
Active Member
Jun 13, 2015
Lets be honest here how many of you actually think Trump is going to fix America and do you people really expect him to do great things because i don't.
Based on his actions so far I believe he is going to give it a hell of a shot. I was for sending the bull into the china shop as DC needs a major fucking shakeup. Will he succeed? Remains to be seen but he has my support.
Trump will create the conditions for America to fix itself. Whether or not enough Americans jump on board, remains to be seen. Enough real Americans voted him in, so methinks enough Americans will get to work and make America great, yessir, even greater again!
It's not like the Ds and Greens had something even half as good on the ballot

The left had pay for play political prostitute as headliner Miss "oops! I proved the left does stuff ballot boxes in places like Detroit." was second lead. Therefore every sane voter with a greater than room temperature IQ either stayed home or voted for Trump.
Now that Pres. DJ Trump is the center of attention of the entire World, I am certain he will try to look better than any of his predecessors since Lincoln or Geo. Washington. He would love to take over the #3 spot from FDR.

So I fully expect he will strive to implement his vision to the extent he can as he has verbalized it.

Trump is all about ego and has been his whole life.

Up to now he was competing with the other TV shows and networks.

Now he is competing with all the former Presidents, Kings, and Caesars in history.

New game.

New show.

New stakes.
The question is a tough one to take a guess at because it isn't very clear what is wrong with America. The painful symptoms are obvious but the etiology of the disease is not agreed upon.

The government can do a great deal to change economic conditions, although what they should be changed to and how to accomplish that are by no means clear.

Much of the real angst that built President Trump's base of support is of a different kind than the things that can be addressed by federal legislation. People long for an America of the Golden Age,but the personal relations and social norms of yesteryear can't be recreated. There is no going back. Instead, we need to think of a slogan like "Make America Great As Never Before.."
Lets be honest here how many of you actually think Trump is going to fix America and do you people really expect him to do great things because i don't.
We say the same things about your posting.

Considering Blue Areas are the places where most Americans live, I'm not sure I get your point.
Lets be honest here how many of you actually think Trump is going to fix America and do you people really expect him to do great things because i don't.

He has already made moves that are going to improve the country, with more to come....he has done more in the first few days than obama did in 8...

Considering Blue Areas are the places where most Americans live, I'm not sure I get your point.
His point is clearly that the Democrats have become a regional party confined largely to the far West and a strip on the North Atlantic seaboard. I would have thought that obvious.
Lets be honest here how many of you actually think Trump is going to fix America and do you people really expect him to do great things because i don't.
We say the same things about your posting.

Considering Blue Areas are the places where most Americans live, I'm not sure I get your point.
It's about crime rates, you fool. To put it another way the blue areas on the lower map represent areas where there are more crimes committed per capita than the red areas. If this was not immediately obvious to you, I have little hope for your sanity, or intellect. You obviously lack one or the other, possibly both.
If Trump fails we will all be worse off. His program is a unique mixture of right wing and progressive plans. Everybody can find something to bitch about. That is the problem with democracy in a large, diverse nation. Hold him to his promises and give him a chance. We have the constitutional power to stop him dead in his tracks in two years and dump him out on his ass in four. There is no long-term threat and he may just have the answer to some of our problems. Whining and obstructing as the GOP did to Obama for eight years, isn't going to build anything for anybody.
Lets be honest here how many of you actually think Trump is going to fix America and do you people really expect him to do great things because i don't.
We say the same things about your posting.

Considering Blue Areas are the places where most Americans live, I'm not sure I get your point.

The blue areas are where there is the most crime too.

That effectively all criminals are Ds does not mean all DEs are criminals.

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