CDZ The Future of American Freedom


VIP Member
Jan 4, 2015
Me dear fellow citizens of the USA, our freedom has just taken a mighty blow. If you voted for Hillary Clinton, you may understand what I mean. But I suspect even among you, most do not. And if you did not vote for Clinton, you most certainly do not.

Our Constitutional form of government with its separation of powers was intended to guarantee the rights of its citizens to determine the future course of their great country and their personal freedoms through democratic elections. At the beginning, all citizens did not have equal voting power, so rule by the majority was not in place. But the seeds were set for equality for all in The Declaration of Independence, and was the stated goal of our new nation. Over the first two centuries, we have seen the expansion of voting rights for all.

Unfortunately, there are those among us who do not believe in the concept of equal rights. They look for ways to marginalize certain classes of citizens, and to do everything they can to keep their votes from being counted. And when they gain power, they do this fervently to retain their position. These folks are a minority. And they greatly fear majority rule. This has been true from the beginning of our nation.

Last years election demonstrated the power of the Electoral College in reversing the wishes of our majority opinion and a nearly 3 million vote advantage for the losing presidential candidate. The Electoral College was the final sledge hammer smashing the people's wishes, but other vote manipulation tools in place helped to bolster the power of that hammer. Among them gerrymandering, illegal purging of Constitutionally eligible voters, the use of unverifiable voting machines in key states, and a lack of sufficient polling places in some cases. Considering all these vote manipulations, it is truly remarkable that the losing candidate had such a large advantage in the popular vote. If we had fair elections across the nation, that majority vote would likely have been far higher.

Why was the Electoral College even created in the first place? The current form was created in the 12th Amendment. It had to do with the hugely divisive issue of slavery, as was the 2nd Amendment. The small voting population of the South had to be protected and control their slaves, thus the militias.

Thom Hartmann's programs have been a reliable source of factual information for many years, but most Americans are not aware of this.

A mass media that fails to inform the public about important political issues is another problem. Freedom from tyranny requires fair elections where every vote counts, and thorough and reliable information from our media. I intend to cover that in another post soon.
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Me dear fellow citizens of the USA, our freedom has just taken a mighty blow. If you voted for Hillary Clinton, you may understand what I mean. But I suspect even among you, most do not. And if you did not vote for Clinton, you most certainly do not.

Our Constitutional form of government with its separation of powers was intended to guarantee the rights of its citizens to determine the future course of their great country and their personal freedoms through democratic elections. At the beginning, all citizens did not have equal voting power, so rule by the majority was not in place. But the seeds were set for equality for all in The Declaration of Independence, and was the stated goal of our new nation. Over the first two centuries, we have seen the expansion of voting rights for all.

Unfortunately, there are those among us who do not believe in the concept of equal rights. They look for ways to marginalize certain classes of citizens, and to do everything they can to keep their votes from being counted. And when they gain power, they do this fervently to retain their position. These folks are a minority. And they greatly fear majority rule. This has been true from the beginning of our nation.

Last years election demonstrated the power of the Electoral College in reversing the wishes of our majority opinion and a nearly 3 million vote advantage for the losing presidential candidate. The Electoral College was the final sledge hammer smashing the people's wishes, but other vote manipulation tools in place helped to bolster the power of that hammer. Among them gerrymandering, illegal purging of Constitutionally eligible voters, the use of unverifiable voting machines in key states, and a lack of sufficient polling places in some cases. Considering all these vote manipulations, it is truly remarkable that the losing candidate had such a large advantage in the popular vote. If we had fair elections across the nation, that majority vote would likely have been far higher.

Why was the Electoral College even created in the first place? The current form was created in the 12th Amendment. It had to do with the hugely divisive issue of slavery, as was the 2nd Amendment. The small voting population of the South had to be protected and control their slaves, thus the militias.

Thom Hartmann's programs have been a reliable source of factual information for many years, but most Americans are not aware of this.

A mass media that fails to inform the public about important political issues is another problem. Freedom from tyranny requires fair elections where every vote counts, and thorough and reliable information from our media. I intend to cover that in another post soon.

