The guy Nazareth was a total fraud, get over it already...

natural Earth is perishing, not any of the established, scriptural religions have ever attempted to actually justify their existence by reversing a tied of evil from attaining fruition. throughout history. religion is a fallacy to sooth the digressions of most people that are unable to control their ambient / evil behavior.

the earth is not perishing. Evil never attains fruition. Religion is a whitewashed tomb in which the dead await the resurrection.

What is foremost in the mind binds the hand, controls behavior. People who reject religion but accept their perverse teachings about what constitutes good or evil are just as blind as the goofiest believer out there

Sin, evil behavior, is a consequence of setting aside the instructions in the divine commands. It is not inherited. The devil doesn't make anyone do it. It is the direct result of the failure of the individual to stand guard over the purity of their own mind.

If people do not discern the subjects of the law hidden by the figurative language used they cannot have the eternal life promised for compliance to the law within them. They are bound by their ignorance to sin, make grave mistakes in life, sometimes with indelible consequences, , whether they are religious or not..

Jesus taught the only right way to understand and comply with the divine instructions that fulfills the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here on earth and it has absolutely nothing whatever to do with what you eat or what you wear or a glorified butcher in fancy robes slaughtering farm animals in a fancy slaughterhouse.

That is what Jesus meant by saying, "No one comes to the father except through me." Its not a travesty as you claim. It is not a forgery. It is not the hubris of a madman. It is the truth.

There is no other teaching that fulfills the promise of life with God on earth for all those who act on it.
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I read The Hobbit, there's way more hidden meaning in it than in the bible. A better ending too.

lots of symbolism in ancient literature. what else is new?
So is Taz saying the Jews believe in a fairy tale?

What say you, Karl?

here I am-----jews are very vulnerable ----especially in times of stress---to
BELIEVE Some could VERY WELL have BELIEVED in the messiahship of some guy named JESUS
So then you are admitting that you believe your people are murdering thieves who stole their land?

try again Ding-----I am admitting that under the stress of dealing with the vile shit of the filth of rome, the filth of Christianity and the filth of its
inevitable spawn like adolf hitler----jews tend to seek "messiahs"----notablely hoping to be saved from filth like you and yours. Thruout
history----when confronted with your stench----little sects arose that were
nothing more than personality cults. The good news is that they never
persisted to become religions for jews
If you believe the account of the OT is a fairytale how can you not believe the Jews are murdering thieves who stole their land? Rome has nothing to do with this.
lots of symbolism in ancient literature. what else is new?
So is Taz saying the Jews believe in a fairy tale?

What say you, Karl?

here I am-----jews are very vulnerable ----especially in times of stress---to
BELIEVE Some could VERY WELL have BELIEVED in the messiahship of some guy named JESUS
So then you are admitting that you believe your people are murdering thieves who stole their land?

try again Ding-----I am admitting that under the stress of dealing with the vile shit of the filth of rome, the filth of Christianity and the filth of its
inevitable spawn like adolf hitler----jews tend to seek "messiahs"----notablely hoping to be saved from filth like you and yours. Thruout
history----when confronted with your stench----little sects arose that were
nothing more than personality cults. The good news is that they never
persisted to become religions for jews
If you believe the account of the OT is a fairytale how can you not believe the Jews are murdering thieves who stole their land? Rome has nothing to do with this.

when did I ever suggest that the OT is a "fairy tale"? Even the NT is not a FAIRY TALE------of course the NT could have been an interesting book if it
were a well written fairy tale------it is not------it is roman propaganda. Did you ever hear of the name HEINRICH SCHLIEMAN?
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

Remember that at the time that the Jesus narrative was pieced together, people had no understanding of human biology and the half-an-half role that men and women have genetically in creating a baby. They thought that the male shot whole tiny little babies in their sperm and that women were just "flower pots" to nurture these babies up, so that women, Mary included, would not have biological ties to their offspring. Moreover, the same guys who believed this stuff also blamed women who did not produce a child of the "right" sex. Go figure. Catch-22.

We don't know who Jesus of Nazareth was, or even whether he ever existed as marketed in later years. He is credited with giving some very good instructions for humanity. Unfortunately, low-lifes like Paul of Tarsus took belief in him and what he said and used it for their own purposes.

