The cost of "Small Govt": 77% of SC residents have SS/name/credit card info stolen!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Residents fret -- and fume -- over hacking attack on taxpayer data | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Gov Nikki Haley, the Queen of the Tea Party, was swept into office under the idea of slashing govt!!! Govt is bad. Taxes are bad. Cut it all. And that shes done........slashing everything from cops to teachers to firemen to funding for roads, resulting in SC having one of the worst roads and education systems in America, one of the most violent crime rates in America......but hey, we aint paying our taxes to that darn gubamint!!!

But now this.........3.8 million SC residents (About 77%) had their personal info, debit/credit numbers, address, social security.....basically, entire identy stolen from the state's Revenue Dept system.

The state wont say how it happened. But...thats what you get with the radical right wing govt slashing. Computer systems in SC govts are antiquated. Morale is at an all time low amongst govt employees, as they are either looking for new careers, or stuck in one that is being slashed. Funding for any type of govt service is being slashed.

So.....remember, when you think about your precious tax dollars....sure you may save half a % a year. But now........3.8 million SC residents are gonna have to give that precious saved tax dollar to Lifelock, or whatever company they pick, for the next....oh....30 years to save their credit.

Thanks Tea Party. We saved a buck. But our safety, education, roads, etc, are crumbling.
Waaaah. We need big government to take care of us. waaaaaah.
that happened with online companies, should the big bad government go after them as well? Oh noes my idtenity is stolen whos going to parade as a fat white guy with no money? yeah whos looking to steal all this?

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