The endless search for a scapegoat continues unabated.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Trump blames WHO for getting coronavirus pandemic wrong, threatens to withhold funding

President Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization for getting “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong and threatened to withhold funding from the international organization.
The sad truth is Trump got “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong. Even sadder, Trumpleton's will lap up the deflection like an alcoholic laps up Jack Daniels.
From your article, Trump gives his reasons for why the WHO was wrong. You didn't give any rationale' or facts why Trump was wrong. Hint: Trump is right, the WHO screwed-up, so this is just one of your daily TDS troll threads.

"They did give us some pretty bad play calling ... with regard to us, they’re taking a lot of heat because they didn’t want the borders closed, they called it wrong. They really called, I would say, every aspect of it wrong,” Trump said at a White House press conference Tuesday.
Trump blames WHO for getting coronavirus pandemic wrong, threatens to withhold funding

President Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization for getting “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong and threatened to withhold funding from the international organization.
The sad truth is Trump got “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong. Even sadder, Trumpleton's will lap up the deflection like an alcoholic laps up Jack Daniels.
He shouldn't withhold funding, he should cancel it completely.

Fuck that corrupt organization
In the early days of the outbreak in China all the WHO did was basically parrott what China said. We know a lot of that was horseshit now granted there was not anyone else to get information from at that time but given the how the Chinese government handles things the WHO should have put some qualifiers out about what they were being told and took the information with some skeptisim.
Trump blames WHO for getting coronavirus pandemic wrong, threatens to withhold funding

President Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization for getting “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong and threatened to withhold funding from the international organization.
The sad truth is Trump got “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong. Even sadder, Trumpleton's will lap up the deflection like an alcoholic laps up Jack Daniels.

Another high end hissy fit from you cupckae.
In the early days of the outbreak in China all the WHO did was basically parrott what China said.
And all Tramp did was praise China.
"I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable,"
-Donald Jackass Tramp
And if Trump had trashed China you would be trashing him for that as well. Edthecynic jackass hypocrite.
From your article, Trump gives his reasons for why the WHO was wrong. You didn't give any rationale' or facts why Trump was wrong. Hint: Trump is right, the WHO screwed-up, so this is just one of your daily TDS troll threads.

"They did give us some pretty bad play calling ... with regard to us, they’re taking a lot of heat because they didn’t want the borders closed, they called it wrong. They really called, I would say, every aspect of it wrong,” Trump said at a White House press conference Tuesday.
Not surprisingly, you missed the point. As David Frum points out in his excellent article.........
...................Trump is guilty of the things he accuses the WHO of.

He's trying to deflect attention from his own failures by directing attention to the WHO.

Trump's failures are well documented. They have been thoroughly reported. Some, like saying "it's all under control" and "it's all going to be fine," are on video tape. The depth of his failures continue to be revealed, like the recent news of Navarro's memo.

Just as he exposed his ignorance when he said "who knew fixing health care could be so complicated" he did the same by saying "no one could have known it was going to be this bad." That is as big a lie as he has ever told and he has told a lot of them.

He is responsible for the country's failed response. The political stakes for escaping accountability for his failures are high. Hence the attempt to deflect blame on the WHO, CDC, the states, Obama, etc. Trump will keep throwing shit on the wall because he knows it works with his fawning minions. The more it works, the more he throws.
The blame goes to liberals who don't want Coronavirus patients to get Trump's drug.
1. It's not Trump's drug. 2. Medical experts have pointed out there is no data currently available to suggest chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are effective in treating the virus. 3. No one has said they don't want patients to get those drugs if they fit the profile.

Trumpette's continue to distort the truth, just like their Dear Leader.
From your article, Trump gives his reasons for why the WHO was wrong. You didn't give any rationale' or facts why Trump was wrong. Hint: Trump is right, the WHO screwed-up, so this is just one of your daily TDS troll threads.

"They did give us some pretty bad play calling ... with regard to us, they’re taking a lot of heat because they didn’t want the borders closed, they called it wrong. They really called, I would say, every aspect of it wrong,” Trump said at a White House press conference Tuesday.
The WHO said Trump’s travel restrictions wouldn’t stop the virus from spreading. They were right.
Trump blames WHO for getting coronavirus pandemic wrong, threatens to withhold funding

President Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization for getting “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong and threatened to withhold funding from the international organization.
The sad truth is Trump got “every aspect” of the coronavirus pandemic wrong. Even sadder, Trumpleton's will lap up the deflection like an alcoholic laps up Jack Daniels.
Much like D politicians who do nothing for the American people, but they do bitch about republicans. Complaining about the opposing party is not making policy, but it works on duped Americans like you.

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