I do have serious issues with the narrative that Paul and his colleagues wove around him:

Paul never met Jesus of Nazareth.

It is ridiculous to believe that a Supreme Being would have a child (alone!), and then send this child to earth to be tortured and killed as a bloody sacrifice to his own self. This same Supreme Being could have forgiven all of human kind with a proverbial flick of the wrist before breakfast if he/she/it was so pissed off at his/her/its own creations.

When Jesus of Nazareth is said to have lived, people were living in many other places across the world, on all continents. China and India, for example, have cultures that date back approximately 5,000 years at least. Why would a Supreme Being send an emissary, even if he/she/it felt it necessary, only to Jews in an outpost of the Roman empire and no one to all of these other people? Or have the people of the world been visited by other children of God?

If "thou shalt not have other gods before me," who were the other gods?

I simply don't know what to make of this.
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

Remember that at the time that the Jesus narrative was pieced together, people had no understanding of human biology and the half-an-half role that men and women have genetically in creating a baby. They thought that the male shot whole tiny little babies in their sperm and that women were just "flower pots" to nurture these babies up, so that women, Mary included, would not have biological ties to their offspring. Moreover, the same guys who believed this stuff also blamed women who did not produce a child of the "right" sex. Go figure. Catch-22.

We don't know who Jesus of Nazareth was, or even whether he ever existed as marketed in later years. He is credited with giving some very good instructions for humanity. Unfortunately, low-lifes like Paul of Tarsus took belief in him and what he said and used it for their own purposes.

I do have serious issues with the narrative that Paul and his colleagues wove around him:

Paul never met Jesus of Nazareth.

It is ridiculous to believe that a Supreme Being would have a child (alone!), and then send this child to earth to be tortured and killed as a bloody sacrifice to his own self. This same Supreme Being could have forgiven all of human kind with a proverbial flick of the wrist before breakfast if he/she/it was so pissed off at his/her/its own creations.

When Jesus of Nazareth is said to have lived, people were living in many other places across the world, on all continents. China and India, for example, have cultures that date back approximately 5,000 years at least. Why would a Supreme Being send an emissary, even if he/she/it felt it necessary, only to Jews in an outpost of the Roman empire and no one to all of these other people? Or have the people of the world been visited by other children of God?

If "thou shalt not have other gods before me," who were the other gods?

I simply don't know what to make of this.

you are right about the biology of the times LYSI----but you have no idea
about Hebrew as a language. ------"the before me" in the ten commandments is not a LINE UP ------- a better translation is "no other
"gods" other than me" Impregnation by a "god" is a common theme
in greek and roman mythology. Zeus was Impregnating all over Greece ---
ask Hera. HERCULES was a son of Zeus. Prometheus is a child of
"gods" A big hero---he gave fire to humans-----zeus was not involved
natural Earth is perishing, not any of the established, scriptural religions have ever attempted to actually justify their existence by reversing a tied of evil from attaining fruition. throughout history. religion is a fallacy to sooth the digressions of most people that are unable to control their ambient / evil behavior.

the earth is not perishing. Evil never attains fruition. Religion is a whitewashed tomb in which the dead await the resurrection.

What is foremost in the mind binds the hand, controls behavior. People who reject religion but accept their perverse teachings about what constitutes good or evil are just as blind as the goofiest believer out there

Sin, evil behavior, is a consequence of setting aside the instructions in the divine commands. It is not inherited. The devil doesn't make anyone do it. It is the direct result of the failure of the individual to stand guard over the purity of their own mind.

If people do not discern the subjects of the law hidden by the figurative language used they cannot have the eternal life promised for compliance to the law within them. They are bound by their ignorance to sin, make grave mistakes in life, sometimes with indelible consequences, , whether they are religious or not..

Jesus taught the only right way to understand and comply with the divine instructions that fulfills the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here on earth and it has absolutely nothing whatever to do with what you eat or what you wear or a glorified butcher in fancy robes slaughtering farm animals in a fancy slaughterhouse.

That is what Jesus meant by saying, "No one comes to the father except through me." Its not a travesty as you claim. It is not a forgery. It is not the hubris of a madman. It is the truth.

There is no other teaching that fulfills the promise of life with God on earth for all those who act on it.
If people do not discern the subjects of the law hidden by the figurative language used they cannot have the eternal life promised for compliance to the law within them.

was it written in a Chinese copy, holy one ... referring to your 4th century book, 398 years afterwards.

