The Gilded Age---The Late 1800's


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class. In fact, it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age."


I am a hard core conservative in near despair for my children and grandchildren over the ever-growing INVASION of our country of its southern border, by third world parasites who will help Democrat/Socialists complete the job of turning this great country, the greatest thus far created, into yet another Marxist Experiment.

But, I also read History and look for precedent, because, as Mark Twain said: History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

This is true because Human Nature, if it changes at all, does so very slowly, so slowly that any change is noticeable only over millennia.


The invention of the Internet, which gave rise to these massively rich assholes in Silicon Valley, like Jeff Bezos, is comparable to what is known as the Gilded Age in America--the time in the late 19th Century when Robber Barons from the Northeast got so rich and so corrupt and owned so many politicians--that their wealth and their misuse of it became a threat to the country in general.

Even you poor folks educated in rotting Northern cities controlled by Democrats and their Marxist Teachers Unions for half a century have probably heard of Bezos-like turds----Rockefeller, Mellon., Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Morgan.

Back then, they were called Robber Barons; today they are called Globalists.

Back then, it took a half crazy man like Theodore Roosevelt to rein them in. It was not a fight against Capitalism, it was a fight against the single bad side effect of Capitalism---if not controlled--and that is Greed and the love of power that Greed induces.

For his efforts, which helped to save Capitalism in this country not destroy it, Theodore Roosevelt is on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.


Reining in turds like Bezos, and the politicians and newspapers he has bought like toys to serve his own corrupt agenda is in the interest of all Americans. And much like the French Yellow Jackets which include both Trumpie Nationalists and Socialists alike---temporarily united to fight fight a common enemy---massively wealthy Oligarchs--it is time for all Americans to unite and stop the Globalists Oligarchs who have hollowed out the middle class in this country and redistributed our wealth to places like China.

Now, the rankest fools out there, in my opinion, are people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocacio- Cortez. They are so foolish they think Marxism is the answer, but it they would wise up just a little and realize, as Theodore Roosevelt did, that it is the Modern Day Robber Barons who are perverting Capitalism, I could agree with them for just a while.

Every American should realize that we are deep in the midst of another Gilded Age, and that something must be done about the Robber Barons of today and soon, or Marxism will take us all down.

Just my opinion.
Why do you have such a hardon for Bezos? He is a self made billionaire who came up with an amazing business model and turned it into a massive empire. That is the sort of thing that hard core conservatives used to they are just jealous...sad
You are so right.

We know our government is bought and paid for by globalists, like the psychopath Bezos. Also, notice how Trump initially condemned Amazon and Bezos only to have the establishment media condemn him for it. Donnie has said little since. I suspect Bezos and some of the other billionaire globalists, have more political power than the POTUS.
You are so right.

We know our government is bought and paid for by globalists, like the psychopath Bezos. Also, notice how Trump initially condemned Amazon and Bezos only to have the establishment media condemn him for it. Donnie has said little since. I suspect Bezos and some of the other billionaire globalists, have more political power than the POTUS.

The only reason that Trump attacked Bezos is because the newspaper he owns said mean things about Trump.
You are so right.

We know our government is bought and paid for by globalists, like the psychopath Bezos. Also, notice how Trump initially condemned Amazon and Bezos only to have the establishment media condemn him for it. Donnie has said little since. I suspect Bezos and some of the other billionaire globalists, have more political power than the POTUS.

funny as hell someone that claims to be an anarchist thinks the government should reign in billionaires.

what a joke you are!
Why do you have such a hardon for Bezos? He is a self made billionaire who came up with an amazing business model and turned it into a massive empire. That is the sort of thing that hard core conservatives used to they are just jealous...sad

Bezos is a psychopath. A fraction of his absurd wealth could end all homelessness in the nation. His employees are paid peanuts and some have to seek government assistance, yet he lives in opulence no other human in all of human history has experienced.
You are so right.

