The Holocaust: Where Are All of the Bodies??

3. So....where are the bodies of the Nazis' victims?
This is where we get into the history that is less than common knowledge.

The Nazis called it "Aktion 1005."

The Nazis knew what they had done was indefensible, and knowledge of same would cost them any possible leverage when they lost the, they tried to wipe out the evidence of their crimes.

a. " “It seems that rumors of our activities in the east have started to reach the ears of our enemies. We’ve also got a problem with one of the sites in the Warthegau region. Complaints about contamination of some kind.”

“If I may ask the obvious question, Herr Gruppenführer, what difference does it make if rumors reach the West? Who would believe that such a thing was truly possible?

“Rumors are one thing, Erich. Evidence is quite another.”
From the novel "A Death in Vienna," by Daniel Silva

" Operation 1005 was instituted by the Nazis to wipe out the traces of the mass murders they had perpetrated in Eastern and Central Europe. It began in mid-1942, when information concerning the mass slaughter of Jews and others by the Nazis first began to circulate in the West, and ended with the last days of the occupation .

.... units of Einsatzkommando 1005 were established in various geographical locations These units consisted of SiPO–SD members who organized and directed the operation, scores of German police guards and hundreds of slave laborers, mostly Jews,....

Because this operation was to be ‘Top Secret,' Berlin ordered that the slave laborers were to be murdered after the completion of the work in the area, and the German staff, who were sworn to secrecy, were not sent back to their units. As a result of this operation many mass graves were obliterated, making it impossible after the war to ascertain the exact extent of the Nazi crimes, especially in the Soviet Union and Poland."
PC is sick, despite her second statement, because of those who come up with, which she accepts: "Also, just for the record, Nazism is the German term for NATIONAL SOCIALISM which is exactly what FDR & Obama are all about."

An informed 9th grader would easily refute PC's silliness.

Let us know when you graduate the 8th grade.
How, exactly, to erase all traces of the murder of millions of men, women, children....?

4. "What are you going to do with this place?”

“We’ll open the pits and burn the bodies, then we’ll crush the bones and scatter the fragments in the forests and the rivers.”

“Burn thirty thousand corpses? We tried it during the killing operations. We used flamethrowers, for God’s sake. Mass open-air cremations do not work.”

“That’s because you never constructed a proper pyre. At Chelmno, I proved it can be done. Trust me, Kurt, one day this place called Babi Yar will be only a rumor, just like the Jews who used to live here.”
From the novel "A Death in Vienna," by Daniel Silva

a. The Sonderaktion 1005(English: Special Action 1005), also called Aktion 1005, or Enterdungsaktion (English: Exhumation Action) began in May 1942 during World War II to hide any evidence that people had been murdered by Nazi Germany in Aktion Reinhard in occupied Poland.

The operation, which was conducted in strict secrecy from 1942–1944, used prisoners to exhume mass graves and burn the bodies. These work groups were officially called Leichenkommandos ("corpse units") and were all part of Sonderkommando 1005; inmates were often put in chains in order to prevent escape.

In May 1943 the operation moved into occupied territories in Eastern Europe to destroy evidence of the Holocaust. Sonderaktion 1005 was used to conceal the evidence of massacres committed bySS-Einsatzgruppen Nazi death squads that had massacred hundreds of thousands of mostly Jews, as well as Roma and local civilians in Eastern Europe. The Aktion was overseen by selected squads from the Sicherheitsdienst and Ordnungspolizei.
Sonderaktion 1005 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
PC is sick, despite her second statement, because of those who come up with, which she accepts: "Also, just for the record, Nazism is the German term for NATIONAL SOCIALISM which is exactly what FDR & Obama are all about."

An informed 9th grader would easily refute PC's silliness.

Let us know when you graduate the 8th grade.

Sand, PC is a sicko, and if you support her nonsense, you are in the filth with her.
The national socialism that PCs's decries is exactly the type of right wing fascist conservatism she wants big government to bring to America.
The national socialism that PCs's decries is exactly the type of right wing fascist conservatism she wants big government to bring to America.