When Jesus of Nazareth is said to have lived, people were living in many other places across the world, on all continents. China and India, for example, have cultures that date back approximately 5,000 years at least. Why would a Supreme Being send an emissary, even if he/she/it felt it necessary, only to Jews in an outpost of the Roman empire and no one to all of these other people? Or have the people of the world been visited by other children of God?

did everyone get a copy -

Sin, evil behavior, is a consequence of setting aside the instructions in the divine commands.

etched in stone (at the Time - by Jesus), signed and sealed by the prophet.

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natural Earth is perishing, not any of the established, scriptural religions have ever attempted to actually justify their existence by reversing a tied of evil from attaining fruition. throughout history. religion is a fallacy to sooth the digressions of most people that are unable to control their ambient / evil behavior.

the earth is not perishing. Evil never attains fruition. Religion is a whitewashed tomb in which the dead await the resurrection.

What is foremost in the mind binds the hand, controls behavior. People who reject religion but accept their perverse teachings about what constitutes good or evil are just as blind as the goofiest believer out there

Sin, evil behavior, is a consequence of setting aside the instructions in the divine commands. It is not inherited. The devil doesn't make anyone do it. It is the direct result of the failure of the individual to stand guard over the purity of their own mind.

If people do not discern the subjects of the law hidden by the figurative language used they cannot have the eternal life promised for compliance to the law within them. They are bound by their ignorance to sin, make grave mistakes in life, sometimes with indelible consequences, , whether they are religious or not..

Jesus taught the only right way to understand and comply with the divine instructions that fulfills the promise of eternal life in the presence of God here on earth and it has absolutely nothing whatever to do with what you eat or what you wear or a glorified butcher in fancy robes slaughtering farm animals in a fancy slaughterhouse.

That is what Jesus meant by saying, "No one comes to the father except through me." Its not a travesty as you claim. It is not a forgery. It is not the hubris of a madman. It is the truth.

There is no other teaching that fulfills the promise of life with God on earth for all those who act on it.

jesus did not say that-----"JOHN" the unknown mushroom galvanized author of the book of revulsions said it
So is Taz saying the Jews believe in a fairy tale?

What say you, Karl?

here I am-----jews are very vulnerable ----especially in times of stress---to
BELIEVE Some could VERY WELL have BELIEVED in the messiahship of some guy named JESUS
So then you are admitting that you believe your people are murdering thieves who stole their land?

try again Ding-----I am admitting that under the stress of dealing with the vile shit of the filth of rome, the filth of Christianity and the filth of its
inevitable spawn like adolf hitler----jews tend to seek "messiahs"----notablely hoping to be saved from filth like you and yours. Thruout
history----when confronted with your stench----little sects arose that were
nothing more than personality cults. The good news is that they never
persisted to become religions for jews
If you believe the account of the OT is a fairytale how can you not believe the Jews are murdering thieves who stole their land? Rome has nothing to do with this.

when did I ever suggest that the OT is a "fairy tale"? Even the NT is not a FAIRY TALE------of course the NT could have been an interesting book if it
were a well written fairy tale------it is not------it is roman propaganda. Did you ever hear of the name HEINRICH SCHLIEMAN?
You never said you believed the OT isn't a fairytale so my question still stands in tazmudda like fashion.

If you believe the OT is a fairytale then you must believe the Jews were murdering thieves who stole their land, right?
here I am-----jews are very vulnerable ----especially in times of stress---to
BELIEVE Some could VERY WELL have BELIEVED in the messiahship of some guy named JESUS
So then you are admitting that you believe your people are murdering thieves who stole their land?

try again Ding-----I am admitting that under the stress of dealing with the vile shit of the filth of rome, the filth of Christianity and the filth of its
inevitable spawn like adolf hitler----jews tend to seek "messiahs"----notablely hoping to be saved from filth like you and yours. Thruout
history----when confronted with your stench----little sects arose that were
nothing more than personality cults. The good news is that they never
persisted to become religions for jews
If you believe the account of the OT is a fairytale how can you not believe the Jews are murdering thieves who stole their land? Rome has nothing to do with this.

when did I ever suggest that the OT is a "fairy tale"? Even the NT is not a FAIRY TALE------of course the NT could have been an interesting book if it
were a well written fairy tale------it is not------it is roman propaganda. Did you ever hear of the name HEINRICH SCHLIEMAN?
You never said you believed the OT isn't a fairytale so my question still stands in tazmudda like fashion.

