The cult like power of the Left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The above Left leaning article was written to help explain why the birth rates have plummeted all around the globe. The premise of the article is, that this is a perfectly natural outcome for obvious reasons, whether it be wanting more personal freedom or better economic security, etc.

But the truth of the matter is, there is nothing natural about this. We are biologically driven to reproduce, and we crave family. That is the history of mankind. But the Left, as always, either tries to rewrite history or virtually ignore what it finds unpleasant or distasteful.

The power of the cult of the Left is so great that it has found a myriad of ways to overcome this biological drive, through such things as birth control, abortion, gay sex, and just convincing people they, and the rest of the world, would be better off if they did not have children.

Imagine if the Left could next overcome your drive to breath.
Check out this Left wing site known as the VHEMT project. It is an organization dedicated to the eradication of the human race.

Think of it. The Left has convinced these people that the world would be better off without them, so in that sense, they have bypassed their drive to even breath. One woman had an abortion just so that there would be one less carbon footprint on the globe.


The above Left leaning article was written to help explain why the birth rates have plummeted all around the globe. The premise of the article is, that this is a perfectly natural outcome for obvious reasons, whether it be wanting more personal freedom or better economic security, etc.

But the truth of the matter is, there is nothing natural about this. We are biologically driven to reproduce, and we crave family. That is the history of mankind. But the Left, as always, either tries to rewrite history or virtually ignore what it finds unpleasant or distasteful.

The power of the cult of the Left is so great that it has found a myriad of ways to overcome this biological drive, through such things as birth control, abortion, gay sex, and just convincing people they, and the rest of the world, would be better off if they did not have children.

Imagine if the Left could next overcome your drive to breath.
We see it here everyday. They’d love to kill those who don’t agree with them.
We see it here everyday. They’d love to kill those who don’t agree with them.
Indeed. Those that they can't reach, that is, those that get passed the goalie and decide to have a family, must still be assaulted and dealt with.

The entire platform of the Progressive movement is to reduce population levels. They are consumed with it.

The above Left leaning article was written to help explain why the birth rates have plummeted all around the globe. The premise of the article is, that this is a perfectly natural outcome for obvious reasons, whether it be wanting more personal freedom or better economic security, etc.

But the truth of the matter is, there is nothing natural about this. We are biologically driven to reproduce, and we crave family. That is the history of mankind. But the Left, as always, either tries to rewrite history or virtually ignore what it finds unpleasant or distasteful.

The power of the cult of the Left is so great that it has found a myriad of ways to overcome this biological drive, through such things as birth control, abortion, gay sex, and just convincing people they, and the rest of the world, would be better off if they did not have children.

Imagine if the Left could next overcome your drive to breath.

Birth rates are down world wide, and that is because of US Liberals????????????
Indeed. Those that they can't reach, that is, those that get passed the goalie and decide to have a family, must still be assaulted and dealt with.

The entire platform of the Progressive movement is to reduce population levels. They are consumed with it.

Because you said so? Well, it WAS on the Internet because you said so therefore it must be true. Let's lower the IQ bar even lower on this one.
There's probably all kinds of reason people do not have kids but the primary one has be the expense. All that time, money and effort just to produce more consumers.

The above Left leaning article was written to help explain why the birth rates have plummeted all around the globe. The premise of the article is, that this is a perfectly natural outcome for obvious reasons, whether it be wanting more personal freedom or better economic security, etc.

But the truth of the matter is, there is nothing natural about this. We are biologically driven to reproduce, and we crave family. That is the history of mankind. But the Left, as always, either tries to rewrite history or virtually ignore what it finds unpleasant or distasteful.

The power of the cult of the Left is so great that it has found a myriad of ways to overcome this biological drive, through such things as birth control, abortion, gay sex, and just convincing people they, and the rest of the world, would be better off if they did not have children.

Imagine if the Left could next overcome your drive to breath.
If you wanted more young people to have kids, maybe y’all should have thought twice before screwing their generation over so badly.
Check out this Left wing site known as the VHEMT project. It is an organization dedicated to the eradication of the human race.

Think of it. The Left has convinced these people that the world would be better off without them, so in that sense, they have bypassed their drive to even breath. One woman had an abortion just so that there would be one less carbon footprint on the globe.

Some of the nut jobs before they even get married, have hysterectomies, thus those sad sacks of clump O cells, will never have children. I applaud them their "CHOICE" because that prevents those genetically defective creatures(GDC) from bringing into the world even more GDC's......


The above Left leaning article was written to help explain why the birth rates have plummeted all around the globe. The premise of the article is, that this is a perfectly natural outcome for obvious reasons, whether it be wanting more personal freedom or better economic security, etc.

But the truth of the matter is, there is nothing natural about this. We are biologically driven to reproduce, and we crave family. That is the history of mankind. But the Left, as always, either tries to rewrite history or virtually ignore what it finds unpleasant or distasteful.

The power of the cult of the Left is so great that it has found a myriad of ways to overcome this biological drive, through such things as birth control, abortion, gay sex, and just convincing people they, and the rest of the world, would be better off if they did not have children.

Imagine if the Left could next overcome your drive to breath.
Do you disagree with the right wing meme that you shouldn't have children if you can't afford them? Is that the only reason why people might not want to spit out another child every year or so? You're just pouting because the majority disagrees with your goals, and you are looking for another excuse to whine like a big baby.

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