The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Actually you retard I have NEVER commented on YOUR experiences I have never disagreed that in the past there was Jim Crow. You call me a racist because I cite facts like that Obama was a crappy President, not cause he was black but because his policies SUCKED. I note with links that blacks were JUST as complicit in the slave trade and your response is to call me a racist and claim blacks were FORCED to attack pother black tribes take prisoners and sell them to whites. And your response, No that didn't happen, even though it is historical fact. You ignore all the whites that fought against slavery risking life and limb to do it and dismiss it as not important. You blatantly REFUSE to acknowledge that right now in 2020 Blacks in Africa still practice Slavery.

I showed you proof of what happened in Africa. Your opinion in that regard is a widely held white racist opinion. You don't want to recognize the fact that whites had slaves in Europe at that time enslaving one another and instead of sending them to be slaves in the colonies, they invaded Africa and got them there. Your claim of total African complicity fails when you read the countless stories of African resistance.

You want me to give equal credence to the few whites who fought with blacks to end slavery while the majority of whites did not. You seem to deny the role blacks had in forcing whites to end slavery. I don't cater to white fragility. You will face things as they have been.

You say you didn't like Obama because his policies sucked, but his policies turned around a dead economy, reduced 10 percent unemployment to full employment, and set records for job growth that is still going on now.

You talk about Africans still owning slaves in Africa, yet slavery still goes on in Europe and here in this country. So your whole argument is whataboutism. The central failure in your argument is that whites bought the slaves in Africa and whites made slavery legal in America. Slavery was made illegal in America 155 years ago, yet whites continued practicing the same racism and discrimination after slavery ended which you refuse to address.

The violations left slavery 155 years ago. We are now talking about the effects of jim crow apartheid and modern white racism. And these are the issues you refuse to discuss or recognize.
As usual you don't actually read what people write that you disagree with. I never claimed all black Africans were in the slave Trade You can quit claiming it is a bald faced LIE. Whites could NOT go into the interior of Africa for the first 200 years or so of the slave trade, INSTEAD they located coastal tribes and traded with them for slaves. I provided 2 links that show this and prove the point. No one forced those tribes to enter into the slave trade There are more links if you need more proof. Then when the Europeans started colonizing parts of Africa they still did business with those tribes that were slavers.

Be very specific and cite for me any meaningful group of Americans or Europeans that have slaves NOW? A couple forcing a worker into slave wages is illegal and when they are discovered they are arrested. Meanwhile there is several Black African Nations that PRACTICE slavery.

You are a liar by the way slavery ended because whites that opposed slavery in Countries with slavery gained either control of the Government or convinced the Government to stop slavery. In the US it took a war.
As usual you don't actually read what people write that you disagree with. I never claimed all black Africans were in the slave Trade You can quit claiming it is a bald faced LIE. Whites could NOT go into the interior of Africa for the first 200 years or so of the slave trade, INSTEAD they located coastal tribes and traded with them for slaves. I provided 2 links that show this and prove the point. No one forced those tribes to enter into the slave trade There are more links if you need more proof. Then when the Europeans started colonizing parts of Africa they still did business with those tribes that were slavers.

Be very specific and cite for me any meaningful group of Americans or Europeans that have slaves NOW? A couple forcing a worker into slave wages is illegal and when they are discovered they are arrested. Meanwhile there is several Black African Nations that PRACTICE slavery.

You are a liar by the way slavery ended because whites that opposed slavery in Countries with slavery gained either control of the Government or convinced the Government to stop slavery. In the US it took a war.

I have read everything you wrote. Your claim of African complicity ignores way too much. You are incorrect retardedsgt. First off the Portuguese were stealing slaves and that's where it started. They did not trade for slaves. There is all kinds of documented evidence that supports what I just said. You need to read what Africans wrote about this instead of only what whites wrote.

As for current slavery in white countries. And as for slavery in America, go ask Robert Kraft. He got busted for soliciting a sex slave.