If you believe the OT is a fairytale then you must believe the Jews were murdering thieves who stole their land, right?

I never said that I did not believe that the clouds in the troposphere
are made of cotton candy either. I don't know what a tazmudda is.
Jews did not steal land, Christians did
So it was just the establishment of monotheism.

Akhenaten and Moses - Biblical Archaeology Society

What happened to Asherah?

asherah was Canaanite and was phased out-----kinda DIED over time
and sun worship in Egypt lasted only a matter of a decade or two

So this leaves exactly what? The mess that we are experiencing today, created by jerks fighting over their "beliefs"? It just goes to show that people have been insane over millennia. If gods can die over time, what is true? There might be, and I hope there is, a cumulative body of wisdom produced by humans, considering that only those who were literate could write it down, excluding women who of course were kept illiterate and therefore could not contribute their thoughts. But what's next for humanity? If there is a Supreme Being, did he/she/it stop with Moses, Jesus, Muhammad? Still going and present with us?
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

You make a glaring fatal ass-sumption here, and that is the assumption that the acts and words ascribed to Jesus --- were actually done and said by Jesus.... rather than attributed to him. By, oh let's say, a team of editors at the Council of Nicea, three centuries after he was gone, when he had no editing influence.

Why is he running from the authorities? Because he just got done challenging them, that's why. Rome didn't give a shit about religious proselytizers, if we are supposed to believe that's what Jesus was doing. But it cared very much about challenges to its authority, which is what it executed Jesus for. Simple as that.
So then you are admitting that you believe your people are murdering thieves who stole their land?

try again Ding-----I am admitting that under the stress of dealing with the vile shit of the filth of rome, the filth of Christianity and the filth of its
inevitable spawn like adolf hitler----jews tend to seek "messiahs"----notablely hoping to be saved from filth like you and yours. Thruout
history----when confronted with your stench----little sects arose that were
nothing more than personality cults. The good news is that they never
persisted to become religions for jews
If you believe the account of the OT is a fairytale how can you not believe the Jews are murdering thieves who stole their land? Rome has nothing to do with this.

when did I ever suggest that the OT is a "fairy tale"? Even the NT is not a FAIRY TALE------of course the NT could have been an interesting book if it
were a well written fairy tale------it is not------it is roman propaganda. Did you ever hear of the name HEINRICH SCHLIEMAN?
You never said you believed the OT isn't a fairytale so my question still stands in tazmudda like fashion.

If you believe the OT is a fairytale then you must believe the Jews were murdering thieves who stole their land, right?

I never said that I did not believe that the clouds in the troposphere
are made of cotton candy either. I don't know what a tazmudda is.
Jews did not steal land, Christians did
So you are saying your people made up the story so they could steal the land?
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

You make a glaring fatal ass-sumption here, and that is the assumption that the acts and words ascribed to Jesus --- were actually done and said by Jesus.... rather than attributed to him. By, oh let's say, a team of editors at the Council of Nicea, three centuries after he was gone, when he had no editing influence.

Why is he running from the authorities? Because he just got done challenging them, that's why. Rome didn't give a shit about religious proselytizers, if we are supposed to believe that's what Jesus was doing. But it cared very much about challenges to its authority, which is what it executed Jesus for. Simple as that.

SSSHHHHH !!!! dingy is going to report you to the Inquisition
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

You make a glaring fatal ass-sumption here, and that is the assumption that the acts and words ascribed to Jesus --- were actually done and said by Jesus.... rather than attributed to him. By, oh let's say, a team of editors at the Council of Nicea, three centuries after he was gone, when he had no editing influence.

Why is he running from the authorities? Because he just got done challenging them, that's why. Rome didn't give a shit about religious proselytizers, if we are supposed to believe that's what Jesus was doing. But it cared very much about challenges to its authority, which is what it executed Jesus for. Simple as that.

SSSHHHHH !!!! dingy is going to report you to the Inquisition

I hope they give me the comfy chair.

