The Hardcore Right - It'll get worse before it gets better


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Radio hosts Michael Medved and Mike Rosen (KOA/Denver) are both conservative talk show hosts who avoid the whacked-out hyperbole practiced by the Limbaughs, Levins, Savages, Becks and Hannitys (the division pimps) of the world. So while they're committed partisans, they at least make the effort to be thoughtful, mature and reasonable.

In the last couple of days, however, they both had to deal with hardcore conservative callers who have been driven so over the top by their ideology (and, most likely, the aforementioned division pimps) that the talk show hosts were clearly embarrassed and had to disavow the callers.

In both cases, the talk show hosts were discussing gun control. And in both cases, the callers went into angry tirades about Obama. To paraphrase, both said something like "we all know that Marxist communist is gonna try to take our guns, and when he does, we're gonna defend ourselves against all those socialists who think they can destroy Amurrrrica." Something like that.

In both cases, the host sighed and paused, trying to find a way to respond quickly and respectfully. They then politely disagreed with the caller and moved on. I can only imagine what was going through their head, but I suspect it was something like "how do we get rid of these people?"...

Thing is, these people aren't going away. We see them here on this board, and they really believe the stuff they say. It's not a game. And they're so blinded that they don't realize how this is looking, what damage it's causing their own side.

They have to be marginalized, but how? I don't see how you get from here to there.

Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.
Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.

Right on cue.


Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.

Right on cue.



You are left drooling, defenseless and without retort as your poorly conceived partisan hack take is once again punked.

As per usual.


Radio hosts Michael Medved and Mike Rosen (KOA/Denver) are both conservative talk show hosts who avoid the whacked-out hyperbole practiced by the Limbaughs, Levins, Savages, Becks and Hannitys (the division pimps) of the world. So while they're committed partisans, they at least make the effort to be thoughtful, mature and reasonable.

In the last couple of days, however, they both had to deal with hardcore conservative callers who have been driven so over the top by their ideology (and, most likely, the aforementioned division pimps) that the talk show hosts were clearly embarrassed and had to disavow the callers.

In both cases, the talk show hosts were discussing gun control. And in both cases, the callers went into angry tirades about Obama. To paraphrase, both said something like "we all know that Marxist communist is gonna try to take our guns, and when he does, we're gonna defend ourselves against all those socialists who think they can destroy Amurrrrica." Something like that.

In both cases, the host sighed and paused, trying to find a way to respond quickly and respectfully. They then politely disagreed with the caller and moved on. I can only imagine what was going through their head, but I suspect it was something like "how do we get rid of these people?"...

Thing is, these people aren't going away. We see them here on this board, and they really believe the stuff they say. It's not a game. And they're so blinded that they don't realize how this is looking, what damage it's causing their own side.

They have to be marginalized, but how? I don't see how you get from here to there.


LOL, they HAVE TO BE MARGINALIZED...notice you don't have any left wingers in any of that
like you all wanted the OWS marginalized, Unions..the question should be how do we marginalize you nuts who think you should step on the voice of the people in this country YOU DON'T LIKE
you can try and act all non partisan, but you are just another partisan hack who feel only your Freedom of speech is what should be heard
and you damn right the people speaking are not GOING AWAY...don't like it, tough shit
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Radio hosts Michael Medved and Mike Rosen (KOA/Denver) are both conservative talk show hosts who avoid the whacked-out hyperbole practiced by the Limbaughs, Levins, Savages, Becks and Hannitys (the division pimps) of the world. So while they're committed partisans, they at least make the effort to be thoughtful, mature and reasonable.

In the last couple of days, however, they both had to deal with hardcore conservative callers who have been driven so over the top by their ideology (and, most likely, the aforementioned division pimps) that the talk show hosts were clearly embarrassed and had to disavow the callers.

In both cases, the talk show hosts were discussing gun control. And in both cases, the callers went into angry tirades about Obama. To paraphrase, both said something like "we all know that Marxist communist is gonna try to take our guns, and when he does, we're gonna defend ourselves against all those socialists who think they can destroy Amurrrrica." Something like that.

In both cases, the host sighed and paused, trying to find a way to respond quickly and respectfully. They then politely disagreed with the caller and moved on. I can only imagine what was going through their head, but I suspect it was something like "how do we get rid of these people?"...

Thing is, these people aren't going away. We see them here on this board, and they really believe the stuff they say. It's not a game. And they're so blinded that they don't realize how this is looking, what damage it's causing their own side.

They have to be marginalized, but how? I don't see how you get from here to there.