In Europe, black abolitionists launched or participated in civic movements to end the deportation and enslavement of Africans. They too delivered speeches, provided information, wrote newspaper articles and books.

Using violent as well as nonviolent means, Africans in Africa, the Americas, and Europe were constantly involved in the fight against the slave trade and slavery.

In January 1804, an event that had enormous repercussions shook the world of the enslaved and their owners. The black revolutionaries, who had been fighting since 1791, crushed Napoleon's 43,000-man army.

In December 1803, in full debacle, the 8,000 French soldiers left on the island (most of the others had been killed in combat and 20,000 had died of yellow fever), boarded their ships, and sailed away. Within twelve years, black Haitians had fought against and defeated not only the French colonists but also the French, Spanish, and British armies.

As conspiracies and revolts reached a height in the 1790s, slave societies started to fear the influence of "French Negroes," who were thought to harbor ideals of freedom brought about by the revolutions in France and Saint-Domingue.

Interestingly, the largest U.S. revolt — in terms of participants — took place in 1811 in Louisiana and was led by Charles Deslondes from Haiti. French and French Creole-speaking men were associated with uprisings in British, Spanish, and Dutch colonies until 1820, and they led a large revolt in Curaçao in 1795.

In Cuba, José Antonio Aponte, a free man who organized an uprising in 1812, had promised his followers that help would come from Haiti, and he galvanized his troops with pictures of Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and Henri Christophe. In the United States, black abolitionists, nationalists, and activists were inspired by the uprising and its emblematic figure, Toussaint L'Ouverture. They daringly paid tribute to the revolution at a time when white abolitionists played it down, afraid it would repel sympathetic whites.

During the 1816 rebellion in Barbados, references were made to Haiti. In 1820 Denmark Vesey, who had been enslaved on the island for a few months and had bought his freedom in Charleston, South Carolina, recruited determined participants — including enslaved Haitians forcibly brought during the revolution — to what was one of the best-organized slave conspiracy in the country. His goal was to free the enslaved with the help of Haiti and sail to Africa or to the black republic.

African Americans fought against the slave trade and slavery through sabotage, escape, conspiracies, and revolts while freed people were involved in abolitionist activities, from organizing campaigns to delivering speeches and writing pamphlets, as demonstrated in Abolition and Celebrations. And as explained in The Abolitionist Movement in Britain and the United States , African abolitionists such as Olaudah Equiano and Ottobah Cugoano were quite active in Great Britain. Less well known is the role of blacks in the movement that brought about the abolition of the slave trade and slavery in the French colonies long before any other territories in the Western Hemisphere.

During the French Revolution of 1789, people of color from Saint-Domingue, Guadeloupe, and Martinique living in France organized themselves into the Société des citoyens de couleur (Society of Colored Citizens), headed by mulatto Julien Raimond, a wealthy planter and slaveholder from Saint-Domingue. It worked closely with the Société des amis des noirs (Society of the Friends of the Blacks), which asked for equal rights for free people of color, the immediate abolition of the slave trade, and a gradual abolition of slavery. In 1791 the Société des citoyens worked diligently to gather together activists who were dispersed in various clubs and kept the revolutionaries informed of the political and social situation in Saint-Domingue, where the uprising had started during the night of August 22-23.

Direct conflict also was part of the fight for abolition.

But revolts on slave ships, although extremely difficult to organize and conduct, were numerous. About 420 revolts have been documented in slavers' papers, and they do not represent the totality. It is estimated that 100,000 Africans died in uprisings on the coast or during the Middle Passage. The fear of revolts resulted in additional costs for the slavers: larger crews, heavy weapons, and barricades. About 18 percent of the costs of the Middle Passage were incurred due to measures to thwart uprisings, and the captives who rose up saved, according to estimates, one million Africans from deportation by driving up the slavers' expenses.

Now would you like to quit running and address this?

And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Lt. Col. Allen West would have a good run if he chose to run this decade.

