The ‘dark side’ of capitalism

The way the American economy works or doesn't work depends heavily on Americans having the faith in their income to take on debt. Consumer debt is the poor substitute we have for wage growth and right now I wouldn't sign a note because the last few years have been far too chaotic. No one is doing a god damned thing reassure the people that another bubble collapse is not eminent and that they will still have a job in six months. No faith in the economy because no one except wage owners got punished for the meltdown.
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

The dark side of socialism: 200 million dead.

No contest.
Nope. I'm thinking of socialism. Not only that, but socialism has murdered 200 million people and caused untold millions to starve to death




Soviet slave labor building the White Sea Canal.



The way the American economy works or doesn't work depends heavily on Americans having the faith in their income to take on debt. Consumer debt is the poor substitute we have for wage growth and right now I wouldn't sign a note because the last few years have been far too chaotic. No one is doing a god damned thing reassure the people that another bubble collapse is not eminent and that they will still have a job in six months. No faith in the economy because no one except wage owners got punished for the meltdown.

I completely agree.

There will be a reset, we can only go on pumping put that pretend 85 Billion for so long.
And the POOR let them do it. So who's really at fault here? A large group of people that let them selves be exploited, or a small group of people that exploit them? That's the eternal question.
And the POOR let them do it. So who's really at fault here? A large group of people that let them selves be exploited, or a small group of people that exploit them? That's the eternal question.

The truth as always lies somewhere in the middle.
And the POOR let them do it. So who's really at fault here? A large group of people that let them selves be exploited, or a small group of people that exploit them? That's the eternal question.
The exploiters, if the poor have no voice in government policy and no expectation of justice ever being served because Wall Street has all the influence then there is no question, America got taken and the con men are walking around free as birds with zero fear of the retribution they so rightfully deserve.
You almost gotta laugh that the radical left propaganda is careful not to address the Catholic Church's anti-abortion policy while it makes a big deal about the Pope's concern for the poor. Can it be that the Pope was talking to the European governments? Let's talk about American corporations and wealth. The hypocrite left absolutely depends on a former corporate pirate that personally bankrolls the (tax exempt) left wing propaganda think tank called Media Matters. George Soros walks among us as a legitimate corporate pirate who almost single handed made billions by hedging Pounds against dollars when the Brits went to the Euro. So we have established that the left wing admires some corporate wealth but pretends to hate capitalism. Poor Hillary Clinton almost doomed her presidential aspirations with a speech that claimed that corporations do not create jobs. The liberal media let her get away with a defense of her claim for about a week and then, whoops, Hillary claimed that she spoke in error.
You almost gotta laugh that the radical left propaganda is careful not to address the Catholic Church's anti-abortion policy while it makes a big deal about the Pope's concern for the poor. Can it be that the Pope was talking to the European governments? Let's talk about American corporations and wealth. The hypocrite left absolutely depends on a former corporate pirate that personally bankrolls the (tax exempt) left wing propaganda think tank called Media Matters. George Soros walks among us as a legitimate corporate pirate who almost single handed made billions by hedging Pounds against dollars when the Brits went to the Euro. So we have established that the left wing admires some corporate wealth but pretends to hate capitalism. Poor Hillary Clinton almost doomed her presidential aspirations with a speech that claimed that corporations do not create jobs. The liberal media let her get away with a defense of her claim for about a week and then, whoops, Hillary claimed that she spoke in error.
Soros can get the fuck lost for all I care, conservatives love billionaires and want to be ruled by them, you can have him and any other deep pocketed asshole who tries to buy influence. The left has no need of him and would be better off if he butted the fuck out of politics.
I think unionization would do much better, if the unions were not campaign funding sources for the socialist party. Many Americans are against unions for this very reason.

What economic system would you suggest?

HOw about what we had before 1980 and what most of the Europeans and Japanese have now?

Americans are the retards of the Industrialized world.

12% inflation 21% interest rates and 8% unemployment. Yeah, that was paradise.
You almost gotta laugh that the radical left propaganda is careful not to address the Catholic Church's anti-abortion policy while it makes a big deal about the Pope's concern for the poor. Can it be that the Pope was talking to the European governments? Let's talk about American corporations and wealth. The hypocrite left absolutely depends on a former corporate pirate that personally bankrolls the (tax exempt) left wing propaganda think tank called Media Matters. George Soros walks among us as a legitimate corporate pirate who almost single handed made billions by hedging Pounds against dollars when the Brits went to the Euro. So we have established that the left wing admires some corporate wealth but pretends to hate capitalism. Poor Hillary Clinton almost doomed her presidential aspirations with a speech that claimed that corporations do not create jobs. The liberal media let her get away with a defense of her claim for about a week and then, whoops, Hillary claimed that she spoke in error.
Soros can get the fuck lost for all I care, conservatives love billionaires and want to be ruled by them, you can have him and any other deep pocketed asshole who tries to buy influence. The left has no need of him and would be better off if he butted the fuck out of politics.

