The ‘dark side’ of capitalism

No economic system works as advertised, and few if any nations have pure economic systems. Capitalism is a great economic system but the problem with capitalism is keeping it capitalistic so it has to be regulated. The other problem of capitalism is that pure capitalism doesn't work for long, so most nations today practice a mixture of socialism and capitalism. And because Marx named one of his entry processes into communism, Scientific Socialism, the very word socialism has frightened scores of people.

Not true... capitalism works precisely as advertised. And as sound reason requires it must, the application of capitalism has never failed anyone, anywhere.
Greedy, savage, GOP capitalism, dingbats.


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The foundational elements of Evil and of course, it's political arm: Socialism.

Says the guy who drives on state-maintained streets and highways and still can't even find his own keys.

Yes I do... Of course I pay the taxes which the state uses to maintain those streets and highways; taxes which are paid through the product of my labor and the labor of others like me, without which the state could not pay for a dam' thing.
Luddy needie won't acknowledge that there are essential functions of government such as public safety and infrastructure in and on which commerce is conducted. And there is also non essential spending which should be drastically reduced or even eliminated.
Yes, his welfare check. He needs to work for once.
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

So what's the alternative? Communism? That leads to a tiny elitist class exploiting everyone! It always leads tio mass killings and suffering.

But the Pope is a very ignorant man. While some of the rich exploit the poor, for the most part they help the poor in providing an economy that allows for jobs, services, infrastructure and civilization.

In fact rich nations have by far helped poorer nations than poor nations have helped rich ones.

See your a mental midget and a fool, so you wouldn't know any better!
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

The dark side of socialism: 200 million dead.

No contest.
Nope. I'm thinking of socialism. Not only that, but socialism has murdered 200 million people and caused untold millions to starve to death




Soviet slave labor building the White Sea Canal.
That's COMMUNISM, stupid. Socialism is always democratic- defined since 1930's, when the USSR's totalitarianism was revealed..
Capitalism is at best amoral if not downright evil at times and is therefore totally at odds with christian teachings.
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

The dark side of socialism: 200 million dead.

No contest.
Nope. I'm thinking of socialism. Not only that, but socialism has murdered 200 million people and caused untold millions to starve to death




Soviet slave labor building the White Sea Canal.
That's COMMUNISM, stupid. Socialism is always democratic- defined since 1930's, when the USSR's totalitarianism was revealed..

Then why was it called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

Communism is socialism. The claim that socialism is always democratic is an outright lie. No economist ever claimed that socialism had to be democratic.
Capitalism is at best amoral if not downright evil at times and is therefore totally at odds with christian teachings.


The thread should have been titled

The ‘dark side’ of FASCISM.
Splitting hairs over what is and isn't the correct form of capitalism is a meaningless exercise. The world does not run on any purist philosophy and cannot be made to run on expectations that defy human nature. People want money and will do anything to get it and worry about the harm they do later, much later.
Socialism is not marxism, for 80 years now. I know it's damn hard to hear the truth in the US about it...Socialism is DEMOCRATIC. Communism is not. Fascism is RW, with corporations and capitalism. The terms "National Socialism and USSR is called PROPAGANDA, dingbat dupes.
Capitalism is savage unless well regulated and fair. Then it's socialism, cold war dinosaur dingbats.

So you support Marxism?
Sound to me like he supports not being fucked over by big business because there is no one to tell them they cannot fuck people over. If being able to expect fairness from the faceless corporations we all do business with is socialism then we need more of that.
Socialism is not marxism, for 80 years now. I know it's damn hard to hear the truth in the US about it...Socialism is DEMOCRATIC. Communism is not. Fascism is RW, with corporations and capitalism. The terms "National Socialism and USSR is called PROPAGANDA, dingbat dupes.

God you are stupid.

In Marxist theory, socialism (also called lower-stage communism or the socialist mode of production) refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that supersede capitalism in the schema of historical materialism. Socialism is defined as a mode of production where the sole criterion for production is use-value and therefore the law of value no longer directs economic activity.Production for use is coordinated through consciouseconomic planning, while distribution of economic output is based on the principle of To each according to his contribution. The social relations of socialism are characterized by the working-class effectively owning themeans of production and the means of their livelihood, either through cooperative enterprises or by public ownership and self management, so that the social surplus accrues to the working class and society as a whole.[1]
Capitalism is savage unless well regulated and fair. Then it's socialism, cold war dinosaur dingbats.

So you support Marxism?
Sound to me like he supports not being fucked over by big business because there is no one to tell them they cannot fuck people over. If being able to expect fairness from the faceless corporations we all do business with is socialism then we need more of that.

Nope he supports a free ride for himself and everyone else.
Capitalism is at best amoral if not downright evil at times and is therefore totally at odds with christian teachings.