Republicans could have had Dr. Alan Keyes in 2000, but unfortunately went with George W. Bush in 2000, and Bush's 2000 rival John McCain in 2008.
It was a racist show written for morons and it is an embarrassment for anyone to admit they liked it.

No, there is nothing "wrong with me" because I do not share your particular taste in TV programs, and for you to even make a statement like that, makes YOU a pompous ass, not me. Obviously the show would have some regional appeal. By your own admission you were in a rust belt area where some people identified with the characters of the show, that's human nature.

I personally do not care who liked the show and who did not, nor am I judging anyone who did. It's not a big deal to me.

But you questioning my personal preferences as far as television shows, makes you someone who clearly has far too much time on their hands.

You nor me, nor anyone else "Knows what EVERYONE in America actually thought of the show", as you stated.

That is a ridiculous and illogical overstatement, because no one has the psychic ability to have such knowledge.

We have differing views of the Confederate flag and that amounts to what it is......different opinions, which has nothing to do with who watches what on television.

You are an extremely small and petty individual.

You'll understand if I don't hold my breath waiting for you to chastise rightwinger for what you're chastising Correll for.

Because everyone involved knows you're not going to do that.

What RW says to another poster, is his business, not mine.

I'm not a moderator here, so what is your point?
Pointing out leftist hypocrisy is a hobby of mine.

IT has nothing to do with anyone being on the "left, right or middle", and you know it.

It is you attempting to persuade another poster to say something against a poster that you disagree with in order to defend yet another poster that you are obviously in agreement with.

That is some childish, petty bullshit.

I dont see you "chastising" anyone who you think is on the so called called "right", so work on your own hypocrisy, and consider finding a new "hobby"
Wow. Okay, you get a checkmark in the "hates it when his hypocrisy is pointed out" column.

Meanwhile, the left can't exist without their double standards. Period. End of story. More whining about it changes nothing, so don't even bother.

So, here we have yet another moralizing hypocrite attempting to police this forum and assign political labels to complete strangers who were minding their own business.

You are not a moderator, therefore your silly attempt to direct who I criticize in your behalf is laughed at and dismissed.

Now get lost.
Man, you leftists really hate it when your double standards are pointed out.

You don't like it? Stop being a hypocrite. Dumbass.

What I "don't like" are moralizing little pricks like you.
You do not know whether I am left, right, or in the middle, you dunce.

Either way, what I choose to say or not to say to anyone here, is none of your business.

You don't set the guidelines here, nor do you regulate what I or anyone else says to anyone.

Like I told you, before, get lost and mind your own business, you annoying insect.
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And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.

Actually what I said is exactly why European countries ended slavery. But while you want to give whites sole credit for freeing blacks, white colonized and ruled non white nations after they ended slavery and the result is that those nations were ruined and still struggle today. Then we continue to see you run from this truth, and it just kills your argument of whites ending anything.

10 Ways American Slavery Continued Long After The Civil War

Slavery in America didn’t end with the Emancipation Proclamation. It lived on—even after the Civil War had ended and the 13th Amendment had been put into place.

The Civil War brought the Confederate States back into the Union, but the people who lived in the South weren’t through fighting. They were determined to keep things exactly as they were during the heyday of slavery.

They made state laws that let them keep black people in essential servitude. As a result, slavery in America lived on for a lot longer than most people realize.

Slavery Was Used As A Legal Punishment

Photo via Wikimedia
The 13th Amendment didn’t make all forms of slavery illegal. It kept one exception. Slavery, it ruled, was still permitted “as a punishment for crime.”

All the Southern states had to do was find a reason to arrest their former slaves, and they could legally throw them right back on the plantation. So, Southern politicians set up a series of laws called the “Black Codes” that let them arrest black people for almost anything.

In Mississippi, a black person could be arrested for anything from using obscene language to selling cotton after sunset. If he was as much as caught using a bad word, he could be charged, leased out as a slave laborer, and put to work in chain gangs and work camps on farms, mines, and quarries.

