The Current 11 Regions of the USA


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is interesting.

US 11 regions This map shows how the US really has 11 separate 'nations' with entirely different cultures


I think the Far West, Appalachians and Midlands are really more alike than different from each other, and you can include the Midwest states outside of the Chicago Metroplex. The Deep South is alike also, with exceptions but the divide is healing up now.

Yankeedom and the Left Coast are pretty much foreign territory that we need to purge and reclaim.
There is a regime feeding you with gen food and meds in all of these "nations". They should unite and overthrow it.
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This is interesting.

US 11 regions This map shows how the US really has 11 separate 'nations' with entirely different cultures


I think the Far West, Appalachians and Midlands are really more alike than different from each other, and you can include the Midwest states outside of the Chicago Metroplex. The Deep South is alike also, with exceptions but the divide is healing up now.

Yankeedom and the Left Coast are pretty much foreign territory that we need to purge and reclaim.

I lived in Tampa, FL for more than 20 years. It is definitely not the deep south. :p
FFS I am now going to have to come up with a new soundtrack for me life.

Here goes # 1:


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