Zone1 The Government Had the Solution to Racial Inequality 56 Years Ago

Here we are going to begin examining the recommendations from Kerner Commisson to LBJ. The right talks about LBJ'S Great Society as being the problem, but in reality LBJ knuckled under to pressure from white racists and his refusal to impement these things are what has caused the problem.


The Commission recommends that local governments:

* Develop Neighborhood Action Task Forces as joint community government efforts through which more effective communication can be achieved, and the delivery of city services to ghetto residents improved.

* Establish comprehensive grievance-response mechanisms in order to bring all public agencies under public scrutiny.

* Bring the institutions of local government closer to the people they serve by establishing neighborhood outlets for local, state and federal administrative and public service agencies.

* Expand opportunities for ghetto residents to participate in the formulation of public policy and the implementation of programs affecting them through improved political representation, creation of institutional channels for community action, expansion of legal services, and legislative hearings on ghetto problems.

In this effort, city governments will require state and federal support.

The Commission recommends:

* State and federal financial assistance for mayors and city councils to support the research, consultants, staff and other resources needed to respond effectively to federal program initiatives.

* State cooperation in providing municipalities with the jurisdictional tools needed to deal with their problems; a fuller measure of financial aid to urban areas; and the focusing of the interests of suburban communities on the physical, social and cultural environment of the central city.

Chapter 11--Police and the Community

The abrasive relationship between the police and the minority communities has been a major-and explosive-source of grievance, tension and disorder. The blame must be shared by the total society.

The police are faced with demands for increased protection and service in the ghetto. Yet the aggressive patrol practices thought necessary to meet these demands themselves create tension and hostility. The resulting grievances have been further aggravated by the lack of effective mechanisms for handling complaints against the police. Special programs for bettering police-community relations have been instituted, but these alone are not enough. Police administrators, with the guidance of public officials, and the support of the entire community, must take vigorous action to improve law enforcement arid to decrease the potential for disorder.

The Commission recommends that city government and police authorities:

* Review police operations in the ghetto to ensure proper conduct by police officers, and eliminate abrasive practices.

* Provide more adequate police protection to ghetto residents to eliminate their high sense of insecurity, and the belief of many Negro citizens in the existence of a dual standard of law enforcement.'

* Establish fair and effective mechanisms for the redress of grievances against the police, and other municipal employees.

* Develop and adopt policy guidelines to assist officers in making critical decisions in areas where police conduct can create tension.

* Develop and use innovative programs to ensure widespread community support for law enforcement.

* Recruit more Negroes into the regular police force, and review promotion policies to ensure fair promotion for Negro officers.

* Establish a "Community Service Officer" program to attract ghetto youths between the ages of 17 and 21 to police work. These junior officers would perform duties in ghetto neighborhoods, but would not have full police authority. The federal government should provide support equal to 90 percent of the costs of employing CSOs on the basis of one for every ten regular officers.

Nobody cares what LBJ's handpicked Race baiters had to say. That's why the Kerner Commission Report was dismissed.
"Government" is not the vector for such a thing. "Equality" between people and groups must be between them. Government trying to regulate emotion and thinking has poor prospects for productive results.
"Government" is not the vector for such a thing. "Equality" between people and groups must be between them. Government trying to regulate emotion and thinking has poor prospects for productive results.
Look, let's stop this "Government can't do" idiocy. From its inception, government has made certaain that equaity ddm't exist and people in this country made sure of it. Seems like Government reguating emotions and thinking was fine when whites emotionally thought they had total and absolute supremacy. Therefore government is the exact place for this to be done.
Look, let's stop this "Government can't do" idiocy. From its inception, government has made certaain that equaity ddm't exist and people in this country made sure of it. Seems like Government reguating emotions and thinking was fine when whites emotionally thought they had total and absolute supremacy. Therefore government is the exact place for this to be done.
If your argument were to be accepted, it would only prove the point made in the post you quoted. According to your narative, the "government" made certain that "equality didn't exist". The "government, in this view, involved itself and the outcome was undesirable.
Logically, this means that if "government" stopped that interference, "equality" would be established. It isn't an active, it is a passive that is needed, in such a case.
If your argument were to be accepted, it would only prove the point made in the post you quoted. According to your narative, the "government" made certain that "equality didn't exist". The "government, in this view, involved itself and the outcome was undesirable.
Logically, this means that if "government" stopped that interference, "equality" would be established. It isn't an active, it is a passive that is needed, in such a case.
The government, like any other organization can fix the problem they created. The Kerner Report suggested solutions. Now since the government and private businsess is made up of people, expecting society on its own to decide equality in America won't happen. It was government that ended slavery and Jim Crow. It is government that created the white middle class by policies similar to these suggested by the Kerner Commission. So government is the main entity that can create what's needed.
Chapter 12--Control of Disorder

To maintain control of incidents which could lead to disorders, the Commission recommends that local officials:

* Assign seasoned, well-trained policemen and supervisory officers to patrol ghetto areas, and to respond to disturbances.

