The Church of Euthanasia


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Church encourages members to commit sodomy, abortion

8 out of 10 on the weird stuff-o-meter. :)

"The Church of Euthanasia (CoE) encourages its members to commit suicide, engage in sodomy, cannibalism and abortion.

According to its website (, the church is “a non-profit foundation devoted to restoring balance between humans and the remaining species on earth.”
They, therefore, discourage multiplying with one guiding commandment: “Thou shalt not procreate”.

The church’s headquarters is registered in Boston, Massachusetts in the U.S.

The following’s an excerpt obtained from the mysterious church’s website, briefly detailing its history.

“The Church of Euthanasia was inspired by dream, in which Rev. Chris Korda (founder) confronted an alien intelligence known as the being who speaks for the inhabitants of earth in other dimensions.”

“The being warned that our planet’s ecosystem is failing and that our leaders deny this. The being asked why our leaders lie to us and why so many believe these lies. Rev. Korda awoke from the dream moaning the church’s infamous slogan, save the planet – kill yourself.”

The church further claims that the world’s strings of catastrophes are products of the ever-growing human population, which it says should be reduced.

“Every aspect of the deepening global environmental crisis, including climate change, poisoning of the water and atmosphere, reduction of biodiversity and topsoil erosion, directly results from the over-abundance of a single species: homo sapiens.”

Adding: “It is for these practical reasons, as well as moral ones, that Euthanasians support only voluntary forms of population reduction, including suicide, free abortion and sodomy, which they define as many sexual act not intended for procreation.”

They are also fiercely vegetarian and support cannibalism for those who insist on eating flesh."

Hesitatingly visiting their website (NSFW or really anywhere else,) contains nudity and sexual things most will be uncomfortable with. Dunno whether to think of this as a crazy thing some guy made to legitimize his sexual kinks or a dangerous cult that needs watching.

"10. How many members are there?

The Church has thousands of official members who've formally taken the vow on non-procreation, plus clergy, directors, and thousands more "e-members" and supporters around the world. "
Why don't they all commit suicide, that will help save the planet of lunatics. They should not be a non profit organization.
Sounds like a church that all far left drones should join, but I doubt they could leave their far left church and scriptures for anything else. So maybe they will just absorb this church into their religion..
Hey now, this is their religion. We all should be tolerant of divinely-inspired revelation from a god. ;)
They can worship how where and what they may. Doesn't mean I have to be involved in their lives.
Do they wear "special" underwear? No? Then they're not very high up on the loony meter.
Their informational flyers must read: Act now! For a limited time only! Join the Church of Euthanasia! No long term contract required!
Do they wear "special" underwear? No? Then they're not very high up on the loony meter.

While it's true magic underwear bumps them up the weirdness meter, it's not unprecedented. Jews wear funny clothes too and you can see our's. :)
Church encourages members to commit sodomy, abortion

8 out of 10 on the weird stuff-o-meter. :)

"The Church of Euthanasia (CoE) encourages its members to commit suicide, engage in sodomy, cannibalism and abortion.

According to its website (, the church is “a non-profit foundation devoted to restoring balance between humans and the remaining species on earth.”
They, therefore, discourage multiplying with one guiding commandment: “Thou shalt not procreate”.

The church’s headquarters is registered in Boston, Massachusetts in the U.S.

The following’s an excerpt obtained from the mysterious church’s website, briefly detailing its history.

“The Church of Euthanasia was inspired by dream, in which Rev. Chris Korda (founder) confronted an alien intelligence known as the being who speaks for the inhabitants of earth in other dimensions.”

“The being warned that our planet’s ecosystem is failing and that our leaders deny this. The being asked why our leaders lie to us and why so many believe these lies. Rev. Korda awoke from the dream moaning the church’s infamous slogan, save the planet – kill yourself.”

The church further claims that the world’s strings of catastrophes are products of the ever-growing human population, which it says should be reduced.

“Every aspect of the deepening global environmental crisis, including climate change, poisoning of the water and atmosphere, reduction of biodiversity and topsoil erosion, directly results from the over-abundance of a single species: homo sapiens.”

Adding: “It is for these practical reasons, as well as moral ones, that Euthanasians support only voluntary forms of population reduction, including suicide, free abortion and sodomy, which they define as many sexual act not intended for procreation.”

They are also fiercely vegetarian and support cannibalism for those who insist on eating flesh."

Hesitatingly visiting their website (NSFW or really anywhere else,) contains nudity and sexual things most will be uncomfortable with. Dunno whether to think of this as a crazy thing some guy made to legitimize his sexual kinks or a dangerous cult that needs watching.

"10. How many members are there?

The Church has thousands of official members who've formally taken the vow on non-procreation, plus clergy, directors, and thousands more "e-members" and supporters around the world. "

Why would there be a church for youth in Asia? :dunno:

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