The fall of Trumpism continues

No, you said "No. After December 14 when all states certified the election that Biden won there is no challenge to the election available to the loser according to the Constitution and election law. That fact and reality makes you a liar."
It is true, you dumb Trump loser. There is no way to challenge the election to overturn it after safe harbor on December 14 according to the constitution. This is exactly why the safe harbor provision is set forth. Losers could drag out the incoming presidents inauguration forever and that is ridiculous. When Trump said on January 6 that if Mike Pence does the right thing we win that is a lie. And John Eastman knew that Donald Trump was lying when he said it based on his fucking fascist coup attempt legal advice.
Obviously we know Trump didn't do stop lying.
What are you saying Trump didn’t do?.

And if you think it was possible for Trump to stop the inauguration of Joe Biden why didn’t Mike Pence do it? When each state election results are certified and electors chosen on December 14 there is no way to change the electoral college vote by objecting. Senators and congressmen can object all they want but it’s just a show. Trump had the huge mob there by leading them to believe if they fight and protest and behave like assholes Trump had a shot at another four years. That was a lie. Trump said that if Mike Pence does what he was told that he would win. The mega mob would be happy.Are you saying that Trump was correct and Mike Pence is wrong?
Eastland gave an opinion, based on the law. He never said anything in his opinion about sending in fake electors.
You are a liar.

More than a dozen documents containing email communications between Eastman and state Rep. Russ Diamond, R-Pa.​

, in which Eastman offers edits to legislative resolutions, reviews communications, and suggests tactics Pennsylvania lawmakers could take to seat an alternate set of electors

What are you gonna lie about next.
They spoke to the VP about how it could legally be done. That's it

Liar. Pence was pressured to do it. That's why Pence open the ceremony with a written speech for why he couldn't. And then when he didn't comply with Trump's wishes, Trump derided him as a coward on social media and to his cult swarming around the Capitol at his behest. At which point, they started crying out for the assassination of Pence.

Sadly, despite your best effort to water down tbe severity of that day, you failed. Miserably.
No, you said "No. After December 14 when all states certified the election that Biden won there is no challenge to the election available to the loser according to the Constitution and election law. That fact and reality makes you a liar."

Which is a lie. Eastland gave an opinion, based on the law. He never said anything in his opinion about sending in fake electors. Try again.

It was the Trump campaign which pressed for the fake electors.
No I am white. Nothing that a criminal does is cool with me. Are all Black people criminals in your racist mind? Normal people understand that the vast majority of Black people are law abiding citizens. Normal people would not accept a US president who wants to strike down all their votes for the simple reason that they overwhelmingly vote for his opposition. When you accept and approve that Donald Trump attempted to deny the people in seven states to have their vote counted with a large percentage of them being black, it just goes to show that you are an absolute racist. You cannot deny it. Acceptance of trumps attempt to overturn the election by throwing out black votes defied the constitution and it shows a very racist mindset that unfortunately runs rampant within the republican party itself.
Enough of your bullshit.
When all the George Floyd riots were occurring you didn't say squat, so save your hypocritical, self-hating White shit for someone like yourself who has no brain.
You know full well that BLM and their mentally ill LibTard minions were inciting riots all over the US during and after the election and every justice in the US was terrifed.
You talk about not having the right to vote; how about not having the right to shop without being attacked.
They believed they were doing what their idiot leader wanted them to do. And they did. They created chaos. And Trump sat on his fat ass watching TV as the whole thing unfolded. What kind of president does that when his own country is under siege by idiots. And finally after a lot of cajoling and pleading Trump told those idiots he loved them but they needed to go home. What kind of president loves idiots? An idiot president that’s who
The only people who were putting America under siege were BLM and their mentally ill ProgTards.
When all the George Floyd riots were occurring you didn't say squat,
Rioters are criminals. They have nothing to do with trying to overturn election by throwing out votes by black voters. Millions of black voters did not right and they are not criminals so what is there to say except that Trump is not fit to be president and he’s definitely not fit to ever be president again.
BLM never put America under siege. We are talking about overturning an election. BLM couldn’t do that if they even if they wanted to. But Trump did and you still support him and you only bring up BLM because you are a racist.
You're a fucking idiot; it was all over the media and HERE for months on end,
You must be really stupid to think you can post a lie here.

It's so kind of you, living in a nice suburb, to not give a damn about people who are terrified of shopping for food, riding a bus or taking a train.

President Trump was the best President we ever had and you are scared shitless he will be again.
I'll laugh my ass off when Blacks no longer need your false sympathy, you pathetic, racist piece of shit.
The only people who were putting America under siege were BLM
When did BLM attack an act of Congress so as to force America to accept a loser president for four more years as if he had won? Now you run away from another conversation. Goodbye Trump loser racist.
You're a fucking idiot; it was all over the media and HERE for months on end,
BLM has never participated in a riot or a siege or attack the US capital in order to overturn the election. If you think that happened you’re the only fucking idiot on this message board
When did BLM attack an act of Congress so as to force America to accept a loser president for four more years as if he had won? Now you run away from another conversation. Goodbye Trump loser racist.
Do you know the definition of FASCISM?
It's worship of government.

When BLM attacked Police, you didn't say a word.
When BLM attacked citizens, you didn't say a word.
When Democrat Mayors told Police to not do their job, you didn't say a word. a good little fascist robot, you worship Congress and make believe you are a Patriot.

You always have been and always will be a brain dead little fascist robot.
BLM has never attacked police. You are a liar. Trump did attempt to overturn the election though and that’s what this conversation is about.
I see you didn't watch the BLM riots in NYC and Chicago.
They were shoving the police out of the way and the Mayors were cheering on BLM.
You can't win this, you fascist piece of shit.
I see you didn't watch the BLM riots in NYC and Chicago.
Those are not BLM RIOTS. Those are Derek Chauvin riots because he caused them when he murdered George Gloyd. BLM is a peaceful protest organization. You are a racist because I think you know rioters are criminals and not affiliated with BLM or any other political organization. No trump on the other hand is a leader of the republican party who attempted a coup in America. What he did has nothing to do with criminals who riot after George Floyd and others Who are murdered by police.
Let's address your worship of government over the citizenry.
The citizenry you speak of are fascist, racist and just basic haters and losers. The government does quite well for the rest of us at maintaining our 240 year old system of democracy where we citizens get to choose our Government. We chose a Trump loses government and the son of a bitch would not leave without trying to throw our votes away.
Those are not BLM RIOTS. Those are Derek Chauvin riots because he caused them when he murdered George Gloyd. BLM is a peaceful protest organization. You are a racist because I think you know rioters are criminals and not affiliated with BLM or any other political organization. No trump on the other hand is a leader of the republican party who attempted a coup in America. What he did has nothing to do with criminals who riot after George Floyd and others Who are murdered by police.
You’re a lying jackass; there were no peaceful George Floyd protests.

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