Conservative Govt: A true story of what I get to deal with right now


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
South Carolina IG Pat Maley: IT security 'less than adequate' - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

The nightmare that is the Tea Party Queen Gov Nikki Haley's rule over South Carolina, and the past trends of this states far-right wing governing bodies, continues. Latest snafu is the hacking of the state's DOR, stealing personal info, SS#, bank account numbers and credit card numbers from 4,000,000 SC taxpayers, including anyone who lived here since 1998. All SC residents are having to buy ID protection, and track their finances daily.

To add, experts investigating say SC's govt SHOULD have used market standard security software, but didn't (YAY BUDGET CUTS), the position of IT security director was UNFILLED for the past year because Gov Haley refused to pay market rate salary for one (YAY SMALL GOVT!). tens of thousands of SC residents, yesterday I found fraudulent activity in my bank account. Luckily, the bank (Bank of America) caught it early, but needed a police report to document my problems. I called local police, and was told that I would need to come in in person to file a report, because they didnt have staffing to respond. Fine. I get there, and they're swamped. The cop was nice enough, but simply said they are swamped with these reports, and they're already understaff due to...of course...budget cuts. (BTW, this is in the wealthy city of Charleston, who is growing and booming right now).

So, as I drove back on some of SC's busted, f'ed up public roads (yay small govt) and saw some of the East Side's thugs on the sidewalks selling dope, yelling at drivers, probably carrying guns (yay education system, yay smaller police force)...........I couldnt help but think back to the 2009 rallies throughout our state from the Tea Party demanding the govt be slashed down to size.

And now we start seeing a slow trickle of the results we get for that.
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Ah, but dont fear! The Tea Party Queen and her staff have saved the day!!

Despite this epic failure of the Tea Party Queen and her staff......they are telling all of us to go to Experian and sign up for 1 free year of identity theft monitoring, and SC is paying the tab!! Yay! 1 free year!!

But, security experts say hackers usually sit on info for 2-3 years before using it because people aquire more money by then, and aren't looking for fraud.

God Bless the Tea Party!!! They fuck all 4,000,000 residents over, risking their identity and banking info forever through lack of staffing and security in their Dept of Revenue files (Thought they viewed tax dollars and taxpayers as precious, why was it so unprotected?). And in return....Here ya go, 1 free year of coverage!!! But..only if we go sign up for it ourselves, the ones who screwed it up wont take the time to do it, and its only for a year. After that you're on your own.
Republican leadership and big business have always pandered to the Tea Party "types" to stay in power while portraying themselves as moderates ... now that the Radicals (Tea Party) are openly expecting Republican support, the Republicans can not run fast enough to get away from them.
Might have a little more credibility if you were as pissed about the state having so much valuable information on its citizens in one centralized place, making a nice ripe target for hackers and ID thieves.

But you really don't give a fuck about being a slave...You just want to be a safe and secure slave.
Might have a little more credibility if you were as pissed about the state having so much valuable information on its citizens in one centralized place, making a nice ripe target for hackers and ID thieves.

But you really don't give a fuck about being a slave...

....And, you Teabaggers are such artists, at it!!!!

Plutocrats and Preachers

Might have a little more credibility if you were as pissed about the state having so much valuable information on its citizens in one centralized place, making a nice ripe target for hackers and ID thieves.

But you really don't give a fuck about being a slave...You just want to be a safe and secure slave.

You know the politicians in those blue states never make mistakes. Remember the great job Ray Nagen did in New Orleans during Katrina? And Gray Davis did a great job keeping companies like Enron from ripping off the state, didn't he?

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