Huge Pew Poll


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Repeat after me, dims.......


It's starting to wear on people. Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, tapping the phones of AP reporters, tapping James Rosen's and even his MOTHER'S Telephones, Eric Himmler held in CRIMINAL Contempt of Congress, the abortion called OBAMACARE, Solyndra, Executive Orders over-riding actual LAW, hacking Sharyl Atkisson's computer...... And those are just the few I can think of right now.


Pew Poll: Huge Majority of Americans Want Next President To Change Obama’s Policies…



Via Washington Examiner:

Almost two-thirds of Americans want the next president to offer a change from the policies of President Obama, according to a new Pew poll out Monday.

The results show Obama’s in a second-term slump nearly as deep as that experience by former President George W. Bush, and are likely to be bad news for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or any other possible Democratic contender in 2016.

The April 23-27 survey of 1,501 adults nationwide found that 65 percent wanted the next president to have different programs or policies from those of the Obama administration, versus 30 percent who wanted similar ones.
Just noticed..... This survey was taken BEFORE the latest disclosure about the LIES from the regime.

You guys are gonna get HAMMERED in November.

You'll be lucky to not lose 15 Senate seats. Which is my max guess.

After the latest disclosure of lies about Benghazi?

I may have to re-examine my predictions.

For now, I'm going to predict between 12 and 17 Senate Seats we take.

For now.

For now
We expect to lose the Senate. Big deal, that's normal, and they can't do anything regardless. They can't get past Obama and he can't get past them. Gridlock as normal.
Americans get bored easily. 8 years of Reagan plus 4 years of Bush gave us Clinton, who promised something new. 8 years of Bush gave us Obama, who promised something new. 8 years of Obama will get us Pres Cruz or somesuch, because he will promise something new.
Americans get bored easily. 8 years of Reagan plus 4 years of Bush gave us Clinton, who promised something new. 8 years of Bush gave us Obama, who promised something new. 8 years of Obama will get us Pres Cruz or somesuch, because he will promise something new.
Or President Clinton2 in this case, if the right gets really stupid because they now own Congress.

What the American People want is someone to govern this mess. What they don't know is, no one can. It's no longer possible.
Americans get bored easily. 8 years of Reagan plus 4 years of Bush gave us Clinton, who promised something new. 8 years of Bush gave us Obama, who promised something new. 8 years of Obama will get us Pres Cruz or somesuch, because he will promise something new.
Or President Clinton2 in this case, if the right gets really stupid because they now own Congress.

No, Hillary represents continuity with Obama. There is no way Hillary will win.
You say that as if you believe that our votes have anything to do with Dem elections.

They don't.
We expect to lose the Senate. Big deal, that's normal, and they can't do anything regardless. They can't get past Obama and he can't get past them. Gridlock as normal.

The goal is to stop him in his tracks in November----handcuff him, if you will. He can spend the following two years, giving speeches. He will have lost power to further the socialist agenda.
Americans get bored easily. 8 years of Reagan plus 4 years of Bush gave us Clinton, who promised something new. 8 years of Bush gave us Obama, who promised something new. 8 years of Obama will get us Pres Cruz or somesuch, because he will promise something new.
Or President Clinton2 in this case, if the right gets really stupid because they now own Congress.

No, Hillary represents continuity with Obama. There is no way Hillary will win.
Oh, I'd take that bet. Let's check back in a couple of years and see, especially is the GOP has Congress. Americans like a divided government.
We expect to lose the Senate. Big deal, that's normal, and they can't do anything regardless. They can't get past Obama and he can't get past them. Gridlock as normal.

The goal is to stop him in his tracks in November----handcuff him, if you will. He can spend the following two years, giving speeches. He will have lost power to further the socialist agenda.

He already has, he has since 2010. Hear any stories about "least effective congress in history" recently? Yeah, nothing is happening in congress, at all.

The only thing getting through congress right now is judicial nominations, which there are less then 80 openings as of right now. By 2015 they'll all be filled.

2015-2016 is going to be a dead session at the federal level outside the supreme court.
We expect to lose the Senate. Big deal, that's normal, and they can't do anything regardless. They can't get past Obama and he can't get past them. Gridlock as normal.

The goal is to stop him in his tracks in November----handcuff him, if you will. He can spend the following two years, giving speeches. He will have lost power to further the socialist agenda.
Do you think anything, anything at all has gotten done in the last two years? Do you not watch the news? And have you never heard of what a Lame Duck is? He's already lining up new golf dates. There's nothing else for him to do so don't worry your tiny little mind.
Americans get bored easily. 8 years of Reagan plus 4 years of Bush gave us Clinton, who promised something new. 8 years of Bush gave us Obama, who promised something new. 8 years of Obama will get us Pres Cruz or somesuch, because he will promise something new.

I disagree. Respectfully, of course :)

Republicans run, nine times out of ten, on a platform of fixing whatever it was that dimocraps fucked up.

Eisenhower ran against Truman's economy and Korea, Nixon ran against LBJ's economy and Viet Nam, Reagan ran against the peanut and... Well, just running against the peanut was enough... Bush ran against Clinton and his scandals. Also, our weakening Foreign Policy position on everything.

