The Blame Bush Era May Be Over


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Over the past week I have seen far left liberal after far left liberal harp on the failures and mishaps of the Bush Administration, in lieu of any position on the recent developments on Benghazi. Examples include my talking points thread, which now as we speak contains liberal epithets and screeds against him. I didn't like the man as a president personally, but he is a respectable guy otherwise, and he was at least a modicum better as a president than Obama has been. America is moving on, as it should.

President George W. Bush left the White House as one of the most disliked presidents in our nation’s history. With approval ratings struggling to hit 30 percent, he was an albatross hanging over fellow Republican John McCain during the 2008 presidential election. Even four years later, as President Obama ran for re-election, the majority of voters thought Bush was more responsible for economic problems in the United States than Obama.But over the past year, polling data has begun to suggest that Bush is no longer quite the liability he once was for the GOP, and that most Americans no longer see the current economy as something Obama inherited.

Since April, Bush’s favorable rating has averaged 49.3 percent. His unfavorable rating has averaged 46.3 percent. More Americans now like Bush than dislike him. Of course, 49.3 percent is far lower than Jimmy Carter’s 58 percent favorability rating, recorded in April 2013, but Bush has seen a moderate improvement over the past four years. In his last weeks in office, Bush’s favorable rating averaged just 37.3 percent; his unfavorable rating averaged 57.8 percent.

Moreover, the percentage who believe that Obama inherited the nation’s current economic conditions has dipped below 50 percent for the first time. According to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, it’s just 46 percent of Americans. Although that’s only one poll, it’s far beyond the prior low of 56 percent recorded by the NBC survey. And nearly 50 percent is not that low considering that Obama has been in the Oval Office for more than five years. The percentage who believe Obama is responsible is also at an all-time high: 39 percent in the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.
The ?Blame Bush? Era May Be at an End | FiveThirtyEight
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As evidenced by Condi Rice's backing out of her commencement speech, Shrub's guilt is far from over. History is recorded by those in power. The only way Shrub gets off the hook, is if cons manage to destroy education, and turn America into a bunch of ignorant sheep.
As evidenced by Condi Rice's backing out of her commencement speech, Shrub's guilt is far from over. History is recorded by those in power. The only way Shrub gets off the hook, is if cons manage to destroy education, and turn America into a bunch of ignorant sheep.


So now it's Condi Rice's fault?

As evidenced by Condi Rice's backing out of her commencement speech, Shrub's guilt is far from over. History is recorded by those in power. The only way Shrub gets off the hook, is if cons manage to destroy education, and turn America into a bunch of ignorant sheep.

Not only is the way Condi was treated RACIST; but misogynistic as well.

Oh.... My bad.

it's only racist or misogynistic when it's a dimocrap scumbag that's treated insensitively, right?

Democrats will NEVER stop blaming others for their failures. It's genetic.

Are you stupid or a stupid liar? Seriously, such dishonesty is so blatant even someone stupid must on some level know making such a statement as DS posted is beyond absurd, beyond ridiculous and in the realm of insanity.

History can be changed but only that history which occurred before those who live it have all died. It seems the Ministry of Truth (for those ignorant, that is where Winston Smith was employed in the Novel "1984") and where PoliticalChic aspires to secure future employment, has become a mainstay for members on the far right; many are liars, most are simply too stupid to do some background research on the lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations of Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest of the media demagogues and charlatans, as well as PoliticalChic and other fellow travelers on the New Right.
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no way!!!

it's still too early to criticize obama!!

what are you some kind of racist or something????
As evidenced by Condi Rice's backing out of her commencement speech, Shrub's guilt is far from over. History is recorded by those in power. The only way Shrub gets off the hook, is if cons manage to destroy education, and turn America into a bunch of ignorant sheep.
That there is funny.
"Destroy education"? What do you think the LIB (couch) 'educators' in the Liberal Indoctrination Centres' all belonging to unions which protect incompetent teachers, have been doing for the last couple of generations.
Kids are 'streamed' through schools by teachers most of whom don't know whether a duck is a bird themselves. Kids leave high school who can't read or write. But b/c the LIB teachers have taught the kids 'everyone deserves a trophy' the kids can't comprehend why they can't roll up to a business and get a secure job paying 80K a year working in the mail-room.
Ever heard the expression: "the education system is broken"? Well it fucking is and it's the fucking nit-wit LIBs who broke it. Wake the fuck up pal.
As evidenced by Condi Rice's backing out of her commencement speech, Shrub's guilt is far from over. History is recorded by those in power. The only way Shrub gets off the hook, is if cons manage to destroy education, and turn America into a bunch of ignorant sheep.

Jerks like you disrespect a President of the United States but scream, rant, and holler when anyone does the same to your idol. :evil:
As evidenced by Condi Rice's backing out of her commencement speech, Shrub's guilt is far from over. History is recorded by those in power. The only way Shrub gets off the hook, is if cons manage to destroy education, and turn America into a bunch of ignorant sheep.

Jerks like you disrespect a President of the United States but scream, rant, and holler when anyone does the same to your idol. :evil:

lol good point; call the Affordable Care Act "Obamacare" and left-wing nutjobs will go crazy; even call you racist even though obama himself said he didnt mind the term

but they can call people "shrub" and all kinds of things and nobody is supposed to say anything

libs are pathetic crybabies and hypocrites
Encourage the Lefties to keep on blaming Dubya, particularly for those things which are clearly laid at the feet of Obama.

It has already become a joke and satire to even those who are so politically apathetic and ignorant to be unable to name the Vice President or the Senate and House Leaders.

The more they deny any responsibility for their own leadership's actions, the more common, apathetic people will not trust their holding office in the future.

Hell, ObamaCare is the Gift that just won't quit giving! The last thing we want is to repeal it, it will utterly destroy the Democratic Party if left in place for a Decade.

The same thing holds with "BlameBush"!

Bush envisioned himself as leaving his mark as a great President

Once 9-11 happened, Bush had his opportunity to mark his greatness. His War on Terror would mark his presidency. Bush looked to reshape the Middle East in his image.

Instead of greatness, Bush created blunder after blunder. He knew how to invade, but didn't have a clue what to do once he took over. He rolled through Afghanistan and drove back the Taliban. But then allowed Bin Laden to escape. At that point, he abandoned the war on terrorism to invade Iraq
He lied about the urgency to invade Iraq and launched an invasion before all the facts were in. The Bush view of Iraq was once he had taken Tehran and Saddam was captured, the war was over. We would be treated as liberators, set up a Western Democracy and have a solid ally in the region
Bush completely misread the situation, allowed a Civil War to take hold and led 5000 Americans to an unnecessary death

History will not be kind to Bush
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/reads the headline

Why? Is he in prison?

None of the damage he's done could have possibly been eradicated, so no. He will always and forever be responsible for the horrific damage he did.

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