The thread should have been titled

The ‘dark side’ of FASCISM.
Splitting hairs over what is and isn't the correct form of capitalism is a meaningless exercise. The world does not run on any purist philosophy and cannot be made to run on expectations that defy human nature. People want money and will do anything to get it and worry about the harm they do later, much later.


In that case blame fascism.

There is only one correct form which does not apply to the US.

Now it is true that people will do anything to get money , but obtaining money through a criminal activity or fraud is not Capitalism.

Socialism is not marxism, for 80 years now. I know it's damn hard to hear the truth in the US about it...Socialism is DEMOCRATIC. Communism is not. Fascism is RW, with corporations and capitalism. The terms "National Socialism and USSR is called PROPAGANDA, dingbat dupes.

God you are stupid.

In Marxist theory, socialism (also called lower-stage communism or the socialist mode of production) refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that supersede capitalism in the schema of historical materialism. Socialism is defined as a mode of production where the sole criterion for production is use-value and therefore the law of value no longer directs economic activity.Production for use is coordinated through consciouseconomic planning, while distribution of economic output is based on the principle of To each according to his contribution. The social relations of socialism are characterized by the working-class effectively owning themeans of production and the means of their livelihood, either through cooperative enterprises or by public ownership and self management, so that the social surplus accrues to the working class and society as a whole.[1]
In conservative theory: Holding an investment banker accountable for stealing your nest-egg is socialism as well as anything else that gives a regular person any power to hold Big Money accountable for their actions.
The ‘dark side’ of capitalism: The Pope highlights how the rich have exploited the poor

Pope Francis has emerged as one of the most important voices on the global stage about the need for a stronger moral dimension in economic policies. This has caused some upset in business and financial circles.

Prominent US political commentator Keith Farrell responded by accusing Pope Francisof being overly influenced by Marxist ideas that “the rich have only gotten rich at the expense of the poor”.

Farrell argues that “the inequality gap simply doesn’t matter”. He wrote that “capitalism has produced unrivalled economic growth” and is “chiefly responsible for halving of world poverty rates over the past 20 years”.

Since many evangelicals have forgotten that the Catholic church gave them the bible, the far-right "Christians" will ignore real Christian teachings.

The dark side of socialism: 200 million dead.

No contest.
Nope. I'm thinking of socialism. Not only that, but socialism has murdered 200 million people and caused untold millions to starve to death




Soviet slave labor building the White Sea Canal.
That's COMMUNISM, stupid. Socialism is always democratic- defined since 1930's, when the USSR's totalitarianism was revealed..

Yes... socialism is always democratic. It perverts the culture through 'secular humanism', then uses 'Democracy' as a means for 'das PEOPLES!' to vote away their responsibilities to the State. All while the diluted sots run ignorant of the fact that bearing one's responsibilities is ONLY WAY one sustains the means to exercises one's rights.

Socialism is that through which evil is expressed, politically.
Capitalism is at best amoral if not downright evil at times and is therefore totally at odds with christian teachings.


The thread should have been titled

The ‘dark side’ of FASCISM.
Splitting hairs over what is and isn't the correct form of capitalism is a meaningless exercise. The world does not run on any purist philosophy and cannot be made to run on expectations that defy human nature. People want money and will do anything to get it and worry about the harm they do later, much later.


In that case blame fascism.

There is only one correct form which does not apply to the US.

Now it is true that people will do anything to get money , but obtaining money through a criminal activity or fraud is not Capitalism.

How do you prevent criminal activity? That's right, you watch them like a hawk and punish wrong doing. It's called regulation, you might have heard of it. Our financial markets especially are high crime areas and you want to send the cops home.
Socialism is not marxism, for 80 years now. I know it's damn hard to hear the truth in the US about it...Socialism is DEMOCRATIC. Communism is not. Fascism is RW, with corporations and capitalism. The terms "National Socialism and USSR is called PROPAGANDA, dingbat dupes.

God you are stupid.

In Marxist theory, socialism (also called lower-stage communism or the socialist mode of production) refers to a specific historical phase of economic development and its corresponding set of social relations that supersede capitalism in the schema of historical materialism. Socialism is defined as a mode of production where the sole criterion for production is use-value and therefore the law of value no longer directs economic activity.Production for use is coordinated through consciouseconomic planning, while distribution of economic output is based on the principle of To each according to his contribution. The social relations of socialism are characterized by the working-class effectively owning themeans of production and the means of their livelihood, either through cooperative enterprises or by public ownership and self management, so that the social surplus accrues to the working class and society as a whole.[1]
I don't give a shytte what Marxist Doctrine says- it's totally discredited except among communists and cold war dinosaurs. Socialism is well regulated,fair capitalism- see Scandinavia, and all modern countries including US, but ours is still run by greedy idiot Pubs and hater dupes. See trickle down tax rates and policies.

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