Here, let me help you toward finally graduating from middle school....

Lesson for today:

Nazi...national socialism....based on nationalism and/or race... socialism.

Pop quiz:
Which endorses genocide?

Which is based on a doctrine of controlling the lives of all of its citizens.

Which stems from the works of Karl Marx?

I know, I's too difficult for you.

Well....get used to the last seat in the dumb row....for another year.
5. The corpses were there. Millions of them, mostly in pits, covered over. But then they began to become exposed.....

" IT BEGAN, oddly enough, with a complaint from the neighbors.

Early in 1942, spring runoff exposed a series of mass graves in the Warthegau district of western Poland along the Ner River. Thousands of corpses floated to the surface, and a horrible stench spread for miles around the site. A German living nearby sent an anonymous letter to the Foreign Office in Berlin complaining about the situation. Alarm bells sounded. The graves contained the remains of thousands of Jews murdered by the mobile gas vans then being used at the Chelmno extermination camp. The Final Solution, Nazi Germany’s most closely guarded secret, was in danger of being exposed by snowmelt.

The first reports of the mass killings of Jews had already begun reaching the outside world, thanks to a Soviet diplomatic cable that alerted the Allies to the horrors being carried out by German forces on Polish and Soviet soil. Martin Luther, who handled “Jewish affairs” on behalf of the German Foreign Office, knew that the exposed graves near Chelmno represented a serious threat to the secrecy of the Final Solution. He forwarded a copy of the anonymous letter to Heinrich Müller of the Gestapo and requested immediate action." From the novel " A Death in Vienna, " by Daniel Silva

[Martin Franz Julius LutherAfter January 1942, Luther's principal task was to persuade or pressure German satellites and allies to hand over their Jewish populations for deportation to the death camps, a job which he performed with considerable aplomb.]

'The anonymous letter sent to the Foreign Office concerning the apparent solution of the Jewish question in the Warthegau district, which was submitted by you to me on 6 February 1942, I immediately transmitted for proper treatment. The results will be forthcoming in due course. In a place where wood is chopped, splinters must fall, and there is no avoiding this.' Silva, Op.Cit.
As the word of the atrocities began to become known, the Nazis came up with a method of erasing the evidence.

6. "Radek settled on cremation as the most effective method of disposing of the bodies. Burning had been attempted before, usually with flamethrowers, but with unsatisfactory results. Radek put his engineering training to good use, devising a method of burning corpses two thousand at a time in towering aerodynamic pyres. Thick wooden beams, twenty-three to twenty-seven feet in length, were soaked in petrol and placed atop cement blocks. The corpses were layered between the beams-bodies, beams, bodies, beams, bodies…

Petrol-soaked kindling was placed at the base of the structure and set ablaze. When the fire died down, the charred bones would be crushed by heavy machinery and dispersed.

The dirty work was done by Jewish slave laborers. Radek organized the Jews into three teams, one team to open the burial pits, a second to carry the corpses from the pits to the pyre, and a third to sift the ashes for bones and valuables. At the conclusion of each operation, the terrain was leveled and replanted to conceal what had taken place there. Then the slaves were murdered and disposed of. In that way the secrecy of Aktion 1005 was preserved.

“We’ll never know how many bodies Radek and his men disposed of. The crime was far too enormous to conceal completely, but Aktion 1005 managed to efface much of the evidence and make it virtually impossible after the war to arrive at an accurate estimate of the dead. So thorough was Radek’s work that, in some cases, the Polish and Soviet commissions investigating the Shoah could findno traces of the mass graves. At Babi Yar, Radek’s cleanup was so complete that, after the war, the Soviets were able to turn it into a park.

And now, unfortunately, the lack of physical remains of the dead has given inspiration to the lunatic fringe who claim the Holocaust never happened. Radek’s actions haunt us to this day.”
From the novel "A Death in Vienna," by Daniel Silva
7. One might question whether these beasts got the punishments that they deserved....