We know our government is bought and paid for by globalists, like the psychopath Bezos. Also, notice how Trump initially condemned Amazon and Bezos only to have the establishment media condemn him for it. Donnie has said little since. I suspect Bezos and some of the other billionaire globalists, have more political power than the POTUS.

funny as hell someone that claims to be an anarchist thinks the government should reign in billionaires.

what a joke you are!
If government won’t, the people ultimately will. It will be bloody too, likely.

If you think Bezos got where he is fairly, you need to think again.
Why do you have such a hardon for Bezos? He is a self made billionaire who came up with an amazing business model and turned it into a massive empire. That is the sort of thing that hard core conservatives used to they are just jealous...sad

Bezos is a psychopath. A fraction of his absurd wealth could end all homelessness in the nation. His employees are paid peanuts and some have to seek government assistance, yet he lives in opulence no other human in all of human history has experienced.

Did he get plastic surgery to make himself that ugly? :tomato:

Jeff Bezos was so ugly as a kid, he had to Trick or Treat by phone.
"It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class. In fact, it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age."

Man! I miss those days...

"It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class. In fact, it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age."


I am a hard core conservative in near despair for my children and grandchildren over the ever-growing INVASION of our country of its southern border, by third world parasites who will help Democrat/Socialists complete the job of turning this great country, the greatest thus far created, into yet another Marxist Experiment.

But, I also read History and look for precedent, because, as Mark Twain said: History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

This is true because Human Nature, if it changes at all, does so very slowly, so slowly that any change is noticeable only over millennia.


The invention of the Internet, which gave rise to these massively rich assholes in Silicon Valley, like Jeff Bezos, is comparable to what is known as the Gilded Age in America--the time in the late 19th Century when Robber Barons from the Northeast got so rich and so corrupt and owned so many politicians--that their wealth and their misuse of it became a threat to the country in general.

Even you poor folks educated in rotting Northern cities controlled by Democrats and their Marxist Teachers Unions for half a century have probably heard of Bezos-like turds----Rockefeller, Mellon., Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Morgan.

Back then, they were called Robber Barons; today they are called Globalists.

Back then, it took a half crazy man like Theodore Roosevelt to rein them in. It was not a fight against Capitalism, it was a fight against the single bad side effect of Capitalism---if not controlled--and that is Greed and the love of power that Greed induces.

For his efforts, which helped to save Capitalism in this country not destroy it, Theodore Roosevelt is on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.


Reining in turds like Bezos, and the politicians and newspapers he has bought like toys to serve his own corrupt agenda is in the interest of all Americans. And much like the French Yellow Jackets which include both Trumpie Nationalists and Socialists alike---temporarily united to fight fight a common enemy---massively wealthy Oligarchs--it is time for all Americans to unite and stop the Globalists Oligarchs who have hollowed out the middle class in this country and redistributed our wealth to places like China.

Now, the rankest fools out there, in my opinion, are people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocacio- Cortez. They are so foolish they think Marxism is the answer, but it they would wise up just a little and realize, as Theodore Roosevelt did, that it is the Modern Day Robber Barons who are perverting Capitalism, I could agree with them for just a while.

Every American should realize that we are deep in the midst of another Gilded Age, and that something must be done about the Robber Barons of today and soon, or Marxism will take us all down.

Just my opinion.

It IS time for some trust-busting! Google, Apple, Amazon, Comms & cable ALL need trust-busted.

^Look! That's how almost all Americans get info these days, it's not good to have a select few owning it all with no competition.
The OP started off so well.

He identified a problem...and then fell off the table
You are so right.

We know our government is bought and paid for by globalists, like the psychopath Bezos. Also, notice how Trump initially condemned Amazon and Bezos only to have the establishment media condemn him for it. Donnie has said little since. I suspect Bezos and some of the other billionaire globalists, have more political power than the POTUS.

funny as hell someone that claims to be an anarchist thinks the government should reign in billionaires.

what a joke you are!
If government won’t, the people ultimately will. It will be bloody too, likely.

If you think Bezos got where he is fairly, you need to think again.

Fair is a child's concept, it does not exist in the adult world.

Was Sam Walton "fair"?

Shit, was your hero in the white house declaring bankruptcy so many times fair to those who were on the short end of getting their money?

