The Consequences of a Post-Christian America Revealed by COVID-19


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.
Hyperbolic rightwing nonsense and demagoguery.

There is no ‘post-Christian’ America.

No one perceives government as his ‘god.’

And no one advocates for our liberties to be ‘stolen,’ for anyone to be ‘locked up,’ or for the economy to be ‘crashed.’

What you and other social conservatives ‘foresaw’ is an opportunity to exploit the C19 crisis to advance your failed, wrongheaded, authoritarian rightwing agenda.
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.
The state is looking after us while God has gone fishing.

God's job is not to "look after us" Tommy. Well not His major job at any rate.

My goodness we are the most wimpified culture in the history of humanity. Exhibit A. WIMPS all of us
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.
Trying to prevent deaths is generally seen as commendable. Why do you resent it ?
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...
What exactly did you see coming?

For that matter, what is it you think the "secularized masses" are looking for the government to do?

Do you think that this virus came about because the United States isn't a theocracy? That's kind of the impression you give.

No the virus didn't come about because the US isn't a theocracy (?). But the response to the virus is absolutely due to our post-Christian status. It's a response borne of fear and the need for safety ALL THE TIME. It's a safe-space response.
Trying to prevent deaths is generally seen as commendable. Why do you resent it ?

Look at two bigger factors:

1. The cost of keeping you "safe" and

2. The shaming you endure if you don't agree with that cost

That's our culture. The "safe space" culture. My hind end above all other considerations.
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"
It doesnt really pan out that way. Step back and look at it pragmatically. This Wuhan Flu is for the most part only very deadly for people of a certain age, and with certain underlying conditions. For the young, and healthy its really little more than an inconvenience. Now... Look at who holds the majority of the worlds wealth, and whose hands are holding the levers of power. Covid has global leadership, and financial fatcats shitting bricks, because this virus seems tailor made to remove them from the gene pool. And these same people who are being targeted, and have the wealth, and hold the power... Are leveraging their considerable wealth, and power, to save and maintain their grasp on wealth, and power. The cost to all others be damned.
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"
It doesnt really pan out that way. Step back and look at it pragmatically. This Wuhan Flu is for the most part only very deadly for people of a certain age, and with certain underlying conditions. For the young, and healthy it really more of an inconvenience. Now... Look at who holds the majority of the worlds wealth, and whose hands are holding the levers of power. Covid has global leadership, and financial fatcats shitting bricks, because this virus seems tailor made to remove them from the gene pool. And these same people who are being targeted, and have the wealth, and hold the power... Are leveraging their considerable wealth, and power, to save and maintain their grasp on wealth, and power. The cost to all others be damned.

There's some truth to that, but not a lot. Because as we see now, we are a few days in but a good deal close to an economic collapse. When that happens, the entire thing goes crashing down. Cut off nose to spite face.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

Wow. Hey, funny thing, Islamophobic Twat... All your churches are closing, too, for the same reason. Yup, apparently you are exempted from Grovelling in front of your Imaginary Sky Friend for a couple of weeks because SCIENCE tells them that's a really bad idea to have a bunch of old, scared people in a room together.

Chicago-area religious leaders including Cardinal Cupich suspend services but Catholics offer online Mass, close schools to contain coronavirus

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.

Hey, we should totally go back the Christian method of dealing with a plague.

Back during the Black Death, people went around killing Cats because cats were associated with the devil. Ironically, because they used faith and not science, they actually managed to make the problem worse. The cats were killing the rats that were carrying the fleas that transmitted the virus, and as a result, half the population of Europe Died.

While a few decent priests interacted with their flocks and died, the Pope locked himself in the Papal Palace at Avignon, most of the clergy isolated itself... which was a leading cause of the Protestant Reformation a century later.

History, like Science, one of those complicated concepts you don't understand.
We have no higher ideals in 21st century, post-Christian America than our own personal safety, and perhaps the safety of our nearest loved ones.

"Safety" is not a foundation upon which to build, or sustain, a republic. Our Founding Fathers understood that. Liberty, prosperity, even happiness does not flow from "safety". And yet, in this Coronavirus madness, the secularized masses look to their Government gods to keep them "safe", no matter the cost. Steal my liberties, lock me up, crash our long as I get another few years on this spinning rock, safe. Or I should really say, "safe".