And, unless one had an understanding of 'Realpolitik,' one might be surprised.

a. A prime example is Wernher von Braun was "the central figure in the Nazis' rocket development program, responsible for the design and realization of theV-2combat rocket during World War II. After the war, he and some select members of his rocket team were taken to theUnited Statesas part of the then-secretOperation Paperclip." Wernher von Braun - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He became the US Army ballistic missile scientist.

b. And another Nazi....this one became the godfather of the CIA.

Reinhard Gehlen "....Majorgeneral Reinhard Gehlen was chief of Fremde Heere Ost (FHO), the General Staff’s Eastern Front Intelligence Service of the Wehrmacht.[29]The Wehrmacht was the unified armed forces of Germany from 1935 to 1946.....Gehlen’s foreign service, the FHO, was absorbed into Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) SS-command headquarter offices. In RSHA,Gehlen’s overseer and superior was Himmler’s Personal Staffer,Brigadeführer SS(Wicked) Walter Schellenberg." reinhard gehlen In Search of Black Assassins

As Franklin Roosevelt had entered a "marriage" with Joseph Stalin, we had no assets able to infiltrate the Soviet government. The Nazis did.....Reinhard Gehlen.

8. " You see, before the war, we had no intelligence service-not areal one, anyway...our intelligence operation inside the Soviet Union consisted of a couple of guys from Harvard and a teletype machine. When we suddenly found ourselves nose to nose with the Russian bogeyman, we didn’t know shit about him. His strengths, his weaknesses, his intentions. And what’s more, we didn’t know how to find out. That another war was imminent was a foregone conclusion. And what did we have? Fuck all. No networks, no agents. Nothing. We were lost, wandering in the desert. We needed help. ...General Reinhard Gehlen, head of the German General Staff’s Foreign Armies East branch, Hitler’s chief spy on the Russian front.

“Gehlen was the answer to our prayers. The man had spent a career spying on the Soviet Union, and now he was going to show us the way. We brought him into this country.... . He told us what we wanted to hear. Stalinism was an evil unparalleled in human history. Stalin intended to subvert the countries of western Europe from within and then move against them militarily. Stalin had global ambitions. Be not afraid, Gehlen told us. I have networks, I have sleepers and stay-behind cells. I know everything there is to know about Stalin and his henchmen. Together, we will crush him.”
Daniel Silva, Op.Cit.

9. "Gehlen Organization or Gehlen Org was an intelligence agency established in June 1946 by U.S. occupation authorities in the United States Zone of Germany, and consisted of former members of the 12th Department of the German Army General Staff (Foreign Armies East, or FHO). It carries the name of Wehrmacht Major general Reinhard Gehlen, head of the German military intelligence in the Eastern Front during World War II.... The Org was for many years the only eyes and ears of the CIA on the ground in the Soviet Bloc nations during the Cold War. The CIA kept close tabs on the Gehlen group: the Org supplied the manpower while the CIA supplied the material needs for clandestine operations, including funding, cars and airplanes.

Every German POW returning from Soviet captivity to West Germany between 1947 and 1955 was interviewed by Org agents. Those returnees who were forced to work in Soviet industries and construction and were willing to participate, represented an incomparable source of information, a post-war, up-to-date picture of the Soviet empire as it evolved.[2]"
.Gehlen Organization - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gehlen eventually went back to Germany to head their Federal Intelligence Service.
How many Jews are said to of died in the Holocaust?

"...long before Hitler got in."????????

