The Cause of Liberal/Marxist Insanity Identified!


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
They have Baader-Meinhof Syndrome. It a actual psychological disorder named after some violent Marxists. (The truth is, most of us Sane People have already recognized the problem but we refer to it as Trump Derangement Syndrome....and some of the more polite of the Sane People simply say the affected patients "live in a Bubble" such as in Washington, New York or San Francisco--where they will encounter no one except other similarly affected patients who will confirm each other's delusory notions.)

"People who developed the Baader-Meinhof illusion are in a permanent search for additional evidence of their illusion. This is very similar to drug addiction. Without another dose of news confirming an idea, event, or dogma, these people feel very uncomfortable. Moreover, of course, any facts that contradict such an idea or event are discarded as superfluous."


"The accusation that Trump is Putin's puppet was the rather loud and unexpected idea in 2016 that quickly found supporters suffering from a mental Baader-Meinhof syndrome. For more than two years, the left-wing disinformation media have expertly fed the public with new daily "confirmations" of this idea. As the long-playing ozone hole saga showed, patients suffering from the illusion that Trump is the Kremlin's marionette will not get rid of this psychological state anytime soon."


Oh you mean like Trump always looking for self gratification by telling himself what a great job he is doing and only wanting people around him that repeat his self adulation.
There is no such animal as a liberal Marxist...Like saying he is a conservative Marxist, makes no damn sense if you have any knowledge of a little thing called political science and not a degree from the university of echo chamber..
"People who developed the Baader-Meinhof illusion are in a permanent search for additional evidence of their illusion. This is very similar to drug addiction. Without another dose of news confirming an idea, event, or dogma, these people feel very uncomfortable. Moreover, of course, any facts that contradict such an idea or event are discarded as superfluous."
The affliction that infects both ends of the political spectrum.
What kind or affliction makes people post pseudo-psychological hogwash on message boards?
There is no such animal as a liberal Marxist...Like saying he is a conservative Marxist, makes no damn sense if you have any knowledge of a little thing called political science and not a degree from the university of echo chamber..
You can have more degrees than a thermometer and be dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties. You lefties are so impressed with college degrees. Most of us that actually work for a living are impressed with results and accomplishments. Big difference.
"People who developed the Baader-Meinhof illusion are in a permanent search for additional evidence of their illusion. This is very similar to drug addiction. Without another dose of news confirming an idea, event, or dogma, these people feel very uncomfortable. Moreover, of course, any facts that contradict such an idea or event are discarded as superfluous."
The affliction that infects both ends of the political spectrum.

I agree that, at first glance, one would expect every American to be equally at risk of catching the disease. All of us are, at one time or the other tricked into believing something that's not true...because we want to believe it.

But in the case of Liberals/Marxists:

1) Their IIlness is so effectively fed by the New York Pravda Media, that the addiction takes hold in many more and with more compelling effects.

2) Liberal/Marxists, particularly in New England/NewYork are already convinced that they are morally and intellectually superior to anyone in the Heartland, so they are more susceptible to the malady to begin with. They are so sure they are right to begin with, there is no need to even hear contrary opinions---i.e. in Liberals/Marxists the disease feeds on itself.
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What kind or affliction makes people post pseudo-psychological hogwash on message boards?

Disgust, Anger, Contempt---at what is being done to the greatest country/society so far established in the Human Experience.
What kind or affliction makes people post pseudo-psychological hogwash on message boards?

Disgust, Anger, Contempt---at what is being done to the greatest country/society so far established in the Human Experience.
Yeah Trump does that to people. If you aren't totally unreasonably angry he has no use for you.
What kind or affliction makes people post pseudo-psychological hogwash on message boards?

Disgust, Anger, Contempt---at what is being done to the greatest country/society so far established in the Human Experience.
Yeah Trump does that to people. If you aren't totally unreasonably angry he has no use for you.
When have Trumpster mobs broken windows, burned cars, pepper sprayed innocent onlookers, and/or destroyed completely peaceful trash cans?

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