The Donald Is Just Like You And Me!

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Well, other than the fact that he owns a Boeing 757, and lives in a gold-plated penthouse: :eusa_shifty:





Pointing out that millionaire / billionaire people have very little connection to ordinary people and the things they go through, the struggles and concerns they go through, on a daily basis is not 'class envy'. It's pointing out the obvious.
So, lets find some manager of a McDonald's to be president! That should work out great. Someone who is just common like most of us.
Class envy doesn't look good on you.

"envy"? :lol: There isn't a comfortable looking chair in the whole place, fool.

I didn't realize just 'like me and you' depended on the type of chairs in your home. No serious contenders for the office is just like me and you. Also, lighten up.
I didn't realize just 'like me and you' depended on the type of chairs in your home. No serious contenders for the office is just like me and you. Also, lighten up.

How about you "lighten up" and float away, ya doorknob.
So, lets find some manager of a McDonald's to be president! That should work out great. Someone who is just common like most of us.
...and the extreme absurdity is used to counter the statement....

No one is saying we should or must elect someone in the same exact status we may be in. What is being said is when millionaires and billionaires like the Clintons and Trump tell us 'I feel your pain', 'I'm just like you', and 'I'm one of you' they are full of site!

They can try to empathize and try to understand, but the fact is they are NOT 'just like' us and are NOT 'one of us'. I don't want someone just like ME (or you) as President. I want someone more experienced, someone more intelligent / highly educated, who has the capability to run an entire country (with the help of a talented / intelligent / experienced Cabinet).

Hell, if they are just like ME, then what do I need THEM for? I should be running myself. :p
So, lets find some manager of a McDonald's to be president! That should work out great. Someone who is just common like most of us.

It's amazing what you Trumpettes will look away from.....but hey, the Donald is gonna get your job back from China....honest. :lol:
That apartment is without a doubt the tackiest thing I've ever seen. Has anyone else noticed that Trump is really just the Johnny Manziel of the business world.
That apartment is without a doubt the tackiest thing I've ever seen. Has anyone else noticed that Trump is really just the Johnny Manziel of the business world.

I can hear Trump screaming at some fag interior decorator: "The drapes aren't gold-plated....YOU'RE FIRED!" :lol:
Pointing out that millionaire / billionaire people have very little connection to ordinary people and the things they go through, the struggles and concerns they go through, on a daily basis is not 'class envy'. It's pointing out the obvious.

When it is done to just ONE millionaire/billionaire in a crowd of millionaire/billionaires, it dishonest hypocritical bullshit, and is attempting to use Class Envy to smear an ideological enemy that the poster cannot attack based on the issues.
When it is done to just ONE millionaire/billionaire in a crowd of millionaire/billionaires, it dishonest hypocritical bullshit, and is attempting to use Class Envy to smear an ideological enemy that the poster cannot attack based on the issues.

Name the issue and I'll tell you why your hero is a goddamn fake.

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