The first amendment is dead


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Brandon Straka, 43, has been charged with several crimes, including impeding a law enforcement officer during civil disorder and engaging in disorderly conduct with the intent to disturb a hearing before Congress, for his role in the Jan. 6 siege.

People impede officers, have disorderly conduct or disturb hearings all the time. You pinholes said these people tried to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT. You pinholes called them INSURRECTIONISTS. You're trying to convict an ex-president of INSURRECTION.

WHERE ARE THE CHARGES OF INSURRECTION AND TREASON? You don't go before a firing squad for disorderly conduct. I don't even see anyone convicted of murder! Because everyone who died there died either by the CAPITOL POLICE themselves or simply due to being out of shape and dropping over. :21:

Insurrection my ass. :auiqs.jpg:
I have no words.

You have no understanding of the First Amendment.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private entities – including commercial airlines.

Just as private social media are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit, so too are commercial airlines at liberty to not accommodate those who refuse to follow airline polices.
I have no words.

I don't follow. How does this relate to the First Amendment?
I have no words.

What does any of this have to do with the first amendment?
Brandon Straka, 43, has been charged with several crimes, including impeding a law enforcement officer during civil disorder and engaging in disorderly conduct with the intent to disturb a hearing before Congress, for his role in the Jan. 6 siege.

People impede officers, have disorderly conduct or disturb hearings all the time. You pinholes said these people tried to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT. You pinholes called them INSURRECTIONISTS. You're trying to convict an ex-president of INSURRECTION.

WHERE ARE THE CHARGES OF INSURRECTION AND TREASON? You don't go before a firing squad for disorderly conduct. I don't even see anyone convicted of murder! Because everyone who died there died either by the CAPITOL POLICE themselves or simply due to being out of shape and dropping over. :21:

Insurrection my ass. :auiqs.jpg:

It's typical with a federal crime to first charge simple stuff like trespassing, disorderly etc. Stuff that doesn't require a grand jury indictment. Then as evidence is assembled the more serious charges add on, your seditions, your police assaults and so forth. Having been charged with some minor offense like trespassing IN NO WAY means you're done getting charged.
I have no words.

I don't follow. How does this relate to the First Amendment?
Umm...he religiously posts bullshit? :dunno:
I have no words.

I don't follow. How does this relate to the First Amendment?
Umm...he religiously posts bullshit? :dunno:

I was gonna guess he "has no words", but da gubmint dint do dat.
Brandon Straka, 43, has been charged with several crimes, including impeding a law enforcement officer during civil disorder and engaging in disorderly conduct with the intent to disturb a hearing before Congress, for his role in the Jan. 6 siege.

People impede officers, have disorderly conduct or disturb hearings all the time. You pinholes said these people tried to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT. You pinholes called them INSURRECTIONISTS. You're trying to convict an ex-president of INSURRECTION.

WHERE ARE THE CHARGES OF INSURRECTION AND TREASON? You don't go before a firing squad for disorderly conduct. I don't even see anyone convicted of murder! Because everyone who died there died either by the CAPITOL POLICE themselves or simply due to being out of shape and dropping over. :21:

Insurrection my ass. :auiqs.jpg:
Generally when a mob violently overruns the capital and ransacks it, looking for members of Congress and the VP in an attempt to overthrow the government it is an insurrection (I don’t know what else to call using violence to halt the legal process involved in the peaceful transfer of power following a free and valid election).

You guys are going much further defending then I have seen anyone defending rioters over a George Floyd...shall we call we call rioters patriots now?

By the addition to beating and injuring multiple police (thought you guys were all about blue lives) they killed an officer, who died as a result of injuries sustained from being hit in the head. He wasn’t out of shape.
You guys are going much further defending then I have seen anyone defending rioters over a George Floyd...shall we call we call rioters patriots now?
A). Floyd died of a drug overdose. That is for sure. He was a criminal caught in a criminal act who ODd on fentynal while resisting arrest. The officers will be acquitted.
B). I am not so much defending as I am asking questions, questions of what really happened that day, the conflicting stories, as well as the unanswered question over the election which triggered the Capitol Revolt. I'm most taken by the efforts to cover up and dismiss the questions rather than to get to the TRUTH and prove it wrong.

Generally when a mob violently overruns the capital and ransacks it, looking for members of Congress and the VP in an attempt to overthrow the government it is an insurrection (I don’t know what else to call using violence to halt the legal process involved in the peaceful transfer of power following a free and valid election).
I'm unique in that I understand psychology and psychological operations thus cannot be brainwashed. Not by the clever use of leading adjectives like:
  1. Insurrection.
  2. Sedition.
  3. Siege.
  4. Riot.
  5. Overthrow the government.
Notice the difference if we refer to the event as a REVOLT. Notice how it changes the implication of victim and blame. Those people that day were responding to a stimulus; to an election where all efforts to get at the truth were REFUSED, denied, ridiculed then covered up. Denied redress by the government they REVOLTED against what they saw as an illegal and unlawful act. Calling them a "mob" does not change any of that, describing it as "violently overrunning the capitol" does not change any of that, blaming Trump does not change any of that, especially when it was prepared for in advance and started before he was even finished speaking.

Many see Biden's installation as NOT a peaceful transfer of power but as an act of violence upon America. You don't have to be a "Trump Supporter" to feel that way, just a stout defender of the constitution and election integrity. This is not a few people but like about 100 million people. Biden cannot lead a nation where effectively HALF the people feel strongly that without answers, his being in the WH is doubtfully legally attained through honest means. And people who usurp power illegally in a government never do it for good, just and altruistic reasons.

By the addition to beating and injuring multiple police (thought you guys were all about blue lives) they killed an officer, who died as a result of injuries sustained from being hit in the head. He wasn’t out of shape.
That was one man. I don't know the exact details. It makes me wonder then what about the TWO THOUSAND officers injured last year in the 8,700 riots in 69 cites that was sold off as "mostly peaceful" protesting where something like 47 of the officers died?

THERE SHALL BE NO PEACE IN AMERICA NOR ACCEPTANCE OF BIDEN AS A LAWFUL PRESIDENT is my prediction SO LONG AS MYRIAD LEGITIMATE QUESTIONS OVER THE MOST IRREGULAR AND SPECIOUS ELECTION REMAINS UNANSWERED, untested and unproven, and those demanding answers are silenced, minimized and ridiculed, especially with its remarkable and impossible to explain outcome.

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I have no words.

I apologize for the "first amend" thing. I thought this was posted in the sarcasm board.
I have no words.

Moron.. If you fly during an epidemic , you wear a mask. How hard is that? He has the right to NOT wear a mask, but no right to infect others. Do you NOT understand the 1st Amedment?
I have no words.

I apologize for the "first amend" thing. I thought this was posted in the sarcasm board.

I figured you were being sarcastic from yesterday comments with me but let just say the first amendment has been dead since you can not scream fire in a crowded movie theater!

I mean when you go and see a terrible movie that critics say is the best movie ever you wish you could scream liar liar pants on FIRE but no the government frowns on such word usage!
I have no words.

Moron.. If you fly during an epidemic , you wear a mask. How hard is that? He has the right to NOT wear a mask, butto right to infect others. Do you NOT understand the 1st Amedment?
Oy vay

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