6 million for some reason is a magic no. before and after WWII


"The following figures from Lucy Dawidowicz show the annihilation of the Jewish population of Europe by (pre-war) country:[270]
Baltic countries253,000228,00090
Germany and Austria240,000210,00090
Bohemia and Moravia90,00080,00089
Byelorussian SSR375,000245,00065
Ukrainian SSR1,500,000900,00060
Russian SFSR975,000107,00011
Since 1945, the most commonly cited figure for the total number of Jews killed has been six million. The Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, writes that there is no precise figure for the number of Jews killed,[287] but has been able to find documentation of more than three million names of Jewish victims killed,[288] which it displays at its visitors center. The figure most commonly used is the six million attributed to Adolf Eichmann, a senior SS official.[289]

Early calculations range from about 4.2 to 4.5 million in The Final Solution(1953) by Gerald Reitlinger (arguing against higher Russian estimates),[290]and 5.1 million from Raul Hilberg, to 5.95 million from Jacob Lestschinsky.Yisrael Gutman and Robert Rozett in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaustestimate 5.59–5.86 million.[291] A study led by Wolfgang Benz of the Technical University of Berlin suggests 5.29–6.2 million.[292][293] Yad Vashem writes that the main sources for these statistics are comparisons of prewar and postwar censuses and population estimates, and Nazi documentation on deportations and murders.[292] Its Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names currently holds close to three million names of Holocaust victims, all accessible online. Yad Vashem continues its project of collecting names of Jewish victims from historical documents and individual memories.[294]

Hilberg's estimate of 5.1 million, in the third edition of The Destruction of the European Jews, includes over 800,000 who died from "ghettoization and general privation"; 1,400,000 killed in open-air shootings; and up to 2,900,000 who perished in camps. Hilberg estimates the death toll of Jews in Poland as up to 3,000,000.[295] Hilberg's numbers are generally considered to be a conservative estimate, as they typically include only those deaths for which records are available, avoiding statistical adjustment.[296]

Martin Gilbert arrived at a "minimum estimate" of over 5.75 million Jewish victims including 2 million gassed at Auschwitz.[297] Lucy S. Dawidowicz used pre-war census figures to estimate that 5.934 million Jews died (see table below).[298]"

The Holocaust - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

did you watch the video, you can see that the magic no. of 6 mil was used when they were in Russia. Who knows the real no. of Jews who died in WWII??

1. Are you doubting that the Jews were the subject of the Nazi 'Final Solution"?

2. Would you find it more.....copacetic if the number were 3 million?

Is there any way you can defend your position?

I don't care, and yes I doubt the gas chambers, why would they bring these starved Jews to gas chambers, to gas them, why not kill them on the spot. There was a war going on. The Jews were brought to labor camps , aka as concentration camps, and well many died. The Jewish pop was large and many fought in partisan groups themselves against the Germans , either by extermination, but the maj. by starvation and typhus.
3. So....where are the bodies of the Nazis' victims?
This is where we get into the history that is less than common knowledge.

The Nazis called it "Aktion 1005."

The Nazis knew what they had done was indefensible, and knowledge of same would cost them any possible leverage when they lost the, they tried to wipe out the evidence of their crimes.

a. " “It seems that rumors of our activities in the east have started to reach the ears of our enemies. We’ve also got a problem with one of the sites in the Warthegau region. Complaints about contamination of some kind.”

“If I may ask the obvious question, Herr Gruppenführer, what difference does it make if rumors reach the West? Who would believe that such a thing was truly possible?

“Rumors are one thing, Erich. Evidence is quite another.”
From the novel "A Death in Vienna," by Daniel Silva

" Operation 1005 was instituted by the Nazis to wipe out the traces of the mass murders they had perpetrated in Eastern and Central Europe. It began in mid-1942, when information concerning the mass slaughter of Jews and others by the Nazis first began to circulate in the West, and ended with the last days of the occupation .

.... units of Einsatzkommando 1005 were established in various geographical locations These units consisted of SiPO–SD members who organized and directed the operation, scores of German police guards and hundreds of slave laborers, mostly Jews,....

Because this operation was to be ‘Top Secret,' Berlin ordered that the slave laborers were to be murdered after the completion of the work in the area, and the German staff, who were sworn to secrecy, were not sent back to their units. As a result of this operation many mass graves were obliterated, making it impossible after the war to ascertain the exact extent of the Nazi crimes, especially in the Soviet Union and Poland."

I don't believe that for a minute.

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