You'll drive yourself crazy worrying about WHY things happen


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.
Good for you and I hope you and your daughter do not only survive this, but go on to become even better people for having gone thru it. May He bless you & yours.
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.

Oh, the pandemic is real? You are free to submit yourself love. See if you can manage taking no one else with you unless you think your god told you that was ok as well.
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy:1, 7

Praying you guys are better soon, Blackroot. All in God’s time.
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.

Oh, the pandemic is real? You are free to submit yourself love. See if you can manage taking no one else with you unless you think your god told you that was ok as well.
That’s not a good look on you, bro.
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.

Oh, the pandemic is real? You are free to submit yourself love. See if you can manage taking no one else with you unless you think your god told you that was ok as well.
That’s not a good look on you, bro.
You don't matter.
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.

Oh, the pandemic is real? You are free to submit yourself love. See if you can manage taking no one else with you unless you think your god told you that was ok as well.
That’s not a good look on you, bro.
You don't matter.
Never claimed I did. That doesn’t change the truth of what I wrote.
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.
This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home.

howabout proving your worth before admission is granted -

good luck, waiting inside the history of christianities persecution and victimization of the innocent as your calling card.

Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had.

christians, the desert religions have been slaughtering wildlife and polluting the environment since time immemorial - maybe its the time for Wildlife and Garden Earth to give their payback.
I have good news, my health has improved. Also, I talked to my boss and he says he plans to keep the office open since the firm's task is to help prepare people for dying (estate planning) and that's an essential business. He will ask people to work from home, but tomorrow I will go in to look at some boxes. So, I should stay employed during this crisis.
I have good news, my health has improved. Also, I talked to my boss and he says he plans to keep the office open since the firm's task is to help prepare people for dying (estate planning) and that's an essential business. He will ask people to work from home, but tomorrow I will go in to look at some boxes. So, I should stay employed during this crisis.

Business opportunities abound, picked up a part time job grave diggin'.
Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had. I have a very good boss, and I know that because he took extreme care to vet me thorougly before hiring me. In my limited interaction with him, I know that he highly values me and my 25 years experience as an attorney.

Now, I'm sick and I spent all but one day last week working from home. I could be worrying myself sick about why this happened just as it looked like my life was about to improve for the better. I could be cursing my bad luck worrying that the law firm I work for could fold, and I could lose my job.

But I'm not worrying about any of these things. At this point, my daughter and I are stuck at home, and I'm concentrating on what's important: our survival through this pandemic.

I have surrendered my life to God, and I will submit to whatever he wants for me. If it his will that I die of this virus, I submit to that. If it is his will that I survive, but suffer a long period of unemployment, I submit to that. If it his will that I survive and everything works out for me, I submit myself to that too.

This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home. If I live a good life, and have faith in God, I will one day move to that better world. Knowing that, I can put aside all my worries about worldly problems and be happy.
This life is just a way station, a temporary place for us to wait before we move on to our permanent home.

howabout proving your worth before admission is granted -

good luck, waiting inside the history of christianities persecution and victimization of the innocent as your calling card.

Just before the virus hit, I landed the best job I've ever had.

christians, the desert religions have been slaughtering wildlife and polluting the environment since time immemorial - maybe its the time for Wildlife and Garden Earth to give their payback.
I believe you will find that most, if not all Bible (GOD's Holy Word) believing Christians, do not encourage pollution, abortion, or slavery. They do not see Euthanasia as a remedy for the aged, sick or displaced. Christians do seek to see souls saved and the physical needs met. People seeking power for THEMSELVES have always used whatever means at their disposal to meet THEIR personal goals. And if that means calling themselves "Christian" it doesn't mean that they are. By one's fruit their true identity is revealed. And I might add that many SO CALLED "Christians" do not believe the Bible is GOD's Holy Word, that Mary wasn't a virgin, that Jesus was a "good" man but not GOD in the flesh, that some people should be dissuaded from reading the Bible, and that only select individuals have the power to ascertain what the Bible actually means.
I believe you will find that most, if not all Bible (GOD's Holy Word) believing Christians, do not encourage pollution, abortion, or slavery.

have you ever looked in the mirror and seen the bible belt -


And I might add that many SO CALLED "Christians" do not believe the Bible is GOD's Holy Word, that Mary wasn't a virgin, that Jesus was a "good" man but not GOD in the flesh, that some people should be dissuaded from reading the Bible, and that only select individuals have the power to ascertain what the Bible actually means.

your denial of your stagnate book has been the precursor for christianities uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent from your 4th century roots to the present day - have you ever thought it is you who is the so called "christian" because in the actuality of that essence the 1st century religious itinerant never themselves claimed such a proposition and was only instilled in the christian bible to insure adherence to its political objective.

take the politics out of your book, nipper then have your discussion about religion.

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