The government can subpoena your e-mails without you knowing

Not part of corporate media. You do know six billionaires own nearly the entirety of corporate media right? You do know that our government and corporate media are one right?

Thanks to the internet there are many great independent sources.
I asked because usually when I hear the don't trust media thing people are depending face book or something.

This is what happened to Mark Levin, the conservatives talking head. The J6 committee subpoenaed his e-mails without him even knowing about it.

Meanwhile, the government claims that all the e-mails Hillary had when she gave up classified information on her private server or the IRS had when it went after conservative groups are forever missing and destroyed.

Funny that.

Even though Mark is a Constitutional lawyer, I doubt he will get anywhere challenging how his Constitutional right to privacy were violated.

Lawyers are basically useless, now.

We're living under the jackboot of a lawless revolutionary movement. Levin's skills in petifogging and splitting hairs, and whatever else lawyers do...isn't going to help, when there is no fealty to law, only obedience to the mob.
But there is no deep state.
Using technology to communicate in general is madness, that is, if you want to keep secret.
You are correct. i know I try to not be a keyboard warrior and perhaps I cross the line without realizing it, even if angered. I do know I can be a keyboard bloviator. The people with power takes these things to seriously. I use the internet as a relief valve. And it works.
Ask yourself one question, what benefit does it have for anyone to bring you the news?

Are they doing it for your own good out of the kindness of their heart, or is it to enrich themselves or empower themselves?
None of which answers my question. Where do you think I can find a good reliable source for my news? Not a trick question. I know how to critique information.
None of which answers my question. Where do you think I can find a good reliable source for my news? Not a trick question. I know how to critique information.
I'm here to get you to think.

You assume there are news sources you can trust.

I think that assumption to be wrong.

What I do is, take in various news sources from various angles and try to see what the rich and poweful want you to think. What are they selling and why?

For example, I remember when Obama was in office and both CNN and Fox news were pounding the war drums in Syria as they all focused on the chemical weapons used there. They were both trying to get Americans outraged enough to shift polls to favor a war with Syria. But something unthinkable happened, the media was unable to shift the opinion polls, so Obama backed off going to war there.

This usually does not happen, but Americans were just sick enough of wars abroad to where the media was powerless to get them to favor another war.
I'm here to get you to think.

You assume there are news sources you can trust.

I think that assumption to be wrong.

What I do is, take in various news sources from various angles and try to see what the rich and poweful want you to think. What are they selling and why?

For example, I remember when Obama was in office and both CNN and Fox news were pounding the war drums in Syria as they all focused on the chemical weapons used there. They were both trying to get Americans outraged enough to shift polls to favor a war with Syria. But something unthinkable happened, the media was unable to shift the opinion polls, so Obama backed off going to war there.

This usually does not happen, but Americans were just sick enough of wars abroad to where the media was powerless to get them to favor another war.
Well, at that time there was a recent example so it was harder to convince Americans another country had WMD. Remember Bush and Iraq?
Sure they do.

Yes, it is a well known facts that the poorer you are, the more likely you are to vote for Democrats. As income decreases, as does the likelihood of a person being a Democrat. Those at the lowest income levels are, by far and away, Democrats.
Yes, it is a well known facts that the poorer you are, the more likely you are to vote for Democrats. As income decreases, as does the likelihood of a person being a Democrat. Those at the lowest income levels are, by far and away, Democrats.
Oh, I really did not know that. Can you link me to those well known facts?
Oh, I really did not know that. Can you link me to those well known facts?

What? How can you not be aware of the demographics of your own party? You look it up. It will be easy to find, even using lefty sources.
Even though Mark is a Constitutional lawyer, I doubt he will get anywhere challenging how his Constitutional right to privacy were violated.
The emails that were obtained weren’t in his possession.

This is what happened to Mark Levin, the conservatives talking head. The J6 committee subpoenaed his e-mails without him even knowing about it.

Meanwhile, the government claims that all the e-mails Hillary had when she gave up classified information on her private server or the IRS had when it went after conservative groups are forever missing and destroyed.

Funny that.

Even though Mark is a Constitutional lawyer, I doubt he will get anywhere challenging how his Constitutional right to privacy were violated.

Lawyers are basically useless, now.

We're living under the jackboot of a lawless revolutionary movement. Levin's skills in petifogging and splitting hairs, and whatever else lawyers do...isn't going to help, when there is no fealty to law, only obedience to the mob.

The US government can illegally spy on anyone, in violation of the US Constitution and the Patriot Act, and it has done so more than a dozen times in tbe last decade - THAT WE KNOW ABOUT.

The US government can track you down and stick you in a hole, beat yiu, deny you medical trearment, for 2 years without ever charging you with a crime or taking you to court for just standing on the grass on US Capitol grounds ... and has done so to people.

Good morning to all of the Rip Van Winkles just waking up.
What? How can you not be aware of the demographics of your own party? You look it up. It will be easy to find, even using lefty sources.
I know, you hear it in the RWNM all the time, everyone there knows. You said it, you know you cannot back it up unless you use whacky sources.

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