Benjamin Franklin: "In the affairs of the world, men are saved, not by faith, but by the lack of it."
creationist seem more than content to forever move their goalposts after their maleficence no longer works for them.

The boob cannot even quote Benjamin Franklin correctly. He said, "In the affairs of this world, men are saved not by faith, but by the want of it."

Benjamin Franklin Quotes

Thus, it's you two loonies who are moving the goalposts after their malfeasance.

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