The Electoral College was the final sledge hammer smashing the people's wishes,

If the people wish to do away with the Electoral College, they should Amend the Constitution.

but other vote manipulation tools in place helped to bolster the power of that hammer. Among them gerrymandering,

Hillary lost because........gerrymandering? LOL!
So you want to change the rules of the game after the final buzzer. HRC's advantage in the popular vote came from basically 10 counties, 5 in and around NYC, and the LA and SF areas of California. The rest of the states the voting was close, but with Pres. Trump prevailing. So, as one the individuals that voted for Trump, I do understand your post. The electoral college was put in place to ensure that no one sector of the American populace could dictate the outcome of an election, I.e. Heavily populated cities vice rural areas. The EC is a balancing mechanism that forces a candidate to appeal to all elements of our society, not just one.
The constitution definitely needs to be amended, but I'm also tending to think the procedures and ballots should be uniform in all the states, especially in a federal election.

Although as I was reading the o.p., when thinking about inequality I was drawn to thoughts about the "justice" system. It's not only that those who have more money have more clout, but also if it wasn't for the courts being as they are, there probably would not be as much police brutality and abuses.
IKR? Just forget the duopoly has a monopoly on our elections. Lets focus on attacking the Constitution!
And honestly, how could someone vote for Clinton and act like they care about equality and shit? Give me a break. Disingenuous malarkey
Me dear fellow citizens of the USA, our freedom has just taken a mighty blow. If you voted for Hillary Clinton, you may understand what I mean. But I suspect even among you, most do not. And if you did not vote for Clinton, you most certainly do not.

Our Constitutional form of government with its separation of powers was intended to guarantee the rights of its citizens to determine the future course of their great country and their personal freedoms through democratic elections. At the beginning, all citizens did not have equal voting power, so rule by the majority was not in place. But the seeds were set for equality for all in The Declaration of Independence, and was the stated goal of our new nation. Over the first two centuries, we have seen the expansion of voting rights for all.

Unfortunately, there are those among us who do not believe in the concept of equal rights. They look for ways to marginalize certain classes of citizens, and to do everything they can to keep their votes from being counted. And when they gain power, they do this fervently to retain their position. These folks are a minority. And they greatly fear majority rule. This has been true from the beginning of our nation.

Last years election demonstrated the power of the Electoral College in reversing the wishes of our majority opinion and a nearly 3 million vote advantage for the losing presidential candidate. The Electoral College was the final sledge hammer smashing the people's wishes, but other vote manipulation tools in place helped to bolster the power of that hammer. Among them gerrymandering, illegal purging of Constitutionally eligible voters, the use of unverifiable voting machines in key states, and a lack of sufficient polling places in some cases. Considering all these vote manipulations, it is truly remarkable that the losing candidate had such a large advantage in the popular vote. If we had fair elections across the nation, that majority vote would likely have been far higher.

Why was the Electoral College even created in the first place? The current form was created in the 12th Amendment. It had to do with the hugely divisive issue of slavery, as was the 2nd Amendment. The small voting population of the South had to be protected and control their slaves, thus the militias.

Thom Hartmann's programs have been a reliable source of factual information for many years, but most Americans are not aware of this.

A mass media that fails to inform the public about important political issues is another problem. Freedom from tyranny requires fair elections where every vote counts, and thorough and reliable information from our media. I intend to cover that in another post soon.

Dumbazz rant.

They should have taught you about the Electoral College starting in 8th Grade. You should have stayed awake in class.

They should have taught it to you again in 12th Grade Civics. You should have gone to class.

Looks like you probably did not go to college but had you done so then you would have gotten it again there during freshman year general ed requirements.

You need to go to the bookstore and see if you can buy a book called "U.S. Civics For Dummies".
So you want to change the rules of the game after the final buzzer. HRC's advantage in the popular vote came from basically 10 counties, 5 in and around NYC, and the LA and SF areas of California. The rest of the states the voting was close, but with Pres. Trump prevailing. So, as one the individuals that voted for Trump, I do understand your post. The electoral college was put in place to ensure that no one sector of the American populace could dictate the outcome of an election, I.e. Heavily populated cities vice rural areas. The EC is a balancing mechanism that forces a candidate to appeal to all elements of our society, not just one.
Thank you Colonel. Nice summary.

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