Wow. Hey, funny thing, Islamophobic Twat... All your churches are closing, too, for the same reason. Yup, apparently you are exempted from Grovelling in front of your Imaginary Sky Friend for a couple of weeks because SCIENCE tells them that's a really bad idea to have a bunch of old, scared people in a room together.

Chicago-area religious leaders including Cardinal Cupich suspend services but Catholics offer online Mass, close schools to contain coronavirus

I won't say we deserve this, but a lot of us saw this coming. When you unseat God from His Throne, you will have another god, even if you deny it. As the Bible says, "your god is your stomach" (Philippians 3:19). And now we see what happens.

Hey, we should totally go back the Christian method of dealing with a plague.

Back during the Black Death, people went around killing Cats because cats were associated with the devil. Ironically, because they used faith and not science, they actually managed to make the problem worse. The cats were killing the rats that were carrying the fleas that transmitted the virus, and as a result, half the population of Europe Died.

While a few decent priests interacted with their flocks and died, the Pope locked himself in the Papal Palace at Avignon, most of the clergy isolated itself... which was a leading cause of the Protestant Reformation a century later.

History, like Science, one of those complicated concepts you don't understand.

Seek treatment
Trying to prevent deaths is generally seen as commendable. Why do you resent it ?

Because people are finally realizing Cheeto Jesus isn't up to the task. After years of saying, "It's totally Christian for Trump to fuck porn stars", people like Sue are realizing he isn't up to the task, and are flailing around DESPERATELY for someone else to blame.
Or maybe Boomer Remover, AKA Covid 19 is a gift to be appreciated...

You're just the flip side of selfish "safety": "get rid of all the people I don't like/bug me/cost me money"

Still total selfishness.
Actually... that's the Boomers you're describing. Shut down the country, and crash the worlds economies, just so the nearly dead can squeeze out a few more months, to a year of life...

Oh I see, my apologies. But it's not just Boomers by far. It's across ages and demographics. It's the overriding ethos of our culture. "Me first, no matter the cost"
It doesnt really pan out that way. Step back and look at it pragmatically. This Wuhan Flu is for the most part only very deadly for people of a certain age, and with certain underlying conditions. For the young, and healthy it really more of an inconvenience. Now... Look at who holds the majority of the worlds wealth, and whose hands are holding the levers of power. Covid has global leadership, and financial fatcats shitting bricks, because this virus seems tailor made to remove them from the gene pool. And these same people who are being targeted, and have the wealth, and hold the power... Are leveraging their considerable wealth, and power, to save and maintain their grasp on wealth, and power. The cost to all others be damned.

There's some truth to that, but not a lot. Because as we see now, we are a few days in but a good deal close to an economic collapse. When that happens, the entire thing goes crashing down. Cut off nose to spite face.
Which is perfectly acceptable to those shitting bricks. They'd just as soon burn Rome to the ground, as lose control of it. Did we crash the global economy H1N1? Nope. It didnt specifically target this group of people. They felt safe.
Did we crash the global economy and lock down the worlds nations for SARS? No. It didnt specifically target these people.
Does Covid have a higher fatality rate across the board than these other diseases? No. But it does act like a heat seeking missile, seemingly tailor made to hunt these people down and eliminate them. And these same people have the power to shut down countries, and the amassed wealth to weather the fallout of doing so, in order to save their own asses.
Make no mistake. They're terrified, and desperate. That makes them dangerous, as if we havent already seen the lengths they're willing to to to preserve their power, wealth, and lives. And the people are being played. Some of them may be dying, but... The remainder of them will see all the rest of us suffer for it.
Look at two bigger factors:

1. The cost of keeping you "safe" and

2. The shaming you endure if you don't agree with that cost

That's our culture. The "safe space" culture. My hind end above all other considerations.

Um, yeah. here's the thing. It's more about the safety of others than ourselves. Most of us who might be carrying this virus aren't going to suffer ill effects... but people we encounter might.

Now, it would have been nice if a couple of weeks ago, we took this seriously, got ahold of screening tests instead of panicking people into thinking they'd be locked out of the country, didn't have a President who called it a "Hoax"... but we didn't do any of that.

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