* Develop plans which will quickly muster maximum police man power and highly qualified senior commanders at the outbreak of disorders.

* Provide special training in the prevention of disorders, and prepare police for riot control and for operation in units, with adequate command and control and field communication for proper discipline and effectiveness

* Develop guidelines governing the use of control equipment and provide alternatives to the use of lethal weapons. Federal support for research in this area is needed.

* Establish an intelligence system to provide police and other public officials with reliable information that may help to prevent the outbreak of a disorder and to institute effective control measures in the event a riot erupts.

* Develop continuing contacts with ghetto residents to make use of the forces for order which exist within the community.

* Establish machinery for neutralizing rumors, and enabling Negro leaders and residents to obtain the facts. Create special rumor details to collect, evaluate, and dispel rumors that may lead to a civil disorder.

The Commission believes there is a grave danger that some communities may resort to the indiscriminate and excessive use of force. The harmful effects of overreaction are incalculable. The Commission condemns moves to equip police departments with mass destruction weapons, such as automatic rifles, machine guns and tanks. Weapons which are designed to destroy, not to control, have no place in densely populated urban communities.

The Commission recognizes the sound principle of local authority and responsibility in law enforcement, but recommends that the federal government share, in the financing of programs for improvement of police forces, both in their normal law enforcement activities as well as in their response to civil disorders.

Law enforcement did not listen. Our police departments became militarized. The record of many city police departments is precisely what the Kerner Commission predicted. Over the 52 years between the warning given by the Kerner Commission and the death of George Floyd, police behavior did not change. There have been countless beatings and at least 30,000 deaths.
And the usual suspects come with the same idiocy.

You guys don't want solutions. This quote is accurate:

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti-white racism. … Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs … There is a certain class of white race- “problem solvers” who don’t want America to get well.”
There will be no solution as long as racists like yourself keep stirring the pot.
“One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.

Notice the writer was not speaking in the past tense. And while this bears repeating do you think that it will even dawn upon any of the nay sayers here, that this question wasn't posed to Black Americans therefore one cannot claim that it's only the continuation of Black grievances and victimization.

It was a study commissioned by our federal government and its author is a white former governor of Illinois. You do realize that it had to be, right? I mean they wouldn't have allowed any Black people to conduct an investigation into the racism of whites right? (rhetorical, no answer needed)
Wasn’t this said in 1968? That would be past tense today.
There will be no solution as long as racists like yourself keep stirring the pot.
I'm not the racist stirring anything. The problem is people like you. The racist who thinks their racism is normal behavior. I don't understand what makes people like you believe that blacks are just quietly sitting at home ignoring the racism we face every day.
I'm not the racist stirring anything. The problem is people like you. The racist who thinks their racism is normal behavior. I don't understand what makes people like you believe that blacks are just quietly sitting at home ignoring the racism we face every day.
What makes me a racist? Your say so? Chew on this article.

"A recent Rasmussen poll found that 60 percent of Americans felt “race relations have gotten worse since Obama’s election”—a far cry from the president’s claim of “better” race relations under his administration".
The government, like any other organization can fix the problem they created. The Kerner Report suggested solutions. Now since the government and private businsess is made up of people, expecting society on its own to decide equality in America won't happen. It was government that ended slavery and Jim Crow. It is government that created the white middle class by policies similar to these suggested by the Kerner Commission. So government is the main entity that can create what's needed.
Slavery and racist regulations were, again, government-imposed on people. Certainly, the rebellion inflicted upon the nation over slavery had to be addressed by the Army (Federal government), but that really is another matter. The resulting legal measures to end slavery were lamentably late, yet obviously the correct thing to do. Laws/government are necessary "evils" ("evil" in that they acknowledge the foibles of humans) and are best used to protect the weak. Using them to form society is a perilous path. History bears very painful witness.
People must free their minds for people to be free, otherwise legislative efforts will never resolve and only prolong the process.
Stalin and Hitler wanted to reform humanity and are now hated for their inhumanity. Buddha and Jesus are respected, though they also seek to reform humanity and their contributions have been positive, despite what certain misguided individuals who called themselves followers may have done.
“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti-white racism. … Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs … There is a certain class of white race- “problem solvers” who don’t want America to get well.”

This is a bastardization of one of Booker T. Washington's famous quotes. So, who actually wrote this quote you mentioned, IM2?
many black people are very successful. why is that im2?
I’ve asked that same question about 50 tImes, albeit in a slightly different format, and I NEVER get an answer. Here it is for the 51st time:

If racism is the reason for black poverty and crime, then why are most blacks in the working and middle class (the same as most white people)?
1) Stop having 73% of babies out of wedlock, and watch your other problems like a high crime rate and high poverty rate plummet.

2) Finish high school, and take advantage of a Pell Grant to get some job training.

I mean, really….if impoverished Jews fleeing Russian pograms could come to these shores, not even speaking English!!, and living in cold-water tenements, could see their children as college graduates with nice houses in the suburbs, then blacks can do it too - given that they already speak English, and have had two generations of favoritism.
Many Ashkenazi Jews look white and can pass for Europeans, because for the most part, that's what they are. Look at these Jews in Jerusalem spitting at Christians:

Could you look more white than that? Anyone who looks white in this country has an advantage. I'm Cuban American, and I look white. I have dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes, my skin is just as white as someone from Norway. When I tell people my Spanish last name, they say "What? You don't look Latino to me", yes, I'm Hispanic. Being a white-looking Cuban American who once lived in Miami, Florida (My hometown), has given me a lot of advantages. LOTS. So to pretend that black people in this country are in the same position, status-wise, socially as whites is just disingenuous at best. I'm being civil. Black people have gone through hell in this country and they continue to deal with horrible bigotry.

Ashkenazi-Slavik-European Jews have the advantage of looking white. So they had an easier time assimilating here in America, despite being Jewish, than African Americans. You can "assimilate" into American white culture without completely losing your Jewishness. You can remain Jewish, keep shaboos, and still blend in with the WASP-goyim.
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Many Ashkenazi Jews look white and can pass for Europeans, because for the most part, that's what they are. Look at these Jews in Jerusalem spitting at Christians:

Could you look more white than that? Anyone who looks white in this country has an advantage. I'm Cuban American, and I look white. I have dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes, my skin is just as white as someone from Norway. When I tell people my Spanish last name, they say "What? You don't look Latino to me", yes, I'm Hispanic. Being a white-looking Cuban American who once lived in Miami, Florida (My hometown), has given me a lot of advantages. LOTS. So to pretend that black people in this country are in the same position, status-wise, socially as whites is just disingenuous at best. I'm being civil. Black people have gone through hell in this country and they continue to deal with horrible bigotry.

Ashkenazi-Slavik-European Jews have the advantage of looking white. So they had an easier time assimilating here in America, despite being Jewish, than African Americans. You can "assimilate" into American white culture without completely losing your Jewishness. You can remain Jewish, keep shaboos, and still blend in with the WASP-goyim.

Talk to Lisa558 about Christians who commit hate crimes against Jews. I am confident that the number of Christians who commit hate crimes against Jews is much higher than the number of Jews who commit hate crimes against Christians

Negro problems are not caused by the fact that they look different, but by the facts that they behave and perform differently. They tend to be much less intelligent that whites, and they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy.
Talk to Lisa558 about Christians who commit hate crimes against Jews. I am confident that the number of Christians who commit hate crimes against Jews is much higher than the number of Jews who commit hate crimes against Christians

Negro problems are not caused by the fact that they look different, but by the facts that they behave and perform differently. They tend to be much less intelligent that whites, and they have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Not true, Jewish hatred for Christians and Western civilization runs deep and is much more destructive and impactful than anything blacks have done, and Christendom has committed against Jews in the last 200 years. You're obviously ignorant of the history of Jewry in the Western European world.

Blacks have had to deal with countless obstacles in securing their civil rights. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were being lynched in public and forced into segregation, being reduced to second-class citizens at best even after slavery was abolished. Jim Crow laws continued to denigrate blacks right up to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Blacks just recently got out of this situation.
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Blacks have had to deal with countless obstacles in securing their civil rights. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were being lynched in public and forced into segregation, being reduced to second-class citizens at best even after slavery was abolished. Jim Crow laws continued to denigrate blacks right up to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Blacks just recently got out of this situation.
Jews were persecuted for nearly two thousand years. Until the French Revolution this persecution was nearly always Christian persecution.

What was done to Negroes in the past does not explain and it certainly does not justify their inferior performance and immoral behavior now.

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