Republicans aren't into promising new stuff as a rule. We're usually running to fix what dimocraps fucked up. Which is literally -- Everything they touch.

dimocraps are a disaster.

People for got that because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM had them convinced that it was Clinton that made everything sizzle in the 90s, when the truth was -- It was Gingrich.

Mature people knew it but we had MILLIONS of people come of age during the Bush years and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM propagandized them into believing that he was the Devil incarnate.

So they voted for a lying scumbag of a dishonest faggot of a community agitator who is also an Anti-American piece of shit.

And here's what most of you don't get..... The SHIT that he's gotten done? The harm he's caused, the programs he's instituted, the regulations, the malaise, the hate, the divisiveness......?

I'm going to fucking explode at the next Republican that whines, "Can't we all just get along"

We need to aggressively tear down walls of hate and dvisiveness erected by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

We need to put CRIMINALS in prison. I'm talking about criminalizing politics, I'm talking about CRIMINALS who use politics to commit crimes and then hide behind that excuse.

Starting with Eric Holder. That piece of shit needs to go to prison for life. Period.

And Lois Lerner.

I'm not talking about bureaucrats who were 'just doing their job' (got Nurembourg?), I'm talking about the people who gave the orders.

If we get another Republican, if we get another George W or a Mittens that just wants to kiss ass and think that if we kiss their asses, they won't be as mean to us when they have power..... We're finished as a Country.

We might as well call ourselves The People's Republic of America because it's over.

It's our responsibility to wield the sword of power with authority, not to suck up to criminals who would stab this Country in the back at the first opportunity.

No.... Not 'would'..... 'Already have'
Americans get bored easily. 8 years of Reagan plus 4 years of Bush gave us Clinton, who promised something new. 8 years of Bush gave us Obama, who promised something new. 8 years of Obama will get us Pres Cruz or somesuch, because he will promise something new.

I disagree. Respectfully, of course :)

Republicans run, nine times out of ten, on a platform of fixing whatever it was that dimocraps fucked up.

Eisenhower ran against Truman's economy and Korea, Nixon ran against LBJ's economy and Viet Nam, Reagan ran against the peanut and... Well, just running against the peanut was enough... Bush ran against Clinton and his scandals. Also, our weakening Foreign Policy position on everything.

Republicans aren't into promising new stuff as a rule. We're usually running to fix what dimocraps fucked up. Which is literally -- Everything they touch.

dimocraps are a disaster.

People for got that because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM had them convinced that it was Clinton that made everything sizzle in the 90s, when the truth was -- It was Gingrich.

Mature people knew it but we had MILLIONS of people come of age during the Bush years and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM propagandized them into believing that he was the Devil incarnate.

So they voted for a lying scumbag of a dishonest faggot of a community agitator who is also an Anti-American piece of shit.

And here's what most of you don't get..... The SHIT that he's gotten done? The harm he's caused, the programs he's instituted, the regulations, the malaise, the hate, the divisiveness......?

I'm going to fucking explode at the next Republican that whines, "Can't we all just get along"

We need to aggressively tear down walls of hate and dvisiveness erected by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

We need to put CRIMINALS in prison. I'm talking about criminalizing politics, I'm talking about CRIMINALS who use politics to commit crimes and then hide behind that excuse.

Starting with Eric Holder. That piece of shit needs to go to prison for life. Period.

And Lois Lerner.

I'm not talking about bureaucrats who were 'just doing their job' (got Nurembourg?), I'm talking about the people who gave the orders.

If we get another Republican, if we get another George W or a Mittens that just wants to kiss ass and think that if we kiss their asses, they won't be as mean to us when they have power..... We're finished as a Country.

We might as well call ourselves The People's Republic of America because it's over.

It's our responsibility to wield the sword of power with authority, not to suck up to criminals who would stab this Country in the back at the first opportunity.

No.... Not 'would'..... 'Already have'

Maybe I wasn't clear. When I wrote the GOP promises new stuff I didnt mean they promise entitlements and free shit. Democrats do that. I meant that they promise a new approach, as you say to fix the shitstorm that Democrats have caused.
I dont think we disagree here.
We expect to lose the Senate. Big deal, that's normal, and they can't do anything regardless. They can't get past Obama and he can't get past them. Gridlock as normal.

The goal is to stop him in his tracks in November----handcuff him, if you will. He can spend the following two years, giving speeches. He will have lost power to further the socialist agenda.

Your posts may, or may not be, classroom material but your avatars often encourage the healthy heterosexual males among us to have marital relations with our wives.


is starting to wear

on the Far Right who are being marginalized by the Rover mainstream of the GoP
We expect to lose the Senate. Big deal, that's normal, and they can't do anything regardless. They can't get past Obama and he can't get past them. Gridlock as normal.

The goal is to stop him in his tracks in November----handcuff him, if you will. He can spend the following two years, giving speeches. He will have lost power to further the socialist agenda.
Let us hope.

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