The ‘dark side’ of capitalism

The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

Here is a scumbag who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, criticism fascism, but identifying Capitalism as the culprit.


This has been going on for years now. I've spent more time than I wish to disclose destroying this moronic myth about capitalism. But you can be as sure as the sun will rise, that some other dingbat, or perhaps the same one you've schooled before will do it again.
The question is based in surprise there...

Of course capitalists (those who own and head businesses) disapprove of unionization. Are you so dumb that I must tell you why?

The problem with unions is they have become political organizations tied directly to the socialist party. If they would stick to promoting the interests of employees, rather than the interests of the socialist party, they would do much better.

I know exactly why they oppose unionization.

Give money to people who did the work. THat's crazy talk.

How about an economic system that works for everyone and not just the business owners?

I think unionization would do much better, if the unions were not campaign funding sources for the socialist party. Many Americans are against unions for this very reason.

What economic system would you suggest?
Job would first need to understand economics in order to make a suggestion in its regard. All I've seen from Job is soundbite regurgitation and other tripe and drivel.

There is no such thing as a 'dark side' to capitalism.

There are only people who reject the natural principles that define capitalism.

Now who are the people that reject the natural principles that define capitalism?


So, you have socialists engaging in immoral behavior, who then come to proclaim that whatever it is that they've spoiled as a result of THEIR IMMORAL BEHAVIOR: is ROTTEN. At which time, they DEMAND that THEY'RE THE PEOPLE TO "FIX IT", which they intend to do through the unprincipled behavior that SCREWED THINGS UP!

See how that works?[/QUOTE]
Actually, there is. It brings out of the shadows, loser nut jobs like Hazelnutted.
There could be some darkside to capitalism. We just wouldn't know because it hasn't been in practice for over 100 years. There is a lot of corporatism, fascism and socialist schemes to speak of, but not any capitalism.
There could be some darkside to capitalism. We just wouldn't know because it hasn't been in practice for over 100 years. There is a lot of corporatism, fascism and socialist schemes to speak of, but not any capitalism.

Yep... Such is the infection of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle in the United States, that it is now quite difficult to see any trace of America. Yet we still allow the Left to crow incessantly of 'the evils...', while it sets about exclusively producing evil.

I mean take the obamacare idiocy. Everyone gets the medical insurance renewals and since obamacare they are OUT OF CONTROL in the increases... the Left says: 'No they're not' as if there's some doubt or question about it. Of course, THAT is precisely what one should reasonably expect of EVIL! That is precisely what every kid who ever attended Sunday School in the early 60s learned about evil. Of course back then, evil was just hidden better.

Back then, in terms of governance, we didn't see much of it publicly. Oh sure there was the recent history of the McCarthy hearings wherein it was said that Evil had infiltrated the US Culture; that it was replete throughout media, industry, our schools and our government... and evil just stood there... accusing us of insidiousness and asking if we 'have no decency'... .

And, because we were naive, foolish and self-centered... we believed evil when it promised us that there was nothing to fear.

50 years later, there's nothing left but evil and we're faced with the same reality that so many before us have been faced with... the certainty that the only way to save our world is to burn it to the ground.

Have ya ever wondered why in renderings of Satan, he's always surrounded by fire? Turns out that it's not because evil 'likes' fire, per se; Fire is simply the CONSEQUENCE of not having been vigilant in searching one's behavior for signs of him. As where one fails to recognize him, and to cast him from one's world... one can readily expect: Total Annihilation... .

Another Irony... those of you long enough in the tooth, will recall the 1960s television program, "The Twilight Zone". Wherein alternate realities were considered within far fetched scenarios, where evil caused twisted events to spur in striking irony.

Today, our reality IS The Twilight Zone. Those of you not old enough to remember can check it out on Netflix, those who can't need look no father than an "The Far Side" calendar. Back in the day, we laughed at them, today... we literally recognize each page as the perverse reality that is our very world.

'Welcome to your present destination, it' a lovely little town called: Total Annihilation and it exists as a suburb of "The Twilight Zone". (Music theme rises, fade to black...)'
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Hey all you 'pure' capitalists. Just own it. You're the only ones who care if real Christians don't consider you Christian.
No, extortion paid for them. Theft of the private property of individuals. That's not capitalism, it's fraud. Only legally sanctioned by the very turds doing the extortion while the plebs go along with it.
That is COMMUNISM, stupid.

"We're all socialists now!" PM of Finland when O-Care was passed.

