The CRUSADES explained

This is like saying the true practice of Christianity is not the antichrist crusades or hitlers and klan.
And the true practice of Islam is not Jihadists or terrorists.

Both the Christians and Muslims projecting blame on each other
instead of forgiving and correcting with Restorative Justice
are missing the message of Christ.

I'm not just picking on one side.
I'm saying all the groups need to come together in Christ
as their teachings call for, since Islam includes Christianity in its teachings.

Or here's an even better idea.

It's the fucking 21st Century. THere is no God. Never was. Maybe we can use SCIENCE AND REASON instead of trying to find positive messages in the writing of Bronze Age savages.

Odd that someone told us 4,000 years ago about dimensions and their attributes. The dimensions that Science found last year. Wait till they discover that dimensions can tear, burn, roll up... then we can give Science more of the credit.
How long did it take science to get the "orb" thingy?
Gates of Vienna The Crusades A Response to Islamic Aggression

The fact is, in the twenty years before the First Crusade, Christendom had lost the whole of Anatolia, an area greater than France, and a region right on the doorstep of Europe. In 1050 the Seljuk leader Togrul Beg undertook Holy War against the Christians of Anatolia, who had thus far resisted the power of the Caliphs. We are told that 130,000 Christians died in the war, but that, upon Togrul Beg’s death in 1063 the Christians reasserted their independence and freedom. This was however to be of short duration, and no sooner had Togrul Beg’s nephew Alp Arslan been proclaimed Sultan than the war was renewed. In 1064 the old Armenian capital of Ani was destroyed; and the prince of Kars, the last independent Armenian ruler, “gladly handed over his lands to the [Byzantine] Emperor in return for estates in the Taurus mountains. Large numbers of Armenians accompanied him to his new home.” (Steven Runciman, The History of the Crusades Vol. 1 (Cambridge, 1951) p.61) Indeed, at this time, the entire Armenian nation was effectively transplanted hundreds of miles to the south and west.

But the Turkish attacks continued. From 1065 onwards the great frontier-fortress of Edessa was assaulted yearly. In 1066 they occupied the pass of the Amanus Mountains, and next spring they sacked the Cappadocian metropolis of Caesarea. Next winter the Byzantine armies were defeated at Melitene and Sebastea. These victories gave Alp Arslan control of all Armenia, and a year later he raided far into the Empire, to Neocaesarea and Amorium in 1068, to Iconium in 1069, and in 1070 to Chonae, near the Aegean coast. (Ibid.)
The Persians had taken Spain, Sicily and much of Europe.............Christians were in defensive battles nearly up to the point of THAT'S ENOUGH...................AND..............

Dear JoeB131 I think you hit the key point here,
the real issue is RETRIBUTION, and whether people forgive other groups or seek to attack in revenge.

Hitler acted out of fear and unforgiveness and committed genocide in the spirit of Retributive Justice or Anti Christ.
Jihadists do this now.

As usual, I'm not going to read through your verbal diarhea waiting for you to get to a point.

The Jihadists are at war with the west because the west has spent the last few decades sticking our dicks into their part of hte world. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And if you stick your dick in a hornet's nest, you shouldn't whine about getting stung.

ISIL exists because we toppled Saddam and the government we replaced him with was inept, incompetent and favored the Shi'ites over the Sunnis.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

During WW2 if we hadn't stuck our body parts into Hitler's part of the world, it would have become all of Hitler's world minus a whole nation of people he didn't care for. Sometimes the world is our problem.

For instance, Wait till Obama let's Iran build the bomb. We can sit back at watch them do what we stopped Hitler from doing. Or we can stop them before they get around to sending their missiles our way. Unless your dick is to fragile and politically correct to be of any use.
You assume Joe is anything other than a dick-less libtard parrot.
This is like saying the true practice of Christianity is not the antichrist crusades or hitlers and klan.
And the true practice of Islam is not Jihadists or terrorists.

Both the Christians and Muslims projecting blame on each other
instead of forgiving and correcting with Restorative Justice
are missing the message of Christ.

I'm not just picking on one side.
I'm saying all the groups need to come together in Christ
as their teachings call for, since Islam includes Christianity in its teachings.

Or here's an even better idea.

