The Deplorable Win Another Battle

So a vote in California is worth less than a vote somewhere else? Really?

The only place a vote in California is worth anything, is in California.

Whoever gets the most California votes, gets the electoral votes.

and the same is true in every state.

Yes, for the 100th time,I know how the electoral college works.
So are Californians voting for the president of California, or of the entire country? I thought one person-one vote was a good thing.
Here's how our system works. Pay attention this time. I'm tired of explaining this over and over:


STATES vote for president of the STATES.

The people of each state decide who their state will vote for.

Got it?

You are intentionally being dense.

Yes, for the 100th time,I know how the electoral college works.
Then why do you keep spinning these ridiculous scenarios?

Clinton had 2.9 million more votes.

Doesn't matter, does it?

They were centralized in too few states to give her the election.

She knew the rules, you know the rules.

why all the whining?
Why do you keep doing that? Nobody is questioning whether he won the electoral college and will be sworn in as president. Everybody knows how the electoral college works. That has nothing to do with the fact that 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump. More people supported her than him. Now you can explain the electoral college AGAIN and pretend that that clown has popular support AGAIN, but the fact remains that he was not the top choice of the people.
Because of big cities in blue states only, and a number of questionable votes.

Because more Americans supported Hillary than Trump, dumb ass.
This isn't an acceptable response in my opinion. Better to call them out and have them answer for their actions, especially considering his husband suggested he was going to do so (then tried to deny he stated this on twitter). Giving fake reviews isn't an honest response and only drags one down to their level, furthermore it is bringing their book far more attention. Free advertising for others to go out and buy the book just to spite Conservatives.

Their actions are just in a long line from the left. Michael Moore telling people to protest outside Trumps inaugeration, others claiming that he is not their president, not legitimate, sanctuary cities stating they will not help deport illegal immigrants (themselves openly breaking the law). Quite frankly, the more the far left express themselves the more the rest of the nation realises how unreasonable and radical they are. Appears to me this is becoming a National Security risk.

Really?The rest of the country? You do know that 3 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.....right?
All in California Out side California Trump won the popular vote by over 1 Million.

Actually that is a FACT.
Just read more = its just bullying. Just like trump. I hate seeing what the RWNJs traitors are doing to the US. They love that their new prez is falling all over himself to worship the biggest enemy of the US but won't support their own countrymen.
So harassing Ivanka is fine but posting a negative review on a book is actually bad?
Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice
Fighting back in self defense after another person takes the first swing at you is also a patriotic duty until further notice. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice
I suspect we'll be seeing some of you face in the dirt and handcuffed the next time you "harass" this woman.

I'll take great pleasure in your pain.

I expect Trump's storm troupers will start arresting people for using their first amendment rights soon too.
It is not a first amendment right to harass a woman with her children. What is wrong with you people? Did you not only lose the election but any pretense of common decency? You don't need answer that one.

The person losing their freedom to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness was Lavaka. And yes those two should be put in jail. They would enjoy it I am sure.

Odd that I don't remember you expressing those beiefs during all those obnoxious tea party town hall meetings. What changed your mind?
People have the first amendment right to rail against the government.
But they were all in California.

So a vote in California is worth less than a vote somewhere else? Really?

The only place a vote in California is worth anything, is in California.

Whoever gets the most California votes, gets the electoral votes.
but the fact remains that he was not the top choice of the people.

and the same is true in every state.

Yes, for the 100th time,I know how the electoral college works.
So are Californians voting for the president of California, or of the entire country? I thought one person-one vote was a good thing.
Here's how our system works. Pay attention this time. I'm tired of explaining this over and over:


STATES vote for president of the STATES.

The people of each state decide who their state will vote for.

Got it?

You are intentionally being dense.

Yes, for the 100th time,I know how the electoral college works.
Then why do you keep spinning these ridiculous scenarios?

Clinton had 2.9 million more votes.

Doesn't matter, does it?

They were centralized in too few states to give her the election.

She knew the rules, you know the rules.

why all the whining?
Why do you keep doing that? Nobody is questioning whether he won the electoral college and will be sworn in as president. Everybody knows how the electoral college works. That has nothing to do with the fact that 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump. More people supported her than him. Now you can explain the electoral college AGAIN and pretend that that clown has popular support AGAIN, but the fact remains that he was not the top choice of the people.

He was the top choice of the people in 30 of 50 states.
Just read more = its just bullying. Just like trump. I hate seeing what the RWNJs traitors are doing to the US. They love that their new prez is falling all over himself to worship the biggest enemy of the US but won't support their own countrymen.
So harassing Ivanka is fine but posting a negative review on a book is actually bad?
Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice

Does the same go for Chelsea Clinton? You know, the Vice Chair of the oh-so-corruption free Clinton Foundation. The one John Podesta called "not smart". Shall we harass her as well?

Hypocrisy, shall your name be liberal once again?
This isn't an acceptable response in my opinion. Better to call them out and have them answer for their actions, especially considering his husband suggested he was going to do so (then tried to deny he stated this on twitter). Giving fake reviews isn't an honest response and only drags one down to their level, furthermore it is bringing their book far more attention. Free advertising for others to go out and buy the book just to spite Conservatives.

Their actions are just in a long line from the left. Michael Moore telling people to protest outside Trumps inaugeration, others claiming that he is not their president, not legitimate, sanctuary cities stating they will not help deport illegal immigrants (themselves openly breaking the law). Quite frankly, the more the far left express themselves the more the rest of the nation realises how unreasonable and radical they are. Appears to me this is becoming a National Security risk.

Really?The rest of the country? You do know that 3 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.....right?

4.5 million voted Libertarian, 1.5 million voted the Green Party, if it had been a two person race, Trump would be even. Furthermore, Trump won the vast number of counties in the country, supporting the fact he had much broader support across the country, we know where Hillary's support lied, it was severely skewed and narrow.

In my opinion, the far as I have seen grow over the last number of years in both Canada and America is downright scary. Willing to oppress and destroy peoples lives because their opinions are different. Forcing people to be silent because they don't drink from the kool-aid.

Take it further and know that only a fraction of the left has gone this far left, and you see where the threat lies, it does not outnumber the average folks, not even close. Those who dislike and reject political correctness and silencing of opinions and free speech. Some of these people are self described socialists and communists, from what I've learned in life and experienced in Canada, I can say with confidence how extremely frightening that is.

You can add that 4.5 million and 1.5 million to Hillary's 3 million to see how many more voted against Trump than for him.

Twist it any way you like, trump won 30 states, while Hillary won 20 plust the swamp of DC.
Just read more = its just bullying. Just like trump. I hate seeing what the RWNJs traitors are doing to the US. They love that their new prez is falling all over himself to worship the biggest enemy of the US but won't support their own countrymen.
So harassing Ivanka is fine but posting a negative review on a book is actually bad?

You just blew it up Gunny !! These libs thought that the occupy movement was ok also. You know.... the one in NYC were they crapped on a police cars and thought it was ok to rape the women. Hey libs if this is all ok , you are more disgusting than I thought.
You just blew it up Gunny !! These libs thought that the occupy movement was ok also. You know.... the one in NYC were they crapped on a police cars and thought it was ok to rape the women. Hey libs if this is all ok , you are more disgusting than I thought.
These idiots are turning the Democratic Party into a permanent minority party if this continues.
Because of big cities in blue states only, and a number of questionable votes.
Millions of questionable votes from the registered DEAD, the illegal immgrant and the simple lies in almost empty ballot boxes that said they had hundreds of votes, but once opened showed only 50.

And the Dems did it to themselves which is what makes this whole thing so hysterical.

The Republican party should ask for a recount in EVERY STATE WHETHER THEY WIN OR LOSE to get these votes double checked and verified.

I am sick to death of cheating lying Democrat ballot box stuffing horse shit.

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