The Congressional Republicans Are Proving God’s Plan


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

It has become the tradition of the congressional Republicans to offer the victims and their families thoughts and prayers whenever a mass shooting occurs.

Another part of this GOP tradition includes the statement to, “refuse any knee-jerk reaction” to the tragedy, which means, all consideration for sensible gun regulations are off the table.

Conservatives admire the compassion their beloved Republicans show the victims through their thoughts and prayers. But, conservatives admire their beloved Republicans even more for refusing to take any action to limit access to these weapons, useless for anything but mass murder when in the hands of the general public.

The empty thoughts and prayers of the congressional Republicans do, however, prove God’s plan, He will NOT intervene in the man-made crisis of gun violence currently plaguing this nation.

To most prayers of Christians, His answer MUST be a firm “No”. Because, these prayers are self serving, based in greed, hatred, fear, and weakness and ask for help and/or guidance for which the individuals should be looking deep within themselves.

Gun violence has been created by ourselves, and in His refusal to solve our self made problem, God is forcing the congressional Republicans to save lives or serve those who advocate killing and the unwarranted need for weapons of mass murder to remain in the hands of those who are violent and hate-filled.

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