Repackaged socialism & the politics of resentment | Justin Amash | The Reason Interview


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Justin Amash, one of THE most fiscally and constitutional conservatives we've ever had in congress. Now he's running for the senate.
In the video, he discusses several different issues. The point is to show how an actual conservative can/will dismiss the political rhetoric and focus squarely on the job and limits of the job. As a politician, many members of congress, and all presidents for the last several decades have ignored the constitution in many cases.

This is the guy who was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to balance the budget.

@10:50 He sort of outlines the difference between Republicans and conservatives. The whole interview is good. Especially how & why the freedom caucus came to light. And what killed the reason for it's existence.
Justin Amash, one of THE most fiscally and constitutional conservatives we've ever had in congress. Now he's running for the senate.
In the video, he discusses several different issues. The point is to show how an actual conservative can/will dismiss the political rhetoric and focus squarely on the job and limits of the job. As a politician, many members of congress, and all presidents for the last several decades have ignored the constitution in many cases.

This is the guy who was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to balance the budget.

@10:50 He sort of outlines the difference between Republicans and conservatives. The whole interview is good. Especially how & why the freedom caucus came to light. And what killed the reason for it's existence.

Intelligent guy, but I doubt anyone will take the time to watch all the video like I did.

Intelligent guy, but I doubt anyone will take the time to watch all the video like I did.

I'm gonna watch a little of it,, will see if I get the whole thing tonight,

one good thing is it shows there are still people out there fighting the good fight and not sitting on their asses casting a party vote and making money,,

think about how many reps we never hear their names??
I'm gonna watch a little of it,, will see if I get the whole thing tonight,

one good thing is it shows there are still people out there fighting the good fight and not sitting on their asses casting a party vote and making money,,

think about how many reps we never hear their names??

It's guys like him that taught me the difference between Republicans and conservatives.
Intelligent guy, but I doubt anyone will take the time to watch all the video like I did.

Agreed. Most of the folks on this forum have the view that Palestinians are now sub-human animals, and aren't worth listening to anymore.

"Justin Amash was born on April 18, 1980, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the second of three sons born to Arab Christian parents who had immigrated to the United States. His father, Attallah Amash, is a Palestinian Christian whose family lived in Ramla until they were forcibly expelled by Israeli soldiers during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[7]"
Justin Amash, one of THE most fiscally and constitutional conservatives we've ever had in congress. Now he's running for the senate.
In the video, he discusses several different issues. The point is to show how an actual conservative can/will dismiss the political rhetoric and focus squarely on the job and limits of the job. As a politician, many members of congress, and all presidents for the last several decades have ignored the constitution in many cases.

This is the guy who was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to balance the budget.

@10:50 He sort of outlines the difference between Republicans and conservatives. The whole interview is good. Especially how & why the freedom caucus came to light. And what killed the reason for it's existence.

Balancing the budget when a nation has a modern, sovereign fiat currency only creates a recession. You're taking money out of the private sector and people's savings when the private sector is in the red or lacks money to invest. If this fiscally conservative politician wants to defund social programs like Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, then I hope he never gets elected. How "fiscally conservative" is he when it comes to military spending?

When I was a Unit Supply Specialist in the US Army, back in the early 90s, we were paying $80 for a screwdriver that cost $10.00 in the local hardware store. Same screwdriver, Made In China. We used to laugh at that, but it's really not funny. It's sad.

There's way too much cronyism in our government. We need to clean house.
Balancing the budget when a nation has a modern, sovereign fiat currency only creates a recession. You're taking money out of the private sector and people's savings when the private sector is in the red or lacks money to invest. If this fiscally conservative politician wants to defund social programs like Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, then I hope he never gets elected. How "fiscally conservative" is he when it comes to military spending?

When I was a Unit Supply Specialist in the US Army, back in the early 90s, we were paying $80 for a screwdriver that cost $10.00 in the local hardware store. Same screwdriver, Made In China. We used to laugh at that, but it's really not funny. It's sad.

There's way too much cronyism in our government. We need to clean house.

If the Federal Reserve were to withdraw money from the economy, they wouldn't be taking money from anyone. They wouldn't be stopping loans that banks can give. So it wouldn't be causing a recession. Not even close. In fact, it would help the economy. Inflation is simply too much money in the economy. And when politicians like Biden and Trump borrow and dump trillions into it, they create inflation. Inflation causes recessions.

Amash, like most conservatives, believe that our military should be just big enough to defend this country.

Amash isn't real concerned with SS & Medicare. He knows those programs are extremely expensive. But also inefficient. Correcting the value of the USD would help these programs. Amash wants to cut unnecessary spending first. The pork that goes into all those omnibus bills, that add up to trillions (over a decade or so)
Cut what's not needed first. Then go from there.
Balancing the budget when a nation has a modern, sovereign fiat currency only creates a recession. You're taking money out of the private sector and people's savings when the private sector is in the red or lacks money to invest. If this fiscally conservative politician wants to defund social programs like Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, then I hope he never gets elected. How "fiscally conservative" is he when it comes to military spending?