Did Bezos break any laws?
"It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class. In fact, it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age."


I am a hard core conservative in near despair for my children and grandchildren over the ever-growing INVASION of our country of its southern border, by third world parasites who will help Democrat/Socialists complete the job of turning this great country, the greatest thus far created, into yet another Marxist Experiment.

But, I also read History and look for precedent, because, as Mark Twain said: History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

This is true because Human Nature, if it changes at all, does so very slowly, so slowly that any change is noticeable only over millennia.


The invention of the Internet, which gave rise to these massively rich assholes in Silicon Valley, like Jeff Bezos, is comparable to what is known as the Gilded Age in America--the time in the late 19th Century when Robber Barons from the Northeast got so rich and so corrupt and owned so many politicians--that their wealth and their misuse of it became a threat to the country in general.

Even you poor folks educated in rotting Northern cities controlled by Democrats and their Marxist Teachers Unions for half a century have probably heard of Bezos-like turds----Rockefeller, Mellon., Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Morgan.

Back then, they were called Robber Barons; today they are called Globalists.

Back then, it took a half crazy man like Theodore Roosevelt to rein them in. It was not a fight against Capitalism, it was a fight against the single bad side effect of Capitalism---if not controlled--and that is Greed and the love of power that Greed induces.

For his efforts, which helped to save Capitalism in this country not destroy it, Theodore Roosevelt is on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.


Reining in turds like Bezos, and the politicians and newspapers he has bought like toys to serve his own corrupt agenda is in the interest of all Americans. And much like the French Yellow Jackets which include both Trumpie Nationalists and Socialists alike---temporarily united to fight fight a common enemy---massively wealthy Oligarchs--it is time for all Americans to unite and stop the Globalists Oligarchs who have hollowed out the middle class in this country and redistributed our wealth to places like China.

Now, the rankest fools out there, in my opinion, are people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocacio- Cortez. They are so foolish they think Marxism is the answer, but it they would wise up just a little and realize, as Theodore Roosevelt did, that it is the Modern Day Robber Barons who are perverting Capitalism, I could agree with them for just a while.

Every American should realize that we are deep in the midst of another Gilded Age, and that something must be done about the Robber Barons of today and soon, or Marxism will take us all down.

Just my opinion.

It IS time for some trust-busting! Google, Apple, Amazon, Comms & cable ALL need trust-busted.

^Look! That's how almost all Americans get info these days, it's not good to have a select few owning it all with no competition.

Love it when the socialist come out of the woodwork cheering for the government to punish the successful!
Why do you have such a hardon for Bezos? He is a self made billionaire who came up with an amazing business model and turned it into a massive empire. That is the sort of thing that hard core conservatives used to they are just jealous...sad

Bezos is a psychopath. A fraction of his absurd wealth could end all homelessness in the nation. His employees are paid peanuts and some have to seek government assistance, yet he lives in opulence no other human in all of human history has experienced.

jealous much? :21::21::21::21:
Why do you have such a hardon for Bezos? He is a self made billionaire who came up with an amazing business model and turned it into a massive empire. That is the sort of thing that hard core conservatives used to they are just jealous...sad
Amazon is approaching monopoly status

They broke up Standard Oil and AT&T as monopolies

Amazon is next
"It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class. In fact, it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age."


I am a hard core conservative in near despair for my children and grandchildren over the ever-growing INVASION of our country of its southern border, by third world parasites who will help Democrat/Socialists complete the job of turning this great country, the greatest thus far created, into yet another Marxist Experiment.

But, I also read History and look for precedent, because, as Mark Twain said: History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

This is true because Human Nature, if it changes at all, does so very slowly, so slowly that any change is noticeable only over millennia.


The invention of the Internet, which gave rise to these massively rich assholes in Silicon Valley, like Jeff Bezos, is comparable to what is known as the Gilded Age in America--the time in the late 19th Century when Robber Barons from the Northeast got so rich and so corrupt and owned so many politicians--that their wealth and their misuse of it became a threat to the country in general.

