The Future of Fox News?


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Fox News made the decision during the election to refrain from rampant propagation of the false narrative the the election was clearly stolen. Sure they had guests and host parrot that narrative but their newsroom mostly stuck to the mainstream position.

Now they are bleeding viewers. Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality. Fox is pivoting back to crazy stories and moving onto attack dog mode as fast as they can to keep their viewers (Jill Biden attacks, baseless Joe corruption suggestions, all Hunter all the time stories) but IS IT ENOUGH? Or are they”dead” as Trump proclaims?

Fox still holds their lead but Newsmax and CNN have beaten them in ratings spots recently.

Trump says Fox News is "dead" in latest broadside against network

It is race to the bottom in right-wing media. Roger Ailes knew that conspiracies and falsehoods sell to conservatives. It is no accident that Fox peddles this garbage. The minute Fox stopped peddling this news crack to its addicts they moved on to another pusher. Now Fox wants back its market share back from these fake news dealers poaching on their territory.

The move to Newsmax and OAN just shows how right Ailes was. Is there any one left that truly questions the love that conservatives have for conspiracy theories?
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Won't be long and you won't see commercials on FOX. Who'd buy advertising nobody would see?

Instead? How about "pledge breaks"? Y'know, schedule decent shows and then tear them to shreds with whiny begging.

Like PBS........
Fox News made the decision during the election to refrain from rampant propagation of the false narrative the the election was clearly stolen. Sure they had guests and host parrot that narrative but their newsroom mostly stuck to the mainstream position.

Now they are bleeding viewers. Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality. Fox is pivoting back to crazy stories and moving onto attack dog mode as fast as they can to keep their viewers (Jill Biden attacks, baseless Joe corruption suggestions, all Hunter all the time stories) but IS IT ENOUGH? Or are they”dead” as Trump proclaims?

Fox still holds their lead but Newsmax and CNN have beaten them in ratings spots recently.

Trump says Fox News is "dead" in latest broadside against network

STATEMENT: "Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality"

RESPONSE: Right wingers seek out demagogues and charlatans, and find them on Fox News and other sources which tell them what they want to hear.
Fox News made the decision during the election to refrain from rampant propagation of the false narrative the the election was clearly stolen. Sure they had guests and host parrot that narrative but their newsroom mostly stuck to the mainstream position.

Now they are bleeding viewers. Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality. Fox is pivoting back to crazy stories and moving onto attack dog mode as fast as they can to keep their viewers (Jill Biden attacks, baseless Joe corruption suggestions, all Hunter all the time stories) but IS IT ENOUGH? Or are they”dead” as Trump proclaims?

Fox still holds their lead but Newsmax and CNN have beaten them in ratings spots recently.

Trump says Fox News is "dead" in latest broadside against network

There is still a lot of cool stuff like Hunter Biden and his dad's senility the others won't touch.
Fox News made the decision during the election to refrain from rampant propagation of the false narrative the the election was clearly stolen. Sure they had guests and host parrot that narrative but their newsroom mostly stuck to the mainstream position.

Now they are bleeding viewers. Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality. Fox is pivoting back to crazy stories and moving onto attack dog mode as fast as they can to keep their viewers (Jill Biden attacks, baseless Joe corruption suggestions, all Hunter all the time stories) but IS IT ENOUGH? Or are they”dead” as Trump proclaims?

Fox still holds their lead but Newsmax and CNN have beaten them in ratings spots recently.

Trump says Fox News is "dead" in latest broadside against network

STATEMENT: "Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality"

RESPONSE: Right wingers seek out demagogues and charlatans, and find them on Fox News and other sources which tell them what they want to hear.

I think people just want truth, clarity and questioned asked on their behalf. Anyone who has watched China conquer the world the last 30 years while "leaders" sat by and watched, know that media, along with many others (academia, big money and Wall Street etc), have refused to be curious, refused to wonder aloud about motivation of some. If obvious questions aren't asked, people feel betrayed.

Trump is not the perfect president. As it comes to confronting China and defying those who want the Status Quo, an approach that weakened America for global socialist and Chinas benefit; he is perfect. Watching America First disappear for me is a sign of the impending outcome.

Let's see how anyone who wants "reality" and not "distortion" reacts to the subservient existence the West will take on when China is running the show. Keep an eye on how they treat Australia, Taiwan, HK and Japan.
Fox News made the decision during the election to refrain from rampant propagation of the false narrative the the election was clearly stolen. Sure they had guests and host parrot that narrative but their newsroom mostly stuck to the mainstream position.

Now they are bleeding viewers. Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality. Fox is pivoting back to crazy stories and moving onto attack dog mode as fast as they can to keep their viewers (Jill Biden attacks, baseless Joe corruption suggestions, all Hunter all the time stories) but IS IT ENOUGH? Or are they”dead” as Trump proclaims?

Fox still holds their lead but Newsmax and CNN have beaten them in ratings spots recently.

Trump says Fox News is "dead" in latest broadside against network

STATEMENT: "Right wingers want lies and distortion not reality"

RESPONSE: Right wingers seek out demagogues and charlatans, and find them on Fox News and other sources which tell them what they want to hear.

I think people just want truth, clarity and questioned asked on their behalf. Anyone who has watched China conquer the world the last 30 years while "leaders" sat by and watched, know that media, along with many others (academia, big money and Wall Street etc), have refused to be curious, refused to wonder aloud about motivation of some. If obvious questions aren't asked, people feel betrayed.

Trump is not the perfect president. As it comes to confronting China and defying those who want the Status Quo, an approach that weakened America for global socialist and Chinas benefit; he is perfect. Watching America First disappear for me is a sign of the impending outcome.

Let's see how anyone who wants "reality" and not "distortion" reacts to the subservient existence the West will take on when China is running the show. Keep an eye on how they treat Australia, Taiwan, HK and Japan.

Trump's bellicose words and Brinkmanship sans any sense of diplomacy has been a failure, in both the foreign and domestic arenas. Trump is a man-child, a bully who backed down to N. Korea, Russia and China. He's far out of touch when dealing with those with power, due to being a spoiled brat from cradle to being faced with reality when he was elected.

What has trump done to our country: Surrendering hegemony in the middle east and the far east; alienating our allies in NATO; praising White Supremacists and mocking Scientists; and now attacking 244 years of our democracy is testimony to four years of failures with his effort to undermine future elections with his unsupported lies about fraud. There is no doubt that Trump has created a more dangerous world, one with Nuclear aspirations.
For four years, liberals looked to the New York Times (and CNN & MSNBC & the TV network news shows) for comfort as those sources "reported" fake news about President Trump.

So it is only fair that conservatives have at least one source to give them comfort now. If FOX will not do it, then I guess Newsmax will. That's fine.
Fox will be OK. They'll recover from publicly mentioning President-Elect Biden.

Non-Left-wingers will return when they finally figure out that Newsmax and OAN don't have nearly the production quality that the Fox network has.

Do you want to be lied to from the low rent studio B, or the big guys?
For four years, liberals looked to the New York Times (and CNN & MSNBC & the TV network news shows) for comfort as those sources "reported" fake news about President Trump.

So it is only fair that conservatives have at least one source to give them comfort now. If FOX will not do it, then I guess Newsmax will. That's fine.

It seems you are predisposed to seek out demagoguery and believe charlatan talking heads. It's no wonder you believe the main street media is all fake news; "fake news" is nothing more than a BIG LIE.

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