It happened a lot. By 1898, 73 percent of Alabama’s revenue came from leasing out convicts as slaves.[1]

The enslaved convicts were treated terribly. They were beaten so brutally and viciously that, in one year, one of every four enslaved convicts died while working. Work camps kept secret, unmarked graves where they would bury men they’d beaten to death to hide the evidence. By the end, those graves held the mutilated bodies of at least 9,000 men.

9 Many Freed Slaves Worked On The Same Farms For The Same Wages

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When the 13th Amendment was passed, a judge in Alabama declared that he and his Southern brethren were going to keep black slave labor alive in the South. “There is really no difference,” he said, “whether we hold them as absolute slaves or obtain their labor by some other method.”

He was right. Their new jobs as free people weren’t much different from their jobs as slaves. The newly freed slaves may have dreamed of better lives and new occupations, but a better life wasn’t easy to find. They had no money, no education, and no experience doing anything other than slaving away on a white man’s plantation.

Many ended up signing labor contracts with their former masters and were put back to work on the same farms. There, white landowners kept slave-condition gang labor alive with whites overseeing black workers.

Pay wasn’t much better than it was during slavery. In fact, it was often worse. The earliest records of black wages weren’t taken until 1910, nearly 50 years after emancipation. Even then, the average black man made no more than one-third the salary of the average white man.[2]

8 Sharecropping Made Slaves Through Debt

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Emancipated slaves had been promised 40 acres of land and a mule, but the government quickly backed out of the deal. It was an unfeasible amount of land to take from the white people who owned it, and most refused to sell their land to black people anyway. So they came up with something else—sharecropping.

White landlords would offer to give black families about 20 acres of land on which to grow cotton. In exchange, the whites expected about half of the black families’ crops. The landlords would even be able to dictate what the blacks grew, which often meant they’d be stuck growing tobacco or cotton.

With fields full of cotton, the slaves couldn’t grow their own food. So they had to buy it. But with half of their incomes going to white landlords, they were often bringing home less than slaves. They’d have to borrow money for food from the landlords, too—keeping the blacks in a perpetual cycle of debt and servitude.[3]

7 Unemployed Black People Were Forced To Work Without Pay

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If you turned down the slave-labor jobs you were being offered, they’d just make you work. If a black person in Virginia was caught without a job, he could be charged with vagrancy. He’d be forced to spend the next three months working for pay that, even at the time, was described as “slaves wages [that were] utterly inadequate to the support of themselves.”

Trying to escape just made things worse. If a vagrant working slave wages tried to run, he would be tied up with a ball and chain and forced to keep working—except that now he wouldn’t get paid a penny.[4]

Vagrancy was called “slavery in all but its name.” But it was often much worse than what the blacks had gone through in slavery days. More than that, it forced black people to either accept the slave-like conditions that came with sharecropping and gang labor or to work without pay.

6 Fake Apprenticeships

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Another way to keep legal slaves was to call them your apprentices. Plantation owners would lure their former slaves back by promising to teach them everything the plantation owners knew and get the freedmen ready to succeed on their own. However, the plantation owners just put the freedmen right back in their old slave jobs.

The former slaves would now be under contracts forcing them to work for their old masters, and the freed slaves could get in legal trouble for breaking these contracts. If they got real jobs, even the people who hired them could be sued by the slave owners for “enticing” their apprentices away.[5]

One woman named Elizabeth Turner went through this. She was tricked into going right back to the same slave labor she’d done before emancipation. Turner managed to get out with the help of an abolitionist lawyer who took her case for free. But most weren’t so lucky. Most former slaves were illiterate and uneducated and didn’t know any way to get out of the contracts that threw them right back into slavery.

5 Confederados Took Their Slaves To Brazil

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Brazil lured Confederate slave owners after the Civil War. Slavery was still legal there, and it was in wider swing than it ever had been in the US. About five million slaves had been sent across the Atlantic to Brazil—more than 10 times the number that had been sent to the US.

