The bottom half of Manchinema, Kyrsten Sinema Hits A Record 8% Approval Rating

Waving flags around does not make you traitorous or racist.

It's free speech, dunce.
Right, of course it does.

You use that word in a broad sense, labeling everyone there, from the capitol building to the national mall, as "attackers."

The great majority of them were protesting peacefully while a scant few launched an "attack."

Put the broad brush down if you expect me to answer your questions.
No dunce, you must come from a non-English speaking country, as you have a terrible grasp of the language.

Why are you lumping in all the peaceful attendees in w/the clear attackers who stormed the building?

Are you really this stupid? You're a Nepotism Doocy supporter, aren't you?
So why were they running around waving that traitorous Confederate flag as they lay siege to our Capitol dunce?
Can you tell us WHO the "they" is you refer to ? Can you cite them by name ? (like I can cite by name the leftist agent provacateurs, who were egging them on-and maybe were also provacateur waving the confederate flag).

PS- the confederate flag is not necessarily traitorous. It can represent things other than Jefferson Davis government. It can represent just self defense from invasion.
So why were they running around waving that traitorous Confederate flag as they lay siege to our Capitol dunce?
It was a protest that turned violent yet was over in less than a day and Congress was in session the very next day. The term "siege" denotes something that has ZERO to do with what took place in Washington DC on January 6th! It's telling how you on the left need to make this something that it never was.
Dunce, are you willing to bet your membership on this site if I provide the link you asked for?

Simple yes or no. I'll take your non-answer as your recognition that you've been defeated.
You weren't asked to provide a Link that can be provided by a chimpanzee such as yourself.
Discuss your bullshit as though you read the news every day.
All you do all day is parrot what other people report.
Right, of course it does.

No dunce, you must come from a non-English speaking country, as you have a terrible grasp of the language.

Why are you lumping in all the peaceful attendees in w/the clear attackers who stormed the building?

Are you really this stupid? You're a Nepotism Doocy supporter, aren't you?

You have nothing coherent left to say, do you?

You're the one who drew the inference. The FBI and DOJ already are.
Right, of course it does.

No dunce, you must come from a non-English speaking country, as you have a terrible grasp of the language.

Why are you lumping in all the peaceful attendees in w/the clear attackers who stormed the building?

Are you really this stupid? You're a Nepotism Doocy supporter, aren't you?
Yet you don't give a shit about Blacks burning down city blocks.
Dunce, are you willing to bet your membership on this site if I provide the link you asked for?

Simple yes or no. I'll take your non-answer as your recognition that you've been defeated.
I take that post as recognition that YOU have been defeated. You still haven't provided the link I asked for. Beginning to look like you don't have anything. No proper names of billionaire supporters.

Allow me to show you how it's done >>

It appears that some key players in the organization and execution of the January 6 terrorist “Insurrection” may have been Deep-State operatives working for the FBI or various other US intelligence agencies that day. Among these men were Stewart Rhodes, who founded the patriot group Oath Keepers, and Ray Epps, president of the Arizona chapter.

Others were >>
Water Masterson, Peter Scattini, Crackhead Barney & friends.

BOMBSHELL: Leftists Infiltrated 1/6 Protests Disguised As Pro-Trump Reporters While Working With Democrat News Outlets - National File

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO) - Survive the News

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) - Survive the News

It Wasn’t Just the FBI – The Capitol Police Also Had at Least 3 Operatives Planted Inside the Jan. 6 Trump Protests - Survive the News
Gee, TT...I thought we were all putting out our "bona fides"! Isn't this the part where you try to convince us all how intellectual the left is?
Nope. Don't even know where you got that idea from me.

I'll give you this: right now, left wingers seem a tad smarter than right wingers these days. Do with that information what you will.
Do you even know what ad hominem means moron?

Hint. THAT was an ad hominem
I do and you post them like you breath.
Try adding a bit of fact to a post once in a while.
If you don't like where you live, move to NYC and get pushed into an oncoming train by a mentally ill Black thug.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience.
Yep, she's on a roll folks...straight DOWN that is.

Is she going to run again, or she's going to do the expected money grab and cut and run to work directly for her donors?
Neither of them won by appealing to Demorats. Sinemas appealed to the independents and centralist Democrats and some Republicans. She earned my respect I will be donating to her campaign.

Manchin is in a red state he won by appealing to Republicans.

Please primary both of them with leftist. Arizona will go red (like it will got this year) and WV will have a Republican then!
Nope. Don't even know where you got that idea from me.

I'll give you this: right now, left wingers seem a tad smarter than right wingers these days. Do with that information what you will.
Yeah...that AOC is a beacon of intellect all right, TT! I'm still trying to figure out how she managed to graduate from BU with a degree in Economics yet doesn't seem to grasp Economic fundamentals you learn in Macro and Micro Econ 101!

There is a reason why everything this Administration touches turns to shit and it's NOT because of their innate brilliance! To be blunt...I don't think whoever is pulling Biden's strings is capable of running a lemonade stand let alone the United States of America!
Neither of them won by appealing to Demorats. Sinemas appealed to the independents and centralist Democrats and some Republicans. She earned my respect I will be donating to her campaign.

Manchin is in a red state he won by appealing to Republicans.

Please primary both of them with leftist. Arizona will go red (like it will got this year) and WV will have a Republican then!
Now, now, you're expecting Marc to actually know the context of the person he's insulting.

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