Poisoned atmosphere


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The left have spent the last 4 years poisoning the political atmosphere. Making statements that corrode and destroy any chance for compromise or cooperation.

Statements like the Tea party are terrorists or worse then terrorists. Constantly claiming returning vets, those that disagree with Obama or that want smaller Government are criminals and terrorists.

These leads only one place. And we have seen that in action from the Senate where the Democrats absolutely refuse to work with the republicans and ignore legislation from the House. All supported by Obama.

We have seen it here on the board as well as the lefts mouth pieces all attack any one not accepting their interpretation of events as terrorists or unpatriotic.

The leaders of the democratic party waste no time denouncing Republicans as terrorists and criminals. Then bemoan when no one on the right will compromise with them.

This leads only one place. And sooner or later the left will go to far.
The left have spent the last 4 years poisoning the political atmosphere. Making statements that corrode and destroy any chance for compromise or cooperation.

Statements like the Tea party are terrorists or worse then terrorists. Constantly claiming returning vets, those that disagree with Obama or that want smaller Government are criminals and terrorists.

These leads only one place. And we have seen that in action from the Senate where the Democrats absolutely refuse to work with the republicans and ignore legislation from the House. All supported by Obama.

We have seen it here on the board as well as the lefts mouth pieces all attack any one not accepting their interpretation of events as terrorists or unpatriotic.

The leaders of the democratic party waste no time denouncing Republicans as terrorists and criminals. Then bemoan when no one on the right will compromise with them.

This leads only one place. And sooner or later the left will go to far.

You act like I agreed with the right prior to Obama. Rest assured that is not the case. Furthermore, this little battle cry for a civil war has occurred on and off years prior to his election. I'm not an Obama fan and I am not a Democrat.

That said, I'm a little tired of this intimidation tactic. So, bring it.
The left have spent the last 4 years poisoning the political atmosphere. Making statements that corrode and destroy any chance for compromise or cooperation.

Statements like the Tea party are terrorists or worse then terrorists. Constantly claiming returning vets, those that disagree with Obama or that want smaller Government are criminals and terrorists.

These leads only one place. And we have seen that in action from the Senate where the Democrats absolutely refuse to work with the republicans and ignore legislation from the House. All supported by Obama.

We have seen it here on the board as well as the lefts mouth pieces all attack any one not accepting their interpretation of events as terrorists or unpatriotic.

The leaders of the democratic party waste no time denouncing Republicans as terrorists and criminals. Then bemoan when no one on the right will compromise with them.

This leads only one place. And sooner or later the left will go to far.

I believe the polarization and demonization have been in play for decades but you are correct about the pendulum swing soon splintering the current Dem coalition.
Their centrists and extremists will reject each other once the cult of personality component (Obama) is gone.
The question, as has also been the case for decades, is which party will nominate the lessor-of-two-evils as their standard bearer?
Like many Repubs (or as the more strident refer to peeps like me, RINO) I already have rejected the racist cabal in our party, leaving us too weak to mount a viable conservative coalition.
Many Tea Partiers are every bit as extremist and negative toward compromise as the lefties you justifiably complain about.
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The left have spent the last 4 years poisoning the political atmosphere. Making statements that corrode and destroy any chance for compromise or cooperation.

Statements like the Tea party are terrorists or worse then terrorists. Constantly claiming returning vets, those that disagree with Obama or that want smaller Government are criminals and terrorists.

These leads only one place. And we have seen that in action from the Senate where the Democrats absolutely refuse to work with the republicans and ignore legislation from the House. All supported by Obama.

We have seen it here on the board as well as the lefts mouth pieces all attack any one not accepting their interpretation of events as terrorists or unpatriotic.

The leaders of the democratic party waste no time denouncing Republicans as terrorists and criminals. Then bemoan when no one on the right will compromise with them.

This leads only one place. And sooner or later the left will go to far.

Howz about winning an occasional Presidential or senatorial election :eusa_eh: :boohoo: FACE IT!!! Your side can't field any serious candidates and the voters know it & vote accordingly.
The "LEFT" is NOT the DEMS, lad.

Yes the left ARE the DEMS.


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