The far right embraces violence because it has no real political program

Flaming liberal starts a thread filled with lies. When you can explain your 40 Dem riots this summer with looting, raping, murders, and burning then you can run your mouth.
In simple libber empty mind those riots were the fault of Republicans oppression of their dimwits.

The shameless hypocrisy of the left is off the charts. A summer full of lawless Dem riots and they have the nerve to lecture us about the DC protest.
The far right embraces violence because it has no real political program

So I guess that's why the far left embraces it too, right?

AntiFa is a tiny rag tag bunch of misfits - No match for the combined forces of White Nationalists, Proud Boys, Militias, Boogaloos, Q Freaks and Neo-Nazis such as we saw violently attacking cops and trashing the Peoples House on 1-6.

So your team wins that war ;-)

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