It's the fucking 21st Century. THere is no God. Never was. Maybe we can use SCIENCE AND REASON instead of trying to find positive messages in the writing of Bronze Age savages.
Yeah, OK, tell that to you islaamist buddies who are committing wholesale gruesome murders in the name of their so-called god.
Ebb and flow, the way it goes,
when conquering lands you want to hold,
...No matter the religion,
no matter the race,
it's a fucked up way of living in this place...
called Earth...
damn humans...
so , it looks like this video got some interest . I knew about the muslims taking of Spain and I've heard about them almost invading France . Looks like the muslims invaded Armenia , Sicily and Italy and lots of other places . I know that the muslims were taking European slaves and sailing vessels . I've heard about the muslim Barbary pirates and heard about Constantinople becoming Istanbul . I've heard of muslim pirates messing with American shipping in the early 1800s and I've heard and approve of what early America did to stop the muslim piracy . I also learned a bit more about the Crusades from the video plus many posters comments . I hope that some forum members may have learned a little History and a bit about the MODERN world wide muslim threat . My conclusion is that isis and similar ilk need to be totally destroyed . I came to that conclusion a long time ago and this video and some of the comments make me realize that my conclusion is the correct conclusion . Its also good that mrobama made his comments the other day at that Prayer Breakfast so , thank you mrobama !!
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I don't even have to go back a day to prove Islamic savagery...or do you really live under a rock?
The Crusades happened a long, long time ago...most of the world has managed to grow up and get the fuck over it...why not you Islamic world?
Oh, were you raised by some kind of animal, or alien invader? Most decent mothers would have taught they children that "two wrongs do not make it right". Just because some Christians crusaded into the so-called "holy land" thousands of years ago is absolutely no excuse for present day sub-human behavior being exhibited by your cherished muslims.

Guy, I don't "cherish" Muslims.

I just don't see why we have to throw away blood and treasure fighting them because the oil companies want to keep the flow of oil going of the fucking Zionists want to play, "God loves us the very best."

Yes, beheadings and burning alive are savage. So is carpet bombing or waterboarding or a lot of the stuff we've been doing.
Odd that someone told us 4,000 years ago about dimensions and their attributes. The dimensions that Science found last year. Wait till they discover that dimensions can tear, burn, roll up... then we can give Science more of the credit.
How long did it take science to get the "orb" thingy?

Actually, the Bible said the world was flat. We know that isn't true. But it's in the fucking bible.
If King Barry S. wants to invoke the Crusades, where do I sign up? I'd be more than happy to join some christians and go kick some musselman ass, barbaric savages that they've proven themselves to be.

Yes, the Muslims are no doubt quaking in their sandals over you....

Crusades are not necessary. A handful of Jews took the holy lands from the hapless Muslims quite some time ago.
http:The Battle of Tours (October 732),[URL=''][27] also called the Battle of Poitiers and in Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء‎ (ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ - Battle of the Palace of Martyrs)[28][29][30] was fought in an area between the cities of Poitiers and Tours, in north-central France, near the village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers. The location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. The battle pitted Frankish and Burgundian[31][32] forces under Austrasian Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel against an army of the Umayyad Caliphate led by 'Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus//[/URL]

The battle of Tours in Central France finally stopped the Muslim Caliphate which had conquered all of Northern Africa, Spain, Sicily, and failed to conquer France and the rest of Europe.

A turning point in the War against RADICAL ISLAM in Medieval times.
http:The Battle of Tours (October 732),[27] also called the Battle of Poitiers and in Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء‎ (ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ - Battle of the Palace of Martyrs)[28][29][30] was fought in an area between the cities of Poitiers and Tours, in north-central France, near the village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers. The location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. The battle pitted Frankish and Burgundian[31][32] forces under Austrasian Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel against an army of the Umayyad Caliphate led by 'Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus//

The battle of Tours in Central France finally stopped the Muslim Caliphate which had conquered all of Northern Africa, Spain, Sicily, and failed to conquer France and the rest of Europe.

A turning point in the War against RADICAL ISLAM in Medieval times.

There's no real evidence that Tours was anything more than a raiding party.

But do keep on with your paranoia.

There's a big sweaty Arab man hiding under your bed right now.

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