For many Confederates, that was a selling point. Between 10,000 and 20,000 people moved from the US to Brazil under the promise that they would be allowed to keep their slaves. Some dragged their newly emancipated slaves with them to a land where the freedmen could be forced back into servitude. Meanwhile, other Confederates picked up new slaves in Brazil at discounted prices.

Even today, there are little communities in Brazil that still revere their American slave-owning ancestors, called “Confederados” by the community that took them in.[6] Now 150 years later, the descendants of slavers still wave Confederate flags and speak with a Georgia twang.

4 Black Workers Were Locked Up And Beaten

Systems of slavery through debt like sharecropping were officially made illegal in 1867, but they carried on for about another 100 years. Sometimes, though, it wasn’t just the debt keeping people imprisoned.

Some African Americans were lured to jobs and then actually locked up and kept from leaving. For example, one group of workers in Florida went to work in a sugarcane field and soon found themselves locked up in a filthy shack. Their new employers would beat the former slaves to get them to work and threatened to kill them if they tried to leave.[7]

In other places across the US, black workers were shackled to beds or beaten with cat-o’-nine-tails to keep them working for nothing more than a few scraps. The men lured in were usually illiterate, and so they were completely incapable of fighting for their freedom in court.

This wasn’t the norm, however, and even white Southerners were disgusted when they found out it was happening. Little was done to stop it, though, until the 1940s. It took concentrated Axis propaganda campaigns to shame the US into genuinely and effectively stamping out these camps.

3 Blacks Couldn’t Testify Against Whites

Photo credit: Bedford
In Kentucky, black people didn’t have the legal right to testify against white people in court. That was more than just a civil injustice. It allowed white people to effectively do whatever they wanted to their black neighbors.

A white person could walk into a black person’s house, take everything, and get away with it. And sometimes, that was exactly what happened.

A black woman named Nancy Talbot was sitting in her home when a white man broke in, grabbed everything he could carry, and left. Talbot tried pressing charges against the thief, and there was no doubt in anyone’s mind—including that of the judge—that the thief was guilty.[8]

But Talbot was legally forbidden from testifying. Without her testimony, the judge couldn’t convict the white criminal.

Black people had the right to earn their own money now, but they didn’t have any recourse to keep it. A white person could take anything the black person had earned right out his pocket, and there was essentially nothing that the blacks could do about it.

2 White People Could Get Away With Massacres

Even if the 13th Amendment made it illegal on paper to beat a slave, laws like Kentucky’s made it perfectly possible to massacre a whole black family and get away with it. Which is exactly what John Blyew and George Kennard did.

In 1868, Blyew and Kennard broke into the home of the black-skinned Foster family with an axe. The two intruders murdered the father, mother, and grandmother and seriously wounded two of the children.[9]

The eldest child, 16-year-old Richard, hid under his father’s dead body until the killers left. Then he crawled to a neighbor’s house for help. He’d been hit by their axe, though, and his wounds were so bad that he died two days later.

The only survivors were the youngest children: eight-year-old Laura, who had hidden and survived, and six-year-old Amelia, who had been hacked in the head but miraculously lived. Still, Amelia went the rest of her life with a massive, disfiguring scar across her face—and without her parents.

Blyew and Kennard were arrested. But under Kentucky law, the survivors weren’t allowed to testify. The case made it all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled that Kennard and Blyew couldn’t be convicted because the witnesses were black.

Eventually, the law was changed and Blyew and Kennard were sent to prison. But they didn’t stay there long. Both men were pardoned by the governor and set free.

1 Mississippi Didn’t Ratify The 13th Amendment Until 1995

Photo credit: Smithsonian Magazine
When the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery was passed in 1865, 27 of America’s then-36 states ratified it. As the years passed, the other states gave up their stance of protesting emancipation and threw their support behind the right of a black person to live free.