Obama Hellcare is fascist.

Hellcare will be provided by a privately owned company which will be heavily regulated by the government.

ACA is socialist, well regulated, fair, intelligent, transparent capitalism. Hater dupes! It's the Pub Plan they always said they wanted, the lying scumbags...

You are an ignorass.

. If Obama Hellcare is socialized then it is not regulated.

If it it socialized then then it is not Capitalistic.

Why don't you start a thread about basketweaving or something simple like that?

Back to class. Socialized MEANS well regulated, you're thinking of NATIONALIZED, taken over by the gov't- like the post office.
They are thinking they hate everything you like, that's as deep as reactionary thought ever goes

Since franco is indeed an abject partisan idiot ANYONE who agrees with his imbecility is suspect as well.
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

Firstly, I apologize about leaving the subject of capitalism, but this statement that the Catholic church supplied the first Bible to evangelical Christians needs to be addressed.

The Catholic church did not give the evangelicals the Bible. John Wycliff translated the first Bible into English, and he was a lay preacher, who was at odds and clashed openly with the Church. Also, it needs to be noted that the Catholic Bible differs somewhat from the Bible that evangelicals follow in that certain passages are left out, passages not in the Bible are added. It would appear that the Catholic church has an entirely different Bible from evangelicals.With that said, it is highly doubtful that the Catholics ever wanted to have their version of the Bible translated into English because they didn't want the common man reading it for himself. If he read for himself, he would learn that he wouldn't need a priest to intercede for him when he sinned. He would read that man need not go to any other than Jesus Christ, himself.

You do introduce an interesting topic, but this matter needs to be discussed further in the Religion forum.
I think unionization would do much better, if the unions were not campaign funding sources for the socialist party. Many Americans are against unions for this very reason.

What economic system would you suggest?

HOw about what we had before 1980 and what most of the Europeans and Japanese have now?

Americans are the retards of the Industrialized world.
I think unionization would do much better, if the unions were not campaign funding sources for the socialist party. Many Americans are against unions for this very reason.

What economic system would you suggest?

HOw about what we had before 1980 and what most of the Europeans and Japanese have now?

Americans are the retards of the Industrialized world.

Well, the one's that think like you are I agree.

Now,NOBOBY wants to go back to Jimmuh's economy.
The Catholic church did not give the evangelicals the Bible. John Wycliff translated the first Bible into English, and he was a lay preacher, who was at odds and clashed openly with the Church. Also, it needs to be noted that the Catholic Bible differs somewhat from the Bible that evangelicals follow in that certain passages are left out, passages not in the Bible are added. It would appear that the Catholic church has an entirely different Bible from evangelicals.With that said, it is highly doubtful that the Catholics ever wanted to have their version of the Bible translated into English because they didn't want the common man reading it for himself. If he read for himself, he would learn that he wouldn't need a priest to intercede for him when he sinned. He would read that man need not go to any other than Jesus Christ, himself.

Wycliff did not translate from the Original Greek and Hebrew. He translated from the Latin Vulgate Bible the Roman Church had been using for a millennium.

Look, the only reason why there's a Church of England is because Henry VIII wanted to dump his old lady for a younger model. It was not about any noble cause of bringing Jesus to the common man. In fact, when people read those English bibles and started coming up with different opinions Henry and his successors had them executed, often in brutal ways.

My personal favorite was Anne Askew, a poetess who thought that she could demand a divorce, too, under Hank's new religion. But hank was trying to suck up to the Nephew of the First Wife he dumped, and told everyone they were going back to being Catholics that year. Ann got confused and refused. For that she was tortured in the Tower of London, then burned at the stake as a Heretic! (Someone was kind enough to tie a bag of gunpowder around her neck so her head would get blown off rather than burning.)

Of course, you can't blame Hank for not wanting common folks for getting any ideas. They chopped off Charles I freaking head.
at the end of the day, Capitalism delivers which is why so many hate US. God Bless Capitalism. Capitalism works. I am a Capitalist!!
Now,NOBOBY wants to go back to Jimmuh's economy.

You mean no one wants to go back to the policy of using unemployment to fight inflation, which is something both Jimmy and Reagan did.

You see, this is why I htink you are about 19, or you wouldn't say shit like this.

Dip shit Carter's economy was shit and everyone with a brain knows it.

It's pretty safe to say that nobody n this bard cares what you think about them Joe, we all know you are bitter old piece of shit without a cue.

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