The Evil of Capitalism: Se7en Yarn


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is my treatise on the 'Seven Faces of the Evil of Capitalism,' inspired by the profiteerism-paranoia films The Running Man and Swimming with Sharks.

1. Cage - to imprison people as slave-labor (a will of capitalism)
2. Desire - to exploit for luxury (a vice of capitalism)
3. Ugliness - profiteerism with no remorse (a quality of capitalism)
4. Filth - industrial waste (a byproduct of capitalism
5. Abduction - insecurity for intellectual property (a vanity of capitalism)
6. Bestiality - overpowering the financially weak (a trophy of capitalism)
7. Flesh - justification of war for profits (a consequence of capitalism)

So here's a yarn about a 'galactic-warrior knight' named 'Doon' who deals with all these 'ills' of capitalism in an apocalyptic wasteland.

What would President Trump make of such a tale?

Signing off,


Doon had to rescue a child, an abandoned princess in the Venutian kingdom of Thieves from a war involving pirates and warlords bent on complete destruction for the sake of profit. Doon had a helmet and lasers and wanted to rescue Princess Anastasia from the forces of darkness which sought to turn her into an 'Orwellian effigy.' Anastasia had no God --- only Doon.

If the Thieves succeeded in protecting Anastasia, there would be a lucrative galactic trade-treaty between Venus and Earth and also between Alpha Centauri and Galileo. However, if Anastasia became a 'martyr,' countless warlords would chase her, intent on turning her into a 'witch for burning.' Doon knew that Anastasia had no future without his help.

Doon devised a trade-negotiation between Venus and Earth, so Anastasia could flee with him and be his 'muse' and friend, and he would be her guardian and see to her life's needs and wedding plans (to Prince Valiant hopefully!). Doon would produce valuable Obsidian rocks for Venus and Earth, both deplete of minerals because of mismanaged industrialization --- in exchange for Anastasia's soul.

Anastasia was truly blessed because of Doon's faith in empathy, democracy, and of course, capitalism itself. Doon wondered if failure in this all-important 'mission' would mean nothing less than toxic-waste, political sloth, heresy toward democracy, abduction of sacred customs, and worst of all, torture of poor Princess Anastasia's precious soul. Doon eventually succeeded in his mission, and Anastasia fled with him and some time after, she was wed to Prince Valiant. When Anastasia asked her guardian what would have been the 'outcome' of capitalism had he failed in his 'rescue-mission,' Doon ominously told her, "There would never be a mention of Anastasia dolls for idealistic young girls daydreaming about the pageantry of monarchy and kingdoms (and queens!)."




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