Even you poor folks educated in rotting Northern cities controlled by Democrats and their Marxist Teachers Unions for half a century have probably heard of Bezos-like turds----Rockefeller, Mellon., Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Morgan.

Back then, they were called Robber Barons; today they are called Globalists.

Back then, it took a half crazy man like Theodore Roosevelt to rein them in. It was not a fight against Capitalism, it was a fight against the single bad side effect of Capitalism---if not controlled--and that is Greed and the love of power that Greed induces.

For his efforts, which helped to save Capitalism in this country not destroy it, Theodore Roosevelt is on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.


Reining in turds like Bezos, and the politicians and newspapers he has bought like toys to serve his own corrupt agenda is in the interest of all Americans. And much like the French Yellow Jackets which include both Trumpie Nationalists and Socialists alike---temporarily united to fight fight a common enemy---massively wealthy Oligarchs--it is time for all Americans to unite and stop the Globalists Oligarchs who have hollowed out the middle class in this country and redistributed our wealth to places like China.

Now, the rankest fools out there, in my opinion, are people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocacio- Cortez. They are so foolish they think Marxism is the answer, but it they would wise up just a little and realize, as Theodore Roosevelt did, that it is the Modern Day Robber Barons who are perverting Capitalism, I could agree with them for just a while.

Every American should realize that we are deep in the midst of another Gilded Age, and that something must be done about the Robber Barons of today and soon, or Marxism will take us all down.

Just my opinion.

It IS time for some trust-busting! Google, Apple, Amazon, Comms & cable ALL need trust-busted.

^Look! That's how almost all Americans get info these days, it's not good to have a select few owning it all with no competition.

You forgot to include USMB
"It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class. In fact, it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age."


I am a hard core conservative in near despair for my children and grandchildren over the ever-growing INVASION of our country of its southern border, by third world parasites who will help Democrat/Socialists complete the job of turning this great country, the greatest thus far created, into yet another Marxist Experiment.

But, I also read History and look for precedent, because, as Mark Twain said: History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

This is true because Human Nature, if it changes at all, does so very slowly, so slowly that any change is noticeable only over millennia.


The invention of the Internet, which gave rise to these massively rich assholes in Silicon Valley, like Jeff Bezos, is comparable to what is known as the Gilded Age in America--the time in the late 19th Century when Robber Barons from the Northeast got so rich and so corrupt and owned so many politicians--that their wealth and their misuse of it became a threat to the country in general.

Even you poor folks educated in rotting Northern cities controlled by Democrats and their Marxist Teachers Unions for half a century have probably heard of Bezos-like turds----Rockefeller, Mellon., Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Morgan.

Back then, they were called Robber Barons; today they are called Globalists.

Back then, it took a half crazy man like Theodore Roosevelt to rein them in. It was not a fight against Capitalism, it was a fight against the single bad side effect of Capitalism---if not controlled--and that is Greed and the love of power that Greed induces.

For his efforts, which helped to save Capitalism in this country not destroy it, Theodore Roosevelt is on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.


Reining in turds like Bezos, and the politicians and newspapers he has bought like toys to serve his own corrupt agenda is in the interest of all Americans. And much like the French Yellow Jackets which include both Trumpie Nationalists and Socialists alike---temporarily united to fight fight a common enemy---massively wealthy Oligarchs--it is time for all Americans to unite and stop the Globalists Oligarchs who have hollowed out the middle class in this country and redistributed our wealth to places like China.

Now, the rankest fools out there, in my opinion, are people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocacio- Cortez. They are so foolish they think Marxism is the answer, but it they would wise up just a little and realize, as Theodore Roosevelt did, that it is the Modern Day Robber Barons who are perverting Capitalism, I could agree with them for just a while.

Every American should realize that we are deep in the midst of another Gilded Age, and that something must be done about the Robber Barons of today and soon, or Marxism will take us all down.

Just my opinion.

It IS time for some trust-busting! Google, Apple, Amazon, Comms & cable ALL need trust-busted.

^Look! That's how almost all Americans get info these days, it's not good to have a select few owning it all with no competition.

Love it when the socialist come out of the woodwork cheering for the government to punish the successful!