LOL, they HAVE TO BE MARGINALIZED...notice you don't have any left wingers in any of that
like you all wanted the OWS marginalized, Unions..the question should be how do we marginalize you nuts who think you should step on the voice of the people in this country YOU DON'T LIKE
you can try and act all non partisan, but you are just another partisan hack who feel only your Freedom of speech is what should be heard
and you damn right the people speaking are not GOING AWAY...don't like it, tough shit

He thinks anyone who reacts against the mob rule mentality of the Leftist assault on our Constitution is a 'division pimp.'

Hey Mac, you ever wonder why you bother? It's MUCH easier to be full of hate and have nothing of substance to add to ANY converstion about ANY thing.

For instance, have you ever read a post by snippy where you had to say; that makes some sense? Or staph with her one liners. Never an idea to add. Just Dems did it, Obamas a communist socialist marxist. And on and on. They are takingmysecondawayand so forth.

I think they just wait for you to post anything. Prolly got their system on an alert; when Mack posts, say this about that.

To funny, especially when, right on cue, they validate your ideas as to what the Rethugs are doing to the GOP. Their stupidity is priceless but their ideas are worthless. If they ever had an idea.
Hey Mac, you ever wonder why you bother? It's MUCH easier to be full of hate and have nothing of substance to add to ANY converstion about ANY thing.

For instance, have you ever read a post by snippy where you had to say; that makes some sense? Or staph with her one liners. Never an idea to add. Just Dems did it, Obamas a communist socialist marxist. And on and on. They are takingmysecondawayand so forth.

I think they just wait for you to post anything. Prolly got their system on an alert; when Mack posts, say this about that.

To funny, especially when, right on cue, they validate your ideas as to what the Rethugs are doing to the GOP. Their stupidity is priceless but their ideas are worthless. If they ever had an idea.

Hey, I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they whack 'em over the fence for me.


This is how you can tell they're addicted to the radio talk show hosts, the crazier ones. They don't engage in serious, mature conversation because the hosts, for the most part, don't either. They're trained to attack, attack, attack, just like their heroes, and very rarely will you see them get serious. I don't know whether they're afraid to, whether they don't know how to, or some combination therein.

Either way, I agree, they validate my points without even realizing it. Right on cue.

Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.

Right on cue.



You deny that the current emotional garbage is not an effort to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights? What part of "shall not infringe" don't you understand?
Hey Mac, you ever wonder why you bother? It's MUCH easier to be full of hate and have nothing of substance to add to ANY converstion about ANY thing.

For instance, have you ever read a post by snippy where you had to say; that makes some sense? Or staph with her one liners. Never an idea to add. Just Dems did it, Obamas a communist socialist marxist. And on and on. They are takingmysecondawayand so forth.

I think they just wait for you to post anything. Prolly got their system on an alert; when Mack posts, say this about that.

To funny, especially when, right on cue, they validate your ideas as to what the Rethugs are doing to the GOP. Their stupidity is priceless but their ideas are worthless. If they ever had an idea.

Hey, I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they whack 'em over the fence for me.


This is how you can tell they're addicted to the radio talk show hosts, the crazier ones. They don't engage in serious, mature conversation because the hosts, for the most part, don't either. They're trained to attack, attack, attack, just like their heroes, and very rarely will you see them get serious. I don't know whether they're afraid to, whether they don't know how to, or some combination therein.

Either way, I agree, they validate my points without even realizing it. Right on cue.


spare us the high and mighty, it seems the only one listening to talk radio and then whining about it, is you
Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.

Right on cue.



You deny that the current emotional garbage is not an effort to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights? What part of "shall not infringe" don't you understand?

C'mon, Mac.

Time for you to equivocate.

Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.

Right on cue.



You deny that the current emotional garbage is not an effort to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights? What part of "shall not infringe" don't you understand?


You can't make this shit up.


yeah, people should just sit back while you want to cut off people voices in the country..

you are right, you can't make this shit up

but you got your little circle jerk buddies high fiving you again
Only an equivocating bitch would rant about 'division pimps' on this issue and not mention the assault on our Constitutional rights by the hard left.

'A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

Hope that helps.

Right on cue.



You deny that the current emotional garbage is not an effort to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights? What part of "shall not infringe" don't you understand?[/QUOTE]

Yep I deny what you claim. So prove it, if you can. BTW, proof is not your opinion.
Proof would be the government telling me and you that on such and such a date, the ATF will be at the door to collect weapons. Proof would be legislation in Congress to allow the ATF to do just what I said. Proof would be law abiding citizens that have had their weapons taken from them ever though they committed no crime.

Your opinion don't count much with me. So prove away. Should be easy. Right?

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