Should I tell him how Barabbas was Jesus' son and what "bar abbas" means?
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

You make a glaring fatal ass-sumption here, and that is the assumption that the acts and words ascribed to Jesus --- were actually done and said by Jesus.... rather than attributed to him. By, oh let's say, a team of editors at the Council of Nicea, three centuries after he was gone, when he had no editing influence.

Why is he running from the authorities? Because he just got done challenging them, that's why. Rome didn't give a shit about religious proselytizers, if we are supposed to believe that's what Jesus was doing. But it cared very much about challenges to its authority, which is what it executed Jesus for. Simple as that.

SSSHHHHH !!!! dingy is going to report you to the Inquisition

I hope they give me the comfy chair.

Should I tell him how Barabbas was Jesus' son and what "bar abbas" means?

tell them what abu schmuck means
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

You make a glaring fatal ass-sumption here, and that is the assumption that the acts and words ascribed to Jesus --- were actually done and said by Jesus.... rather than attributed to him. By, oh let's say, a team of editors at the Council of Nicea, three centuries after he was gone, when he had no editing influence.

Why is he running from the authorities? Because he just got done challenging them, that's why. Rome didn't give a shit about religious proselytizers, if we are supposed to believe that's what Jesus was doing. But it cared very much about challenges to its authority, which is what it executed Jesus for. Simple as that.

SSSHHHHH !!!! dingy is going to report you to the Inquisition
Are you going to murder me and take my land?
One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

You make a glaring fatal ass-sumption here, and that is the assumption that the acts and words ascribed to Jesus --- were actually done and said by Jesus.... rather than attributed to him. By, oh let's say, a team of editors at the Council of Nicea, three centuries after he was gone, when he had no editing influence.

Why is he running from the authorities? Because he just got done challenging them, that's why. Rome didn't give a shit about religious proselytizers, if we are supposed to believe that's what Jesus was doing. But it cared very much about challenges to its authority, which is what it executed Jesus for. Simple as that.

SSSHHHHH !!!! dingy is going to report you to the Inquisition
Are you going to murder me and take my land?

You openly proclaim to be a trinity worshipping mangod eating idolator. You defile the land you walk on like an unburied corpse decomposing in the sun. Maybe they should call down fire from the sky, ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that, lest you become the host for some virulent contagion.
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One of two things was true, either Jesus was the son of God complete with power to heal, or he was a total fraud, had no powers, and was just a man who lied a lot....


Clearly, his disciples knew whether Jesus was a fraud or not, as they were the ones who "observed" all his "miracles." Two disciples saw Jesus walk on water, but when everyone was watching, Jesus sunk right to the bottom meeting John the Baptist. In place at the time is the Old Testament, so the following logic applies...

GOD controls whether or not you go to Heaven or Hell.

If you believe this guy is GOD's son, do you betray him???

Judas did. Did Judas do that knowing Jesus was really the Son of God, or did Judas do that because Judas knew Jesus was a fraud and did not want to end up on a cross next to him. All the disciples betray Jesus when the "cops" arrest him. They deny they knew him, all offenses against God's son that God would clearly know about....

IF Jesus was really healing people left and right, he would've been really popular. But he was clearly a lot less popular than Barabbas.....

and why is he running from the authorities??

This is the Son of God. Why FEAR??? Why RUN??? If you are the son of God, show them.....

and then his trial proved Judas correct.... that he was just a man, and died on the cross like a man, in the time of a man, as he aged during his life like a man....

and even the blood on the Shroud of Turin is HUMAN blood, product of HUMAN MAN AND WOMAN.....

You make a glaring fatal ass-sumption here, and that is the assumption that the acts and words ascribed to Jesus --- were actually done and said by Jesus.... rather than attributed to him. By, oh let's say, a team of editors at the Council of Nicea, three centuries after he was gone, when he had no editing influence.

Why is he running from the authorities? Because he just got done challenging them, that's why. Rome didn't give a shit about religious proselytizers, if we are supposed to believe that's what Jesus was doing. But it cared very much about challenges to its authority, which is what it executed Jesus for. Simple as that.

SSSHHHHH !!!! dingy is going to report you to the Inquisition
Are you going to murder me and take my land?

I am neither a Christian nor a Muslim and do not engage in your
religious customs

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