It's because of government favoritism that they are so successful.

Obama allowed Google to buy up whole nodes of the internet.

Amazon is quasi-subsidized by the USPS, who effectively doubled their rates a few years back.

What used to be $26 is now $60 if you're not Amazon.
"It was a period where greedy, corrupt industrialists, bankers and politicians enjoyed extraordinary wealth and opulence at the expense of the working class. In fact, it was wealthy tycoons, not politicians, who inconspicuously held the most political power during the Gilded Age."


I am a hard core conservative in near despair for my children and grandchildren over the ever-growing INVASION of our country of its southern border, by third world parasites who will help Democrat/Socialists complete the job of turning this great country, the greatest thus far created, into yet another Marxist Experiment.

But, I also read History and look for precedent, because, as Mark Twain said: History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.

This is true because Human Nature, if it changes at all, does so very slowly, so slowly that any change is noticeable only over millennia.


The invention of the Internet, which gave rise to these massively rich assholes in Silicon Valley, like Jeff Bezos, is comparable to what is known as the Gilded Age in America--the time in the late 19th Century when Robber Barons from the Northeast got so rich and so corrupt and owned so many politicians--that their wealth and their misuse of it became a threat to the country in general.

Even you poor folks educated in rotting Northern cities controlled by Democrats and their Marxist Teachers Unions for half a century have probably heard of Bezos-like turds----Rockefeller, Mellon., Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Morgan.

Back then, they were called Robber Barons; today they are called Globalists.

Back then, it took a half crazy man like Theodore Roosevelt to rein them in. It was not a fight against Capitalism, it was a fight against the single bad side effect of Capitalism---if not controlled--and that is Greed and the love of power that Greed induces.

For his efforts, which helped to save Capitalism in this country not destroy it, Theodore Roosevelt is on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.


Reining in turds like Bezos, and the politicians and newspapers he has bought like toys to serve his own corrupt agenda is in the interest of all Americans. And much like the French Yellow Jackets which include both Trumpie Nationalists and Socialists alike---temporarily united to fight fight a common enemy---massively wealthy Oligarchs--it is time for all Americans to unite and stop the Globalists Oligarchs who have hollowed out the middle class in this country and redistributed our wealth to places like China.

Now, the rankest fools out there, in my opinion, are people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandra Ocacio- Cortez. They are so foolish they think Marxism is the answer, but it they would wise up just a little and realize, as Theodore Roosevelt did, that it is the Modern Day Robber Barons who are perverting Capitalism, I could agree with them for just a while.

Every American should realize that we are deep in the midst of another Gilded Age, and that something must be done about the Robber Barons of today and soon, or Marxism will take us all down.

Just my opinion.

It IS time for some trust-busting! Google, Apple, Amazon, Comms & cable ALL need trust-busted.

^Look! That's how almost all Americans get info these days, it's not good to have a select few owning it all with no competition.

Love it when the socialist come out of the woodwork cheering for the government to punish the successful!

It's because of government favoritism that they are so successful.

Obama allowed Google to buy up whole nodes of the internet.

Amazon is quasi-subsidized by the USPS, who effectively doubled their rates a few years back.

What used to be $26 is now $60 if you're not Amazon.

So, you are one of those "you did not build that" people...not surprised...

Why do you have such a hardon for Bezos? He is a self made billionaire who came up with an amazing business model and turned it into a massive empire. That is the sort of thing that hard core conservatives used to they are just jealous...sad
Amazon is approaching monopoly status

They broke up Standard Oil and AT&T as monopolies

Amazon is next

success never goes unpunished in this country.
Why do you have such a hardon for Bezos? He is a self made billionaire who came up with an amazing business model and turned it into a massive empire. That is the sort of thing that hard core conservatives used to they are just jealous...sad

Bezos is a psychopath. A fraction of his absurd wealth could end all homelessness in the nation. His employees are paid peanuts and some have to seek government assistance, yet he lives in opulence no other human in all of human history has experienced.

jealous much? :21::21::21::21:
Yeah that’s it.

Can’t fix stupid.

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