Declining to destroy them does not equate to wanting to be ruled by them.
Except it isnt, and he's not.
The Church represents Catholics. That includes rich ones, who have made the Church the wealthy org it is today.
The poor are made poorer by socialism, not richer. They are made richer by capitalism. The Pope doesnt seem to understand this. Neither do you.

Sorry, man, I've seen 30 years of the wonderful middle class my parents enjoyed vanishing while the 1%ers have more money than God.

Even the Pope is noticing.
Someone has to pay for the welfare/warfare police state you guys love so much.

And the POOR let them do it. So who's really at fault here? A large group of people that let them selves be exploited, or a small group of people that exploit them? That's the eternal question.
Sorry but who is exploiting whom here?
The poor get to live like upper middle class people in most parts of the world. They get dat gummint check, free housing, free food, and free obamaphones. Who do you think pays for that shit, the tooth fairy? The middle and upper classes pay for all that. They are the ones getting exploited.
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

The dark side of socialism: 200 million dead.

No contest.
Nope. I'm thinking of socialism. Not only that, but socialism has murdered 200 million people and caused untold millions to starve to death




Soviet slave labor building the White Sea Canal.




Those are criminals, numskull, not people who simply had the wrong opinions about the government or even those who were just related to someone who had the wrong opinions about the government..
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

The dark side of socialism: 200 million dead.

No contest.
Nope. I'm thinking of socialism. Not only that, but socialism has murdered 200 million people and caused untold millions to starve to death




Soviet slave labor building the White Sea Canal.




Those are criminals, numskull, not people who simply said the wrong thing to the wrong person.
Forget it. The distinction between 200M dead under socialism and US chain gangs from 50 years ago is lost on a dullard like Putang.
Dip shit Carter's economy was shit and everyone with a brain knows it.

It's pretty safe to say that nobody n this bard cares what you think about them Joe, we all know you are bitter old piece of shit without a cue.

I noticed you avoided the point. If Carter's policies were so bad, why did Reagan continue them? He used unemployment to beat inflation. That was his policy. Those wage slaves were making too much.

He did give out government cheese, though.
12% inflation 21% interest rates and 8% unemployment. Yeah, that was paradise.

As opposed to the 11.3% unemployment we had under Reagan and frozen wages under his term while he used unemployment to fight inflation?

Here's a useful chart for you. In 1980, the middle class held 60% of the wealth while the upper income held 30% of the wealth. A nice HEALTHY wealth distribution. By 1990, the middle income percentage declined to 54% (Thanks Ronnie) and the upper income increased to 36%. Today, the wealthy have 46% of the wealth and the working class has 45%.

Sorry but who is exploiting whom here?
The poor get to live like upper middle class people in most parts of the world. They get dat gummint check, free housing, free food, and free obamaphones. Who do you think pays for that shit, the tooth fairy? The middle and upper classes pay for all that. They are the ones getting exploited.

well, the middle class pays for it. The wealthy are getting a free ride with the low tax rates and tax shelters.

How much do you think an "Obamaphone" really costs a year?
Sorry but who is exploiting whom here?
The poor get to live like upper middle class people in most parts of the world. They get dat gummint check, free housing, free food, and free obamaphones. Who do you think pays for that shit, the tooth fairy? The middle and upper classes pay for all that. They are the ones getting exploited.

well, the middle class pays for it. The wealthy are getting a free ride with the low tax rates and tax shelters.

How much do you think an "Obamaphone" really costs a year?
With all that free stuff, being poor almost sounds like a wonderful dream. Shit I wonder why more people don't just quit their jobs and live like kings on public assistance? Could it be that the welfare programs do not meet even the most basic needs of the people on it? These people who have a picture of the poor being well taken care of and having no incentive to work just do not have a grasp of the reality of poverty in America, just because they have it better than people in Ethiopia is pointless to the discussion, in America they should not even exist in the numbers they do.
With all that free stuff, being poor almost sounds like a wonderful dream. Shit I wonder why more people don't just quit their jobs and live like kings on public assistance? Could it be that the welfare programs do not meet even the most basic needs of the people on it? These people who have a picture of the poor being well taken care of and having no incentive to work just do not have a grasp of the reality of poverty in America, just because they have it better than people in Ethiopia is pointless to the discussion, in America they should not even exist in the numbers they do.

Rabid, sadly, has bought into the RW propaganda that the Poor are getting over on him with the pittance we spend on anti-poverty programs and not the big corporate welfare programs that he is subsidizing to the rich can continue to live large.

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