For some states, though, it took a long time. Kentucky didn’t ratify the 13th Amendment until 1976, and Mississippi waited until 1995 before officially accepting that slavery was against the Constitution.

Even after voting to end slavery in 1995, though, Mississippi still didn’t go through with it. The politicians who voted for the resolution didn’t report it to the Federal Register, so it didn’t actually take effect until 2013.

It wasn’t until activists realized that Mississippi was still registered as protesting the end of slavery that they actually put the order through. Officially, Mississippi’s government was against ending slavery until just four years ago.

So exactly what did whites end? Grow up. If whites want to brag about how they created the greatest country of all time, whites must accept the mistakes they made while doing it. For the entire 243 years of this country's existence, whites like yourself have assumed a superiority and claimed you conquered because you were technologically and intellectually superior. Proof shows that you weren't. So now because your delusions of grandeur are being pissed on by facts you want to try creating a new story.

But whites had serfs who were slaves in the middle ages and they went into Africa to find slaves instead of using the slaves they had. This you don't want to discuss. Had Africans got on ships and went to Europe selling slaves then your argument would have merIt, but the reality is that whites went to Africa with the expressed intent of capturing slaves and used every means at their disposal to do it. White's made agreements with African kings then kidnapped and enslaved the kings they made agreements with. I've studied this and still do. From all sides. I don't absolve the Africans, but I do also understand that those Africans did not see themselves as one race, but as nations of people who were different. So you claim that blacks sold each other is disingenuous based on that alone. Whites enslaved each other in Europe, but whites will say that the English enslaved the Irish and that allows them to differentiate. You nor any white person like you does that for Africans and you do this because you want to create a lie that did not happen.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
That is simply wrong. No battle no uprising no attack by blacks convinced a single European Country to ban slavery.
Civil War wasn't to end slavery Purposes: The South fought to defend slavery. The North's focus was not to end slavery but to preserve the union. The slavery apology debate misses these facts.

T IS GENERALLY accepted that the Civil War was the most important event in American history. Yet, as two recent controversies remind us, we disagree on what that war was about.
The question of whether the nation should make a formal apology for slavery has brought forth from such authorities as former history professor Newt Gingrich and columnist George F. Will the declaration that we fought the war to end slavery.

Meanwhile, across the South, where battles continue over the display of Confederate flags and related symbols, white defenders of their "heritage" argue that the Civil War was not about slavery but about states' rights and "Southern independence."

Orlando Sentinel columnist Charley Reese has gone so far as to assert that the Confederacy was fighting for "liberty."

All of these beliefs are based on misreadings of history, and, taken together, they have the reality exactly backward. The Civil War was not fought to end slavery; it was fought to defend slavery.

The confusion stems from the failure to realize that the two sides in a war need not be fighting over the same issue.

The objective of the North was not to end slavery but to preserve the Union. What the South sought was not to end the Union but to preserve slavery.

And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
That is simply wrong. No battle no uprising no attack by blacks convinced a single European Country to ban slavery.

You've been shown that your opinion is incorrect.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
That is simply wrong. No battle no uprising no attack by blacks convinced a single European Country to ban slavery.

You've been shown that your opinion is incorrect.
Be specific now and cite a single battle a single uprising or or attack that somehow changed the Governments minds in Europe. The facts are that whites realized what they were doing was wrong and quit.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
That is simply wrong. No battle no uprising no attack by blacks convinced a single European Country to ban slavery.

Semantics. Regardless, the struggle shall continue.. And what best to do about it now shall remain the question.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
That is simply wrong. No battle no uprising no attack by blacks convinced a single European Country to ban slavery.

Semantics. Regardless, the struggle shall continue.. And what best to do about it now shall remain the question.
Semantics my ass. Whites stopped slavery in Europe.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
That is simply wrong. No battle no uprising no attack by blacks convinced a single European Country to ban slavery.

You've been shown that your opinion is incorrect.
Be specific now and cite a single battle a single uprising or or attack that somehow changed the Governments minds in Europe. The facts are that whites realized what they were doing was wrong and quit.

You were shown that what happened in Haiti shocked Europe and began a change. Also, you were shown the resistance by Africans that took the lives of white invaders, which also helped the cause.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
That is simply wrong. No battle no uprising no attack by blacks convinced a single European Country to ban slavery.

Semantics. Regardless, the struggle shall continue.. And what best to do about it now shall remain the question.
Semantics my ass. Whites stopped slavery in Europe.

Semantics. Whites colonized Africa and still enslaved Africans.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
Agreed......Now lets hire the best of us all and not the qualified forced on us by over quotas.
Your argument is tired son. You argue against documented history, court cases and public policy. That's what you're challenging and you're challenging it with only your opinion. So let's talk about Corrigan v. Buckley. This case is an example of how the government helped whites enforce racist policy. I doubt if you know anything about that case and decision. But when I say that the government has given whites everything they have, you want to argue claiming that you aren't kissing any black persons ass and that somehow you're whitey the hero because you challenge the black man you call a racist because he refuses to genuflect to your punk lily white ass.

The fact you know nothing about this case is a reason why you don't want to discuss the years after slavery and it is why you best leave this argument before I stick my black foot so far up your white ass, that you can walk while sitting on it.

You call me a racist and you do that based on your white fragility.
You're retarded.

So you know nothing about Corrigan v. Buckley but you want yo argue with me and call me a racist. Now that's retarded. Do you know what a deed clause is? A restrictive covenant? Contract selling? C'mon Mr. I'm the white man that bows to no negro. Because when I say that Whites have benefitted from racist law and policy, you choose to disagree, woof about what ass you won't kiss, then call me a racist for saying things like that. These things happened after slavery so talking about who owns who today us just a diversion and its all you got. You decided you could go from high school to the pros, but you ain't Kevin Garnett. White racist shit talk don't work here son. I ain't posting memes junior, I'm posting legal cases and decisions from the United States Supreme court. You have no challenge for this.

That's nice. Go play.

He says he want's to discuss the case, then mentions NOTHING about the case. He does spew a lot of racist bullshit though.

Did he think no one would notice? Or is he so stupid that he did not notice?
He's counting on the usual leftist response: Do Not Question The Black Person.

Rational people, however, don't do that.

I asked if the chump knew anything about the case correll. Just like I asked your punk ass to show the national policy of anti white racism you have yet to show. Stay out of adult conversations boy.

Now chump, I asked if you knew anything about Corrigan v. Buckley. If you new anything about the case I don't have to mention anything. So Mr. I will question all blacks because a want to show all the other racists that I ain't scared, do you know anything about that case?
It makes you angry when people don't say the things you want them to say, doesn't it?

Well, you are a leftist. Nothing but emotion.

And how loudly would you screech RACIST!!! if I called you "boy", huh?

Well, you are a leftist. Emotion and double standards.

So you don't know anything about the supreme court case. That would mean you have to discuss things rationally and logically, instead of emotionally. Which you cannot do. I don't have to screech anything, you show your racism when you post.
You never have pointed out anything I've said that's racist. You think you have, but there was no actual racism there. I just said things you don't like, so you screech RACISM!!!

I think I'm vastly tired of your bullshit.

He is a delusional fool.

But in that, he is an excellent representative of the Left.

So, I keep talking to him.
And yet NONE of that ended slavery, it took white people to grow up and accept man was the same no matter the color. And EVERY European Country outlawed slavery not because of a black uprising and not because of blacks speaking but because enough whites finally understood and voted it away. And it took a war In the US where whites fought to end slavery.
Slavery hasn't ended. Making it widely illegal first took blacks fighting back and speaking out to convince enough white people to grow up and accept that man is the same no matter the color.
Agreed......Now lets hire the best of us all and not the qualified forced on us by over quotas.
Understand that quotas were 100 percent white for almost 200 years. So quotas have always been forced on you.

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