Now Jack Smith demands gag order on trump too!!

Oh yes there are. It's something like 60 million. And they all lead lives of crime and welfare and are destroying america. All part of the democrat plan.
You've lost your mind. Show us where you got the 60 million number. You can't because it doesnt exist except in your mind. And lol at them ALL being criminals. You live in a fantasy world. Either A. You really dont believe this dumb shit but just say it in an attempt to get stupid people to side with your losing cause or B. You really do believe it and you need mental help.
Oh yes there are. It's something like 60 million. And they all lead lives of crime and welfare and are destroying america. All part of the democrat plan.
Such an idiotic statement ^^^ that.

There are maybe 15 million illegals. Fact.

They commit less crime person than citizens. Fact.

I bet three MAGAts commit three times the amount of crime compared to one illegal.
It just keeps getting crazier. We found out a few days ago that the FBI was authorized to shoot trump at the Mar-a-Lago raid and now the govt says trump can't talk about that!!

Given the behavior of a weaponized DOJ/government who has pull out all the stops to get Trump off the campaign trail and have used the most dishonest and unethical means to do that, and given how unequal the treatment is of those on the right compared to how those on the left are treated. . .

. . .he was perfectly within his rights to point out the FBI had authority to shoot him had he challenged them in the Mar-a-lago raid and he isn't being unreasonable that they very well might have done that or that was the plan. Certainly he is within his constitutional rights to say what he thinks of dishonorable actions by the U.S. government.

"From the earliest days of our Nation, criticizing government officials without retribution has been a hallmark of the freedoms our Founders determined as essential to our democracy." . . .
I don’t believe there is a single legitimate legal basis to gag Trump from discussing the news about the “use of deadly force” provision of the absurd search warrant.

In any event, Jerk Smith can’t censor the rest of us.
I don’t believe there is a single legitimate legal basis to gag Trump from discussing the news about the “use of deadly force” provision of the absurd search warrant.
It wasn’t so much news as it was an outright lie.
It wasn’t so much news as it was an outright lie.
Actually, as usual, you just lied.

Now, if you wanted to be honest (as if that would ever happen) you could say that the lingo authorizing the possible use of deadly force is boilerplate. I would actually agree with that. I think it is.

But it should have been very clearly removed in this instance where the warrant involved a former President and a probable future candidate.
You’re thinking disabled.

No. Because he was a President, a candidate pending candidate for a second term and posed no threat to the agents.
Then the statement of the policy is irrelevant since they can only use force against those who post threats.

Doesn’t explain why it should be taken out and why Trump and his brainless cadre called it an assassination plot.
Then the statement of the policy is irrelevant since they can only use force against those who post threats.
Wrong. The use of force was authorized for the execution of the warrant. It had nothing to do with posting threats.
Doesn’t explain why it should be taken out and why Trump and his brainless cadre called it an assassination plot.
In short, you disagree with no ability to explain why.

Your usual worthless posting style
Oh yes there are. It's something like 60 million. And they all lead lives of crime and welfare and are destroying america. All part of the democrat plan.

Well there were about 10 million here when Trump became president and about 7 million have arrived under Biden. That means 43 million came here while Trump was president.
Come here dummy, we are not talking about those restrictions now are we. ^^^ Dem clown alert!

We are talking about 1A restrictions. They exist. They include court ordered, SCOTUS affirmed, gag orders. Too bad if you don't like that, fuck your feelings.

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