When I was a Unit Supply Specialist in the US Army, back in the early 90s, we were paying $80 for a screwdriver that cost $10.00 in the local hardware store. Same screwdriver, Made In China. We used to laugh at that, but it's really not funny. It's sad.
Agreed. Most of the folks on this forum have the view that Palestinians are now sub-human animals, and aren't worth listening to anymore.

"Justin Amash was born on April 18, 1980, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the second of three sons born to Arab Christian parents who had immigrated to the United States. His father, Attallah Amash, is a Palestinian Christian whose family lived in Ramla until they were forcibly expelled by Israeli soldiers during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[7]"

Can you really blame folks, when "Palestinians" (which didn't exist till 1965 BTW) killed and burned a 74 year old woman who spent her days helping them get proper medical care. And that was just one of many atrocities these "fine people" committed on 7 Oct when they attacked a music festival put on by Peace Activist. People who were actually sympathetic to the "Palestinian" cause. Personally I think calling them sub-human animals, is being unkind to sub-human animals. We all know the propaganda these "fine people" are raised with from birth. I can't defend them in any manner.

If the Federal Reserve were to withdraw money from the economy, they wouldn't be taking money from anyone. They wouldn't be stopping loans that banks can give. So it wouldn't be causing a recession. Not even close. In fact, it would help the economy. Inflation is simply too much money in the economy. And when politicians like Biden and Trump borrow and dump trillions into it, they create inflation. Inflation causes recessions.
You're trying to 'splain real economics to a commie....It doesn't compute.
Amash, like most conservatives, believe that our military should be just big enough to defend this country.

Amash isn't real concerned with SS & Medicare. He knows those programs are extremely expensive. But also inefficient. Correcting the value of the USD would help these programs. Amash wants to cut unnecessary spending first. The pork that goes into all those omnibus bills, that add up to trillions (over a decade or so)
Cut what's not needed first. Then go from there.
You do realize that you can get scads of populist types -probably enough to start winning- on board with this kind of program, don't you?
Can you really blame folks, when "Palestinians" (which didn't exist till 1965 BTW) killed and burned a 74 year old woman who spent her days helping them get proper medical care. And that was just one of many atrocities these "fine people" committed on 7 Oct when they attacked a music festival put on by Peace Activist. People who were actually sympathetic to the "Palestinian" cause. Personally I think calling them sub-human animals, is being unkind to sub-human animals. We all know the propaganda these "fine people" are raised with from birth. I can't defend them in any manner.

Individuals are responsible for their behavior, and their behavior alone.

You cannot blame others for things they did not commit.

All you need do, is search for any of IM2's threads, whining, that 'wippo' owe every black person in this nation reparations money because of their collective "white guilt." It is the same type of thinking. . . and disgusting juvenile thinking is what it is.

I have no problem with Israel finding members of Hamas and making war upon them, none at all.

. . . but? Using as an excuse to kill innocent elderly, women and children, the events of Oct. 7th? Nope, only monsters and bloodthirsty fools who don't know what logical fallacies are, would do such things. . . you know, like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler, those types of people. :rolleyes:
Individuals are responsible for their behavior, and their behavior alone.

You cannot blame others for things they did not commit.

All you need do, is search for any of IM2's threads, whining, that 'wippo' owe every black person in this nation reparations money because of their collective "white guilt." It is the same type of thinking. . . and disgusting juvenile thinking is what it is.

I have no problem with Israel finding members of Hamas and making war upon them, none at all.

. . . but? Using as an excuse to kill innocent elderly, women and children, the events of Oct. 7th? Nope, only monsters and bloodthirsty fools who don't know what logical fallacies are, would do such things. . . you know, like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler, those types of people. :rolleyes:

You last paragraph described Hamas and most "Palestinians" perfectly. Israel can no longer afford band aid actions. They have to root out the rot, what ever it takes. Your "fine people" are using innocents as human shields, but that can't prevent Israel from doing what they have to do. Otherwise, this will never end.

Justin Amash, one of THE most fiscally and constitutional conservatives we've ever had in congress. Now he's running for the senate.
In the video, he discusses several different issues. The point is to show how an actual conservative can/will dismiss the political rhetoric and focus squarely on the job and limits of the job. As a politician, many members of congress, and all presidents for the last several decades have ignored the constitution in many cases.

This is the guy who was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to balance the budget.

@10:50 He sort of outlines the difference between Republicans and conservatives. The whole interview is good. Especially how & why the freedom caucus came to light. And what killed the reason for it's existence.

We need more like him, for sure.
Can you really blame folks, when "Palestinians" (which didn't exist till 1965 BTW) killed and burned a 74 year old woman who spent her days helping them get proper medical care. And that was just one of many atrocities these "fine people" committed on 7 Oct when they attacked a music festival put on by Peace Activist. People who were actually sympathetic to the "Palestinian" cause. Personally I think calling them sub-human animals, is being unkind to sub-human animals. We all know the propaganda these "fine people" are raised with from birth. I can't defend them in any manner.

There were thousands of Palestinians working in Arabia in 1950. I was there.
You last paragraph described Hamas and most "Palestinians" perfectly. Israel can no longer afford band aid actions. They have to root out the rot, what ever it takes. Your "fine people" are using innocents as human shields, but that can't prevent Israel from doing what they have to do. Otherwise, this will never